How to Fill Blanks in Excel – 4 Methods


Method 1 – Fill Blanks using the ‘Go To Special’ Dialog Box

Use the ‘Go to Special’ dialog box to fill the blank cells.

The sample dataset contains employees’ information: Department, Age, and Working Hours. There are blanks in the Department and Working Hours column.

Fill Down Blanks with ‘Go To Special’ Dialog Box

1.1 Fill Blanks with Formula

Use autofill formulas.


  • Select the range that contains blank cells: C5:E12.

  • Go to the Home tab and select ‘Find & Select’.
  • Select ‘Go To Special’.

  • Alternatively, press F5 to display the Go To window. Select ‘Special’.

Fill Down Blanks with ‘Go To Special’ Dialog Box

  • Select ‘Blanks’ in ‘Go To Special’ and click OK.

Fill Down Blanks with ‘Go To Special’ Dialog Box

  • Blank cells are highlighted.

Fill Down Blanks with ‘Go To Special’ Dialog Box

  • Go to the formula bar and enter the equal sign (=).
  • Select the first blank cell. Here, C6.

Fill Down Blanks with ‘Go To Special’ Dialog Box

  • Press Ctrl + Enter, and all blank cells will be filled.

Note:  Copy the column in which the operation was performed and Paste Values in the same column. It will store data as values.

Read More: How to Repeat Formula Pattern in Excel

1.2 Fill Blanks with a Specific Value


  • Select the column that contains empty cells. Here, Column C.

Fill Down Blanks with ‘Go To Special’ Dialog Box

  • Select the blank cells using  ‘Go To Special’.
  • Enter the value manually. Here,  ‘Finance’ in C6.

  • Press Ctrl + Enter to see the values in the other blank cells.

Fill Down Blanks with ‘Go To Special’ Dialog Box

Blank cells display ‘Finance’. However, the original data contained different values in different blank cells. To fix this problem:

  • Select a small range of cells and enter the value manually. Here, C6 and C7 were selected and ‘Finance’  was entered in C6.

Fill Down Blanks with ‘Go To Special’ Dialog Box

  • Press Ctrl + Enter to see the result.

Fill Down Blanks with ‘Go To Special’ Dialog Box

You can fill in the other blank cells following the same procedure.

Read More: How to Perform Predictive AutoFill in Excel

Method 2 – Using the Excel Power Query to Fill Blanks


  • Select any cell in the dataset. Here, B4.

Excel Power Query for Filling Down Blanks

  • Go to the Insert tab and select Table.

Excel Power Query for Filling Down Blanks

  • A Create Table window will open. Check ‘My table has headers’.
  • Click OK.

Excel Power Query for Filling Down Blanks

  • The dataset will turn into a table.

Excel Power Query for Filling Down Blanks

  • Select any cell in the table. Here, C6.

Excel Power Query for Filling Down Blanks

  • Go to the ‘Power Query’ tab and select ‘From Table/Range’.

Excel Power Query for Filling Down Blanks

  • The Power Query Editor window will be displayed.

Excel Power Query for Filling Down Blanks

  • Right-click the header of the columns that contain blank cells.
  • Select Fill and choose Down.

Excel Power Query for Filling Down Blanks

  • Select ‘Close & Load’.

Excel Power Query for Filling Down Blanks

  • A new sheet will be displayed containing a table with the changes:

Excel Power Query for Filling Down Blanks

Method 3 – Using VBA to Fill Blanks in Excel

Use Excel VBA.


  • Go to the Developer tab and select Visual Basic.

Use of VBA to Fill Down Blanks in Excel

  • In Insert, select Module.
  • Enter the code in the Module and save it.
Sub Fill_Down_Blanks()
Dim x As Range
For Each x In Selection.Cells
If x.Value = "" Then
End If
Next x
End Sub

Use of VBA to Fill Down Blanks in Excel

  • Select the range that contains blank cells.

Use of VBA to Fill Down Blanks in Excel

  • Go to Macros in the Developer tab.

  • Click Run in Macro.

Use of VBA to Fill Down Blanks in Excel

Method 4 – Fill Empty Cells Using the ‘Find & Replace’ Feature

Fill blanks using the ‘Find & Replace’ feature of Excel.


  • Select the empty cells.

  • Press Ctrl + H.
  • In the Find and Replace window, keep the ‘Find what’ field empty.
  • Choose a value to enter in the blank cells. Here, ‘Finance’.

Fill Empty Cells Using ‘Find & Replace’ Feature

  • You can also select Replace in ‘Find & Select’ in the Home tab.

  • Select ‘Replace All’.

  • Follow the same steps for the other blank cells.

Read More: Applications of Excel Fill Series

Things To Remember

  • If the Power Query is not visible on the ribbon, add it in ‘Options’.

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Further Readings

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Mursalin Ibne Salehin
Mursalin Ibne Salehin

Mursalin Ibne Salehin holds a BSc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. Over the past 2 years, he has actively contributed to the ExcelDemy project, where he authored over 150 articles. He has also led a team with content development works. Currently, he is working as a Reviewer in the ExcelDemy Project. He likes using and learning about Microsoft Office, especially Excel. He is interested in data analysis with Excel, machine learning,... Read Full Bio

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