How to Sum If a Cell Contains Criteria (5 Suitable Examples)

Here’s an overview of all the methods you can use to sum cells based on different criteria options.

Sum If a Cell Contains Criteria in Excel

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Introduction to SUMIF and SUMIFS Functions in Excel

The SUMIF Function


Adds the cells specified by a single given condition or criteria.

Formula Syntax:

=SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range])


range= the range of the data.

criteria= the condition based on which summation will take place.

sum_range= the range of data whose specific cells based on criteria will be summed up.

The SUMIFS Function


Adds the cells if respective cells from specific ranges each fulfill a condition or criteria.

Formula Syntax:

=SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2], [criteria2],…)


sum_range= the range of data whose specific cells based on criteria will be summed up.

set of criteria_range (criteria_range1, criteria_range2…)= the range of the data where the condition will be applied.

set of criteria (criteria1, criteria2…)= the condition to apply.

Read More: SUMIF vs SUMIFS in Excel (A Comparative Analysis)

5 Examples for Finding a Sum If a Cell Contains Criteria

We will use the following dataset in the following examples. The dataset contains 2 columns with the Product Name and Price of products of a company. The Product Name column contains varieties of names with texts, numbers, and asterisks.

Sample Dataset

Method 1 – Finding a Sum If a Cell Contains Specific Text

Let’s get the sum of the price of products having the specific text “Hoodie” within the name.


  • Copy the following formula in Cell F5:

Sum If a Cell Contains Specific Text

  • Press Enter.

Result of Using SUM Function with Specific Text

There are 3 names of products with this specific text in the dataset. The result shows the sum of the price of those 3 products.

We can also see results for the name of products having specific text “Blue”. Use "*Blue*" in the given formula instead of "*Hoodie*" and press Enter.

Another Example of Doing Sum If a Cell Contains Specific Text

How Does the Formula Work:

Here, the first argument of the SUMIF formula is range. Here, B5:B13 is the range where the condition is applied.

Next, in the criteria part of the argument, the specific text is given. Here, we see two examples for two different specific texts- “Hoodie” and “Blue”. We use asterisk at the start and end of the specific word to indicate more than one character.

Consequently, the last argument is the sum_range. Here C5:C13 is the range which takethe specific cells based on the specific text, to sum up with SUMIF function.

Read More: Sum If a Cell Contains Text in Excel (6 Suitable Formulas)

Method 2 – Calculating a Sum If a Cell Contains a Part of a Text String

Let’s sum up the price of products whose name contains a given text which is part of the whole name.


  • Insert the following formula in Cell F6.
  • Press Enter.

Sum If a Cell Contains Part of a Text String

Here’s the formula in the cell below:


You can observe that here the summation result is showing results for all the products that have an H in the name. It doesn’t matter whether H is at the start, in the middle, or at the end of the text.

Use of SUM Function with Partial Match

How does the Formula Work:

Here, the first argument of the SUMIF formula is range. Here the range is B5:B13 where the condition is applied.

Next, in the criteria part of the argument, the specific text is given. Here we see two examples for two different partial texts- “B” and “H”. The asterisk is given at the start and end of the specific word. This is used to indicate zero or more characters.

Then, the last argument is the sum_range. Here the range is C5:C13 which takes the specific cells based on the specific text, to sum up with SUMIF function.

Read More: How to Add Specific Cells in Excel (5 Simple Ways)

Method 3 – Determining a Sum If a Cell Contains Numbers


  • Insert the following formula in the result cell:
=SUM(IFERROR(--LEFT(B5:B13,FIND(" ",B5:B13&" ")-1),""))

Merging SUM, IFERROR, FIND & LEFT Functions

  • Press Enter.

Adding Cells Value Which Contain Numbers.

Formula Breakdown:

If we take the FIND formula:

FIND(" ",B5:B13&" ")-1

It will find the number of characters in the texts and subtract it by 1. The resulting array will be:


Next, if we look the LEFT formula with the FIND one:

LEFT(B5:B13,FIND(" ",B5:B13&" ")-1)

It will show the numeric numbers only. Other values will show the #VALUE! error.

The result is:


After that if we see the IFERROR array result for the formula

 IFERROR(--LEFT(B5:B13,FIND(" ",B5:B13&" ")-1),"")

This will show numeric values for true and for error it will show blank. The result is shown in the array format:


Finally, the result of IFERROR is summed to get the result using the SUM formula, through which we will get the final result 37.

Read More: How to Add Numbers in Excel (2 Easy Ways)

Similar Readings

Method 4 – Computing a Sum If a Cell Contains Text Situated in Another Cell in Excel


  • Copy the following formula in Cell F7:

Use of SUMIF Function with Cell Reference.

  • Press Enter.

Sum If a Cell Contains Text Situated in Another Cell in Excel

How Does the Formula Work:

Here, the first argument of the SUMIF formula is range. Here the range is B5:B13 where the condition is applied.

Next, in the criteria part of the argument, the text is given. Here we have “Blue Shirt” as the text in another cell.

Finally, the last argument is the sum_range. Here the range is C5:C13 which takes the specific cells based on the specific text, to sum up with SUMIF function.

Read More: Sum Cells in Excel: Continuous, Random, With Criteria, etc.

Method 5 – Finding a Sum If a Cell Contains an Asterisk


  • Insert the following formula in Cell E7:

Sum If a Cell Contains Asterisk

  • Press Enter.

Use of SUMIFS Function with Asterisk

How Does the Formula Work:

Here, the first argument sum_range of the SUMIFS formula is the range of data from where we will get the result. In this case, the range is C5:C13.

Then, the criteria_range set is the second argument here. For this case, the range is B5:B13.

Lastly, the third argument is the set of criteria. We have an asterisk (*) as our criteria because we need to find texts with this sign. We can write this as ~*. Again, the asterisk is given at the start and end of the specific word. This indicates zero or more characters.

Read More: How to Sum Range of Cells in Row Using Excel VBA (6 Easy Methods)

Things to Remember

  • Use a wildcard asterisk (*) at the start and end of the text to indicate zero or more other characters.
  • Write any text or string within double quotes ("").
  • The SUMIF function is not case sensitive while the FIND function is case-sensitive.

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Syeda Fahima Nazreen
Syeda Fahima Nazreen

SYEDA FAHIMA NAZREEN is an electrical & electronics engineer who loves exploring Excel and VBA programming. To her, programming is a time-saving tool for dealing with data, files, and the internet. She's skilled in Proteus, MATLAB, Multisim, AutoCAD, Jupiter Notebook, and MS Office, going beyond the basics. With a B.Sc in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from American International University, Bangladesh, she's shifted gears and now works as a content developer. In this role, she creates techy content exclusively... Read Full Bio

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