Excel AutoFill (16 Useful Examples)

Here’s an overview of the AutoFill feature when working with days of the week.

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How to Use the AutoFill Feature in Excel

Example 1 – Excel AutoFill with Fill Handle

  • Type 1 and 2 in cell B5 and cell B6, respectively.
  • Select the range B5:B6 and drag the Fill Handle (bottom-right corner) to AutoFill data in range B7:B14.

AutoFill with Fill Handle

Example 2 – Use Formula to AutoFill

  • Serial numbers will generate automatically in range B5:B14.

Use Formula to AutoFill

Read More: How to Apply AutoFill Shortcut

Example 3 – AutoFill Cells Containing Both Text and Numerical Values

  • Type Week 1 and Week 2 in cell B5 and cell B6, respectively.
  • Select the range B5:B6 and use the Fill Handle to AutoFill data to the range B7:B14.

AutoFill Cells Containing Text and Numerical Values

Example 4 – AutoFill Date

  • Go to cell B5 and type 7/21/2023.
  • Select cell B5 and drag the Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range B6:B14.

AutoFill Date

Example 5 – AutoFill Time

  • Go to cell B5 and type 11:55 AM.
  • Select cell B5 and use the Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range B6:B14.

AutoFill time

Example 6 – AutoFill Series

Case 6.1 – Days of the Week

  • Go to cell B5 and type Monday.
  • Select cell B5 and use the Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range B6:B11.

AutoFill Days of a Week

Case 6.2 – Months of the Year

  • Go to cell B5 and type January.
  • Select cell B5 and drag the Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range B6:B16.

AutoFill Months of a Year

Case 6.3 – AutoFill Rank

  • Go to cell B5 and type 1st.
  • Select cell B5 and use the Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range B6:B14.

AutoFill Rank

Example 7 – AutoFill Formulas

  • Select cell D5 and drag the Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range D6:D14.

AutoFill Formulas

Example 8 – AutoFill from a Custom List

  • Go to the File tab.

Go to the File Tab

  • Select Options.

Select Options

  • The Excel Options dialog box will open.
  • Click on the Advanced tab.
  • Click on the Edit Custom Lists option under the General section.

Edit Custom List from Excel Options Dialog Box

  • Put the list values one by one in the box below the List entries header.
  • Click Add and press OK.

Create Custom List

  • Go to cell B5 and put the first entry of the custom list which is Morning Shift.
  • Select the cell B5 and use the Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range B6:B7.
  • You will see the entries of the custom list in range B5:B7.

AutoFill from Custom List

Read More: Use AutoFill with Formula

Example 9 – AutoFill to Get Repeating Values

  • Type YES, NO, TRUE, FALSE in the range B5:B8.
  • Select the range B5:B8 and drag the Fill Handle to AutoFill data to the range B9:B16.

AutoFill to Get Repeating Values

Read More: Create a Custom AutoFill List

Example 10 – AutoFill Horizontally or Vertically

  • Go to cell C4 and type Saturday.
  • Select cell C4 and drag the Fill Handle to the right to AutoFill data in the range D4:I4.

AutoFill Horizontally

  • Type Week 10 and Week 9 in cell B14 and cell B13 vertically in column B.
  • Select range B13:B14 and drag the Fill Handle up to AutoFill data to the range B12:B5.

AutoFill Vertically

Read More: AutoFill from List

Example 11 – AutoFill Multiple Rows or Columns

  • Write the week number and name of day in the range B5:D6 as shown below.

Input Week and Day

  • Select the range B5:D6 and use the Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range B7:D11.

AutoFill Multiple Rows

  • Select the range C5:D11 and use Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range E5:I11.

AutoFill Multiple Columns

Example 12 – AutoFill while Skipping Rows

  • Type 1 in cell B5 and keep the cell B6 blank.
  • Select the range B5:B6 and use the Fill Handle to AutoFill data in the range B7:B14.

AutoFill while Skipping Rows

Example 13 – AutoFill Geometric Patterns (Growth Series)

Case 13.1 – Use the Growth Trend

  • Type 1 and 2 in cell B5 and cell B6, respectively.
  • Select the range B5:B6.
  • Right-click and drag down the Fill Handle to range B7:B14.

Right-click and Use Fill Handle

  • Select Growth Trend from the context menu.

Select Growth Trend

  • You will get an exponential series in the range B5:B14.

Use Growth Trend to AutoFill Data

Read More: AutoFill Cell Based on Another Cell

Case 13.2 – Use the Series Option

  • Type 1 and 2 in cell B5 and cell B6, respectively.
  • Select the range B5:B6.
  • Right-click and drag down the Fill Handle to the range B7:B14.

Right-click and Drag Fill Handle

  • Select Series from the context menu.

Select Series Option

  • The Series dialog box will open.
  • Select Growth in the Type section.
  • Put 2 as the Step value and press OK.

Set Series Dialog Box

  • You will get an exponential series in range B5:B14.

Use Series Option to AutoFill data

Read More: AutoFill Sequential Letters

Example 14 – Use the Fill Series Command to AutoFill Data

  • Type 1 in cell B5.
  • Select cell B5. Right-click and drag down the Fill Handle to the range B6:B14.

Right-click and Drag Down Fill Handle

  • Select Fill Series from the context menu.

Select Fill Series Option

  • You will see the output in range B5:B14.

Use Fill Series to AutoFill Data

Example 15 – Flash Fill in Excel

Case 15.1 – Use Flash Fill to Join Cell Content

We have a dataset of first and last names in different columns.

  • Go to cell D5 and write the full name of the person (Ethan Anderson) joining the first name and last name.
  • Select the cell D5.
  • Go to the Data tab and select the Flash Fill command from the Data Tools group.

Use Flash Fill Command

  • You will get the full names in range D5:D14.

Use Flash Fill to Join Cell Content

Read More: Fill Down Blanks

Case 15.2 – Use Flash Fill to Split Cell Content

  • Write the first name (Ethan) and last name (Anderson) in cell C5 and cell D5, respectively, splitting the full name (Ethan Anderson) from cell B5.
  • Select cell C5.
  • Go to the Data tab and select the Flash Fill command from the Data Tools group.

Apply Flash Fill Command

  • Select cell D5 and use the Flash Fill command from the Data Tools group.

Use Flash Fill Command

  • You will get the first and last names in the range C5:D14.

Use Flash Fill to Split Cell Content

Read More: Excel Repeat Formula Pattern

Case 15.3 – Use Flash Fill to Extract Data

We have a dataset that has a combination of section, ID, and name in a column. We will extract only ID from the dataset.

  • Write the ID in cell C5 of the corresponding cell B5.
  • Select cell C5 and use the Flash Fill command from the Data Tools group.

Select Flash Fill Command

  • You will get the IDs extracted from column B to the range C5:C14.

Use Flash Fill to Extract Data


You can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + E for Flash Fill.

Example 16 – Apply VBA to AutoFill Data

  • Type Week 1 and Week 2 in cell B5 and cell B6, respectively.

Input Week Number

  • Go to the Developer tab and select Visual Basic.

Open Visual Basic

  • Select Insert and choose Module.

Create New Module

  • Paste the following code in the VBA Macro Editor.
  • Press the Run button or F5 key to run the code.

Insert Code in VBA Macro Editor

Sub AutoFill_VBA_Code()
    'set active worksheet as WS
    Dim WS As Worksheet
    Set WS = ActiveSheet
    'AutoFill data in the specified range
    WS.Range("B5:B6").AutoFill Destination:=WS.Range("B5:B14"), Type:=xlFillDefault
End Sub
  • You will see the outcome in range B5:B14.

Apply VBA to AutoFill Data

How to Enable/Disable AutoFill Feature in Excel

  • Go to the File tab.

Go to File Tab

  • Select Options.

Click on Options

  • Excel Options dialog box will open.
  • Go to the Advanced tab.
  • Look for the Editing options section on the right side.
  • Check/uncheck the Enable fill handle and cell drag-and-drop option to enable/disable the AutoFill feature.
  • Press OK to save changes.

Enable or Disable AutoFill Feature

How to Turn On/Off AutoFill Options

  • Go to the Advanced tab of the Excel Options dialog box.
  • Look for the Cut, copy and paste section.
  • Check or uncheck the Show Paste Options button when content is pasted option to turn the AutoFill feature on or off, respectively.
  • Press OK to save the changes.

Turn On or Off AutoFill Feature

Things to Remember

  • Flash Fill option is available in Excel 2013 and later versions.
  • Change the number format as necessary while using the Fill Handle or Fill Series method.
  • Right-click and drag the Fill Handle to get Growth Trend, Fill Series, and other advanced commands.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to AutoFill data without dragging the Fill Handle?

You can use the Fill Series command to AutoFill data without dragging the Fill Handle.

Can I AutoFill non-linear patterns?

Yes, you can AutoFill non-linear and other geometric patterns.

Can I use AutoFill to fill months and years?

Yes, you can use AutoFill to fill months and years. Put the initial two or three values and then use Fill Handle to extend the series.

Excel AutoFill: Knowledge Hub

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Md. Abu Sina Ibne Albaruni
Md. Abu Sina Ibne Albaruni

Md. Abu Sina Ibne Albaruni holds a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. He is a dedicated employee of the ExcelDemy project. He has written quite a large number of articles for ExcelDemy. Besides, he has expertise in VBA. He efficiently automates Excel issues using VBA macros and actively engages in the ExcelDemy forum, offering valuable solutions for user interface challenges. His areas of interest in work and study span MATLAB, Machine Learning,... Read Full Bio

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