Excel Charts: A Complete Overview

What Is a Chart in Excel?

Charts in Excel serve as powerful tools for visually representing data. Whether you’re analyzing sales figures, tracking trends, or comparing different categories, Excel offers a variety of chart types to suit your needs.

Types of Charts in Excel

1. Column Chart (Vertical Bar Chart)

  • Categories are plotted on the horizontal axis, and values on the vertical axis.
  • Ideal for comparing different categories and their values.

column chart

2. Line Chart

  • Category data is evenly distributed on the horizontal (X) axis, while values are evenly distributed on the vertical (Y) axis.
  • Used to visualize trends over time.

line chart

3. Pie Chart

  • Displays one data series through slices of a pie, showing proportions or percentages.
  • Useful when you have a single data series with non-negative values.

pie chart

4. Bar Chart

  • Categories are plotted along a vertical axis, and values along the horizontal axis.
  • Allows easy comparison between individual items. Available in 2-D and 3-D formats.

bar chart

5. Area Chart

  • Combines features of a bar chart and a line chart.
  • Illustrates trends over time and total values across a trend.
  • Available in 3-D format as well.

area chart

6. Scatter Chart

  • Represents data points for two variables in a two-dimensional plane.
  • Each data point is a dot, scattered based on the variables’ values.
  • Add more data for better comparison.

scatter chart

7. Map Chart

  • Represents values and categories across geographical regions.
  • Requires region/country/state or postal code data.

map chart

8. Stock Chart

  • Displays stock price data (e.g., opening, closing, high, low, volume).
  • Helps analyze stock price fluctuations.


stock chart

9. Surface Chart

  • Three-dimensional chart showing relations among three data sets.
  • Uses topographic maps, colors, and patterns to highlight value ranges.

surface chart

10. Radar Chart

  • Compares multiple data series.
  • Axes radiate from a central point, connecting data points using lines and areas.

radar chart

11. Treemap Chart

  • Hierarchical view of data, useful for comparing different category levels.
  • Color-coded for clarity.
  • Available since Office 2016.

treemap chart

12. Sunburst Chart

  • Also displays hierarchical data.
  • Rings or circles represent hierarchy levels.
  • Available since Office 2016.

sunburst chart

13. Histogram Chart

  • A histogram chart displays the frequency distribution of data within a specified range.
  • Each column in the histogram represents a “bin,” which groups data points.
  • Available in newer versions of Excel (since Office 2016).


14. Box & Whisker Chart

  • Used to display data distribution into quartiles and highlight the mean.
  • Vertical lines (whiskers) extend from boxes to represent variability.
  • Available in newer versions of Excel (since Office 2016).

box and whisker chart

15. Waterfall Chart

  • Shows the running total of financial data.
  • Helps understand the impact of additions or subtractions on the total.
  • Color codes differentiate positive and negative data.
  • Available in newer versions of Excel (since Office 2016).

waterfall chart

16. Funnel Chart

  • Displays values across multiple levels in a process.
  • Shape resembles a funnel due to descending order of values.
  • Available in newer versions of Excel (since Office 2016).

funnel chart

17. Combo Chart

  • Combines different chart types for comprehensive data analysis.
  • Includes a secondary axis for better understanding.
  • Available in Excel 2013 and newer versions.

combo chart


Creating a Basic Chart in Excel

Suppose we have a dataset in the range B4:D10 that contains the yearly sales history of a company.

  • Select Your Data:
    • Highlight the data you want to use (B4:D10).

select chart data

  • Insert the Chart:
    • Go to the Insert tab.

    go to the insert tab

    • Go to the Charts group. charts group in insert tab
    • Click on the Insert Column icon. A drop-down will appear.
    • Select Clustered Column from the 2-D Column section.

selecting 2-d column chart

A Clustered Column will appear on the worksheet.

2-d column chart

Creating a chart using the Recommended Charts option

The ‘Recommended Charts’ option gives different types of charts based on your data.

  • Select your data > Insert tab > Recommended Charts from the Charts group.

using recommended chart option

  • Select the desired chart from the Insert Chart window and click on OK.

inserting recommended charts

Changing the Chart Layout and Style

  • To change the layout:
    • Select the chart and go to the Chart Design tab.
    • Click on Quick Layout and choose a desired layout.

change chart layout

After selecting the desired layout, the chart will automatically change.

chart after changing layout

  • To change the chart style:
    • Still in the Chart Design tab, select a style from the Chart Styles group.

chart styles under the chart design tab

After selecting a style, the chart will automatically update.chart after changing style

Adding, Changing or Removing Chart Elements

  • Excel charts consist of several elements, including axes, axis titles, chart titles, data tables, data labels, error bars, gridlines, legends, lines, trendlines, and up/down bars.
  • To add a chart element:
    • Click on the chart to activate it.
    • Go to the Chart Design tab.
    • Click the Chart Elements icon.
    • Choose the desired element (e.g., data table with legend keys).

selecting element from chart design tab

After that, you can see the chart with a data table.

chart with data table

  • When you select a chart, a plus icon appears on the top-right side. If you click on the plus icon, you will see the chart elements. You can select or deselect the elements to add or remove them.

add or remove chart element

  • Double-clicking the data table opens the Format Data Table pane for further customization.

format chart data table

You can also remove elements by selecting them and pressing the Delete key.

Switching Row and Column Data

  • Sometimes, you need to change how data is grouped in a chart.
  • To switch row/column data:
    • Select the chart.
    • Go to the Chart Design tab.
    • Choose Switch Row/Column from the Data group.

switch row/column of chart

    • This rearranges the data to show month-wise data within a year.

chart after switching row/column

Changing Chart Type

After creating a chart, you can change its type:

  • Select the chart.
  • Go to the Chart Design tab.
  • Click Change Chart Type in the Type group.

changing chart type

  • Select the desired chart type and click OK.

selecting different types of charts

Formatting Charts

Make your chart visually appealing:

  • Format Chart Axis:
    • Right-click the Y-axis and choose Format Axis.opening format axis option
  • The Format Axis pane will appear on the right side of the screen.

format axis pane

  • Adjust display units and tick marks (e.g., set units to hundreds and place tick marks inside).

changes in axis option

  • Repeat for the X-axis.

chart after changing axis option

You can also change the position of the labels and number system of the axis from the Format Axis pane.

changing axis label position and number system

2. Formatting the Chart Title

  • Click the chart title box and type your desired title.

adding chart title

After adding a title, the chart will look like this:result after adding chart title

  • Double-click the title to open the Format Chart Title pane.
  • Explore different title and text options.

filling chart title box with solid color

3. Formatting the Legend

  • Double-click the legend to open the Format Legend pane.

formatting legend in chart

  • Customize legend position (e.g., right).

result after formatting legend in chart

4. Formatting Data Label

Data labels provide essential information about your chart. Here’s how to format them in Excel:

  • Add Data Labels:
    • First, select your chart.
    • Click on the plus icon (Chart Elements) that appears near the chart.
    • Check the Data Labels option.
    • Now your chart displays data labels.

adding labels in chart

  • Customize Data Label Formatting:
    • Double-click on any data label to open the Format Data Labels pane.
    • In the pane, you’ll find various options tailored for data labels.
    • Let’s change the number formatting:
      • Go to the Number section.
      • In the Format Code box, type 0.0,”K” and click Add.

changing number format of labels

    • The data labels will now reflect the new format.

result after changing number format of labels

5. Format Data Series

Data series formatting enhances chart appearance. Follow these steps:

  • Double-Click on Data Series:
    • Double-click on the data series to open the Format Data Series pane.
    • Here, you can customize the series appearance.
    • For example, select a color from the options.

opening format data series option

    • After applying a new color, the chart will look like below.

result after changing data series fill color

  • Adjust Series Overlap:
    • You can also change the gaps between series:
      • Adjust the Series Overlap value.

    changing overlap series percentage

      • Increasing it to 0 will reduce gaps between series bars.
        result after changing overlap series percentage

6. Format Chart Area

Make your chart visually appealing by formatting the chart area:

  • Double-click on the chart area to open the Format Chart Area pane.
  • In the pane, select Solid Fill and change the fill color.

format chart area option

  • The chart area color will update accordingly.

result after formatting chart area

Moving a Chart

In Excel, there are times when you need to move the chart to a different sheet. You can do that using the Move Chart option. Follow the steps below to move a chart in Excel:

  • Select the chart to get the Chart Design option.
  • Click on the Move Chart option.move chart option
  • Select New sheet in the Move Chart box and click on OK.moving chart in a new sheet

As a result, the chart will be moved into a new sheet.

result after moving chart

You can also move the chart as an object on a different sheet. You need to select the second option from the Move Chart box and choose the desired worksheet.

moving chart to a specific sheet

Copying a Chart

While creating dashboards or reports, you need to copy a chart. You can copy a chart and paste it elsewhere. Follow the steps below to copy a chart:

  • Right-click on the chart and click on Copy from the context menu.

copy a chart in Excel

  • After that, go to your desired location/file and press Ctrl + V.

Here, we have pasted the chart into a new worksheet.

pasting a chart in a new sheet

Resizing a Chart

Resizing a chart is often necessary when you are working with a lot of data. You can resize the chart using the double-headed arrow. To resize a chart, follow the steps below:

  • Select the chart and place the cursor on the small circle of the chart. The cursor will change into a double-headed arrow.
  • You can then drag the cursor to decrease or increase the chart size.resizing chart with mouse
  • You can also resize the chart using the Format tab.
  • Click on the chart and the Format tab will appear.
  • You can resize the chart from the Size group.

resizing chart from the Format tab

Filtering Chart in Excel

Filtering a chart can help you visualize a specific amount of data in Excel. To filter a chart, you can follow the steps below:

  • Select the chart and click on the Filter icon.filter icon on chart
  • You can check/uncheck Series and Categories from the filter options. Here, we unchecked April and May from the Categories section.
  • After that, click on Apply.filter options for chart

After applying the filter, the chart will show the selected data.

chart after applying filter

Keeping Charts Up to Date

Sometimes, after creating a chart, we need to add new data to the chart. In that case, the chart doesn’t update the data automatically. For example, if we add the data for July to the chart, the chart doesn’t update the data.

chart not updating new data

To keep charts up to date, you can follow the steps below:

  • Select the chart area and the chart data will be selected automatically.
  • Adjust the chart data range using the double-headed arrow.adding new data to chart

The chart will show the new data.

chart after updating new data

Tips: Before creating a chart, you can convert the chart data range into a table and then, create a chart using the data. This way the new data will automatically be updated in the chart.

How to Select the Best Chart in Excel

There are many types of charts in Excel. To select the best type of chart, you need to understand what type of data you are working with. You need to keep the following things in mind while selecting the chart:

  1. Understand the data.
  2. What you need to show with your chart.
  3. Identify the chart type.
  4. Determine patterns and trends.
  5. Different charts for different data.

Download Practice Workbook

You can download the practice workbook from here:

Excel Charts: Knowledge Hub

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Mursalin Ibne Salehin
Mursalin Ibne Salehin

Mursalin Ibne Salehin holds a BSc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. Over the past 2 years, he has actively contributed to the ExcelDemy project, where he authored over 150 articles. He has also led a team with content development works. Currently, he is working as a Reviewer in the ExcelDemy Project. He likes using and learning about Microsoft Office, especially Excel. He is interested in data analysis with Excel, machine learning,... Read Full Bio

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