How to Analyze Sales Data in Excel (10 Methods)

Dataset Overview

We’ll analyze the half-year sales data for multiple salesmen.

Dataset-How to Analyze Sales Data in Excel


Method 1- Conditional Formatting to Depict Sales Trends

Excel’s Conditional Formatting is a powerful tool for Ranking, Highlighting, Inserting Icons, or Applying Color Scale to sales data.

Step 1 – Sum Total Sales by Salesman

  • Calculate the total sales for each salesman during the specified period.
  • Enter the formula below in an adjacent cell (e.g., I4):

Conditional Formatting-How to Analyze Sales Data in Excel

Step 2 – Apply Conditional Formatting

  • Go to the Home tab.
  • Select Conditional Formatting (in the Styles section).
  • Choose from options like Highlight Cells Rules, Top/Bottom Rules, Data Bars, Color Scales, or Icon Sets.

Icon Sets

  • For example, using Icon Sets, Excel will insert trend icons based on sales values.

Conditional Formatting Outcomes

Method 2 – Pivot Table to Analyze Sales Data as Percentage

Excel Pivot Table organize and automatically sort data. They allow flexibility in assigning fields as rows or columns, and existing entries can be displayed as percentages.

Step 1 – Create a Pivot Table

  • Highlight the desired range.
  • Go to Insert > PivotTable (in the Tables section) > Select From Table/Range.

Pivot Table-How to Analyze Sales Data in Excel

  • Excel loads the table/range automatically.
  • Choose the New Worksheet option to place the PivotTable.

Inserting Pivot Table

  • Excel inserts the Pivot Table in a New Worksheet as depicted below.

Pivot Table

Step 2 – Configure PivotTable Fields

  • Select required fields and arrange them.

Pivot Table Fields

  • Right-click on any cell and choose Value Field Settings.

Value Field Settings

  • In the dialog box, select Show Value As” > “% Column Total.

Value Field Settings-How to Analyze Sales Data in Excel

Step 3 – Visualize with a PivotChart

  • Insert a PivotChart to represent the percentages visually.
  • Go to the PivotTable Analyze tab > Select Pivot Chart (in the Tools section).

Pivot Chart

  • Choose a chart type (e.g., Column Chart).

Chart Selection

  • Excel inserts a Pivot Chart depicting the percentages of each salesman for each month.

Pivot chart

Method 3 – Using the RANK Function to Rank Sales Data

The RANK function assigns a rank to a given value by comparing it to a list of numeric values. The syntax of the RANK function is RANK (number, ref, [order])

Step 1 – Calculate Ranks

  • Enter the formula in a blank cell (e.g., K4):
  • Here, C4 is the number, $C$4:$H$13 is the reference range, and 0 indicates descending order.

Rank-How to Analyze Sales Data in Excel

Step 2 – Apply the Formula

  • Drag the Fill Handle to apply the formula to other cells.

Rank Outcome

  • The ranks represent the comparative positions of sales numbers among salesmen.

Method 4 – Using Slicer to Analyze Sales Data in Excel

Slicer operates similarly to a Filter, allowing for the representation of individual sales data through Charts. To incorporate a Slicer, our data needs to be structured into an Excel Table.

  • Select the desired range, then go to Insert > Table (in the Tables section).

Slicer-How to Analyze Sales Data in Excel

  • Excel will display the Create Table dialog box. Check the My table has headers option and click OK.

Create Table

  • In the Insert tab, navigate to Insert > Filters > Slicer.

Inserting Slicer

  • Excel will open the Insert Slicer command window. Choose a column header (such as Salesman or Months) to slice data by that category.
  • Click OK to insert the Slicer.

Slicer-How to Analyze Sales Data in Excel

  • Now, in the Insert tab, select any of the Insert Scatter Chart types.

Scatter Chart

    • This will create a scatter chart for all sales data.


  • To view individual sales data for each salesman, switch the rows with columns.
  • Click on the inserted chart, go to Chart Design, and select Switch Row/Column.

Switch row/column

switched Chart

  • The Slicer allows you to choose specific salesmen (e.g., Bob), and the chart will automatically display only their sales.

Individual Chart-How to Analyze Sales Data in Excel

To clear the selection, click the Filter-Cross icon on the right side of the Slicer window.

Read More: How to Analyze Time Series Data in Excel

Method 5 – Using an Index Chart to Display Sales Trends

Comparing sales values to 100 provides a clear picture of growth. Transform all sales data into a scale of 100 for easy understanding.  Take 3 months’ sales data (as shown in the image below) or use any desired dataset.

Index Chart-How to Analyze Sales Data in Excel

  • Create an identical range for the index values. Insert 100 in the 1st salesman’s monthly sales.

100 Insertion

  • Enter the formula in cell H5:

Formula Insertion-How to Analyze Sales Data in Excel

  • Press ENTER and drag the Fill Handle to apply the formula to all cells.


  • Select the index data range and go to Insert > 2-D Line Chart.

2-D Line Chart

Excel will insert the Index Line Chart to depict sales for different salesmen across months.

Index Chart-How to Analyze Sales Data in Excel

Method 6 – Calculating Weighted Average for Overall Sales Analysis

When dealing with consolidated data, the weighted average is useful. Suppose we have Monthly Sales Per Salesman and Monthly Total Sales.

Weighted Average-How to Analyze Sales Data in Excel

  • In a blank cell (e.g., D11), enter the formula

The SUMPRODUCT function multiplies Total Salesman and Monthly Sales Per Salesman, and the SUM function gives the total number of salesmen.

Weighted Average Formula

  • Press ENTER to execute the formula and display the weighted average.

Weighted Average Outcome

Method 7 – Analyzing Data Using Excel 365’s Analyze Data Feature

  • Select the desired range, then go to Home > Analyze Data (in the Analysis section).
  • In the Analyze Data window, choose from various analysis options, including inserting Pivot Tables and multiple charts. Previously demonstrated Excel features are also available here.

Analysis Data-How to Analyze Sales Data in Excel

Read More: How to Analyze Text Data in Excel 

Method 8 – Analyzing Sales Data Using Trendlines in Excel

When dealing with yearly accumulated sales data, Line Charts help display trends. Let’s assume the following screenshot represents yearly sales.

Trend-How to Analyze Sales Data in Excel

  • Highlight the entire dataset, then go to Insert > 2-D Line (in the Charts section).

Line Chart

  • Excel will insert a Line Chart depicting the sales trends.

Trend Line Chart

Read More: How to Analyze Large Data Sets in Excel 

Method 9 – Sorting Sales Data to Identify Greater Values

Data sorting provides quick insights into sales data. Although sorting doesn’t return specific parameters, it’s useful for finding maximum or minimum values.

  • Go to Home > Sort & Filter > Custom Sort

Sort-How to Analyze Sales Data in Excel

    • Ensure you select the entire range for sorting to avoid mismatches with column or row headers.
  • In the Sort dialog box, assign sort items as shown in the image, then click OK.

Custom Sort

  • Click OK and the data will be sorted according to your instructions.


Read More: How to Analyze Raw Data in Excel

Method 10 – Applying Data Analysis Tools for Sales Data

Excel’s Data Analysis feature offers various tools, including Descriptive Statistics.

  • Go to Data > Data Analysis (in the Analysis section).

Data Analysis-How to Analyze Sales Data in Excel

  • Select the Descriptive Statistics analysis tool from the Data Analysis window and click OK.

Descriptive Statistics

  • In the Descriptive Statistics dialog box, choose relevant options based on your data and requirements.
  • Click on OK.

Dialog Box

    • Excel will insert Monthly Earning Statistics, including parameters like Mean, Median, Maximum, and Minimum sales values.

Descriptive Statistics

Read More: How to Analyze Likert Scale Data in Excel 

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Maruf Islam
Maruf Islam

MARUF ISLAM is an excellent marine engineer who loves working with Excel and diving into VBA programming. For him, programming is like a superhero tool that saves time when dealing with data, files, and the internet. His skills go beyond the basics, including ABACUS, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros, Maxsurf, and Hydromax. He got his B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET, and now he's switched gears, working as a content developer. In this role, he creates techy content... Read Full Bio

  1. Thank you Maruf! This was exactly what I needed.

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