Customizing Excel Charts – 8 Examples


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Chart Elements in Excel

There are 9 different chart elements available in Excel:

  1. Axes
  2. Axis titles
  3. Chart titles
  4. Data labels
  5. Data table
  6. Error bars
  7. Gridlines
  8. Legend
  9. Trendline

Showing Chart Elements in Excel

This is a  sales and profits column chart. To create it:

  • Select the whole dataset and go to Insert >> Insert Column or Bar Chart >> 2-D Column Chart.

Creating a Column Chart with Dataset

To customize the chart:

Example 1 – Adding the Chart Title

There’s a box on top of the chart area which contains the text ‘Chart Title’. Enter the name of your chart. Here, ‘Customize Charts’.

Changing Chart Title

You can make the chart title dynamic by referring to another cell in it. See the image below.

Creating Dynamic Chart Title

The chart title was selected and the formula was entered in the Formula Bar. (Do not enter the formula in the text box). To create the formula, select the chart title box, enter = (Equal symbol) in the formula bar, and select the cell containing the chart title.

If you change data in B2, the chart title will update.

You can find more options for the Chart Title by clicking the Plus (+) icon beside the chart. See the picture below.

You can modify the position of the title box, apply a fill color, change font style, etc.

Exploring Options for Chart Title

  • Select More Options… .
  • In Format Chart Title, choose Title Options.
  • Select Fill and choose Solid fill.
  • Choose a color.

The title box displays a background color.

Applying Fill Color to Chart Title

You can explore Text Options, as shown above and edit the text color and style in the Chart Title box.

To set a color for the text:

  • Select Text Options >> Text Fill & Outline (marked 2 in the image below) >> Solid Fill >> Fill Color.

The text color will change.

Applying Fill Color for Text

To apply text effects to the chart title, observe the image below.

Applying Text Effects to Chart Title

  • Text Effect was selected.
  • A style was chosen in Presets.

To apply other text styles to the Chart Title, right-click the box and select a Theme Style.

Exploring More Text Effects


Example 2 – Changing the Appearance of the Chart

  • Select the chart and select Chart Design.
  • Click the drop-down icon marked 3 in the image below.

Selecting Desired Style for Chart

  • Select a style.

Chart in a Specific Style

  • You can also choose custom colors for the vertical bars: click Change Colors and choose a color.

Changing Bar Colors

In Quick Layout, you’ll find default layouts.

Choosing Layout Design for the Chart

Here, Layout 1 was chosen: it rearranges the Axis Labels and Legends.

Explore more options in Add Chart Elements. See the image below.

Exploring Add Chart Element Drop Down

To add error bars to the chart:

  • Select Error Bars in Add Chart Element.
  • Choose an option. Here, Percentage Error Bar.

Inserting Error Bars to Chart

In More Error Bar Options… , you can customize the Error Bars.


Example 3 – Customizing the Chart Axis

Format the vertical axis.

  • Right-click the Axis box and select Format Axis: you’ll find default values for Bounds and Units.

Initiating Format Axis Pane

  • Change them to edit the chart.
  • The maximum value in the dataset is $600.00, so set the Maximum Bound to 650.
  • Change Major Unit from 100 to 50 to see more gridlines.

Changing Bounds and Units

You can apply fill colors, effects and modify the position of the axis using the options shown below:

Showing Other Options to Customize Vertical Axis

You can change the number format of the vertical axis. Find different number formats in Category. You can also modify the number code in Format Code.

Showing Number Format Feature for Vertical Axis

The horizontal axis contains texts or dates rather than numeric values. Observe the following picture.

Showing Options for Horizontal Axis

You can also change the text data of the axis labels to different data range:

Inserting New Labels

  • Place the cursor on the horizontal axis box and right-click it.
  • Click Select Data.

Exploring Options to Change Axis Labels

  • In the Select Data Source dialog, click Edit.

Opening Select Data Source Dialog Box

  • In the Axis Labels dialog box, place the cursor and select the Labels range (B5:B10).
  • Click OK.

Selecting Range for Axis Labels

This is the output.

New Axis Label Appeared

Note: To insert a Data Table in a chart, check Data Table in Data Labels.

Example 4 – Editing Data Labels

To insert Data Labels:

  • Select the Plus Icon (+) beside the chart and check Data Labels. Data Labels will be added by default.

Showing Data Labels in Default Format

  • Select More Options.

Opening Data Labels Options

  • In Label Options, you can find different features to customize the data labels (show additional data, change position or number format).

Showing Data Labels Options

Here, Data Labels are blocking the view of the chart:

  • Select Size & Properties and choose Rotate All Text 2700 in Text direction.

Rotating the Text of Data Labels

  • To customize the margins of the data labels, so they don’t overlap the bars, change the values of the margins.

Customizing Margin of Data Labels

Fill color can also be used to differentiate data labels:

  • Select the Data Labels and choose Fill & Line.
  • Choose either Solid or Automatic.
  • Choose a color.

Applying Fill Color for Data Labels

  • Apply fill color to the  two parameters of the data labels (Sales & Profit) separately.

This is the output.

Formatted Data Labels


Example 5 – Customizing and Formatting the Legends

Here, the Legends are Sales and Profit and are at the Bottom of the chart.

Positioning the Legend

Apply fill color to the Legends:

Applying Fill Color to Legend

The texts in the Legends are linked to the column headings containing numeric data. If you change the Sales header to Revenue, the Legend will automatically be updated. See the image below.

Changing Legend by Column Header


Example 6 – Formatting Data Series

Modify the gap width between bars or change the bar/line colors by using the options in Format Data Series.

  • Click any of the bars to select them all.
  • Right-click a bar and select Format Data Series.

Opening Format Data Series Pane

  • Enter your values in Series Overlap and Gap Width. Select Primary Axis in Plot Series On.

Customizing Overlap and Gap Width of the Bar

You can also add effects or add a fill color in Fill & Line.

Changing Bar Colors by Format Data Series


Example 7 – Changing the Chart Type

To change this chart to a 3-D Column Bar or Line or Scatter chart.

  • Click Change Chart Type.
  • Select the bars and right-click.
  • The Change Series Chart Type will be displayed. You can also access it in the Chart Design tab.

Opening Change Chart Type Window

  • Choose a chart type. Here, Line for the Sales data and 2-D Area for the Profit data.
  • Click OK.

Selecting Custom Chart Type

This is the output.

Chart Type Changed from Column to Line and Area


Example 8 – Adding a Trendline to the Chart

Observe the image below to add a trendline to the chart.

Adding Trendline to Chart


Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I resize and position my chart on the worksheet?

Click the chart and drag the sizing handles or transfer it to a different area in the worksheet.

2. How do I format an individual data series in a chart?

Right-click the data series, select “Format Data Series,” and choose color, marker style, and line style.

3. How can I create a 3D chart?

Go to the “Insert” tab and select a 3D chart type.

Customize Excel Charts: Knowledge Hub

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Meraz Al Nahian
Meraz Al Nahian

Md. Meraz Al Nahian has worked with the ExcelDemy project for over 1.5 years. He wrote 140+ articles for ExcelDemy. He also solved a lot of user problems and worked on dashboards. He is interested in data analysis, advanced Excel, statistics, and dashboards. He also likes to explore various Excel and VBA applications. He completed his graduation in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET). He enjoys exploring Excel-related features to gain efficiency... Read Full Bio

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