Text Box in Excel – A Complete Overview

The sample dataset contains sales of different accessories in different locations. The text box below showcases a summary of the dataset,  displaying the highest and lowest sales.

text box added from shapes

What Is a Text Box?
Add Text Box in Excel
Format Text Box in Excel
    1. Changing Shapes and Editing Points
    2. Changing Shape Styles
    3. Changing Fill Color of Text Boxes
    4. Removing the Border
    5. Changing Font Size, Style, and Color
    6. Changing Line Spacing Inside a Text Box
    7. Rotating the Text Box
    8. Resizing the Text Box to Fit Text
    9. Aligning Text Boxes in Excel
    10. Changing Transparency of a Text Box
    11. Anchoring Text Box in Excel
Copy a Text Box in Excel
Create Dynamic Text Box in Excel
Create Floating Text Box in Excel
Get Text Box Linked to a Cell in Excel
Add Hyperlinks to a Text Box in Excel
Apply Conditional Formatting to a Text Box in Excel
Convert Text Box Content into Cell Content in Excel
Add Text Box in Excel Graph
Delete a Text Box in Excel
What to Do When Text Box is Not Showing in Excel?

What Is a Text Box?

A Text Box is a rectangular-shaped object that can hold and display texts within a specific area of a worksheet.

How to Add Text Box in Excel: 4 Methods

The dataset contains sales data of a company.

sales dataset


Method 1- Using the Text Box Option

  • Go to the Insert tab and select Text Box in Text.

text box option in the ribbon

  • The cursor will change.
  • Click an area in the worksheet to insert the text box and drag it down.

text box in excel

  • Enter the text in the text box.

text box added from the text box option

Using Keyboard:

You can also press Alt, N, X . It will create a text box on the worksheet.

Method 2- Adding a Text Box from Shapes

  • Go to Insert >> Illustrations >> Shapes.
  • Select Text Box in Basic Shapes.

text box option in shapes

  • The cursor will change.
  • Click an area in the worksheet to insert the text box and drag it down.

dragging text box in spreadsheet

  • Enter the text in the text box.

text box added from shapes

Method 3 – Inserting Text Box from the ActiveX Controls in Excel

The ActiveX Control text boxes provide more functionality and customization options:

  • Creating interactive forms
  • Creating data entry fields
  • Displaying dynamic information

FTo insert an ActiveX Control Text Box:

activex text box option

  • The cursor will change.
  • Click an area in the worksheet to insert the text box and drag it down.

dragging activex text box

  • The object is in design mode. To turn it off, click Developer >> Controls >> Design Mode.

design mode for activex text box

  • Enter the text in the text box.

activex text box added

Use Shift+Enter to insert line breaks in ActiveX Control text boxes.

Adding a Multi-Line Text Box with a Scrollbar

  • Create an ActiveX Control text box first using the previous method.
  • Right-click the text box and select Properties.

activex text box properties

  • In the Properties window, select True as MultiLine.
  • Choose 1, 2, or 3 for ScrollBars. Here, 2 to create vertical scrollbars.

multiline and scrollbar options for activex text box


  • Enter your text. The scrollbars will be displayed in the text box.

activex text box with scrollbar

Method 4 – Using a VBA to Add Multiple Text Boxes in Excel


using vba to add multiple text boxes

Click on the image to get a detailed view

  • Go to Developer >> Code >> Visual Basic.

opening visual basic window

  • Select Insert >> Module.

inserting module in vba

  • Insert the following code in the module.
Sub InsertMultipleTextBoxes()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim textBox As Shape
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim numTextBoxes As Integer
    Dim textArray() As String

    ' Set the worksheet where you want to insert the text boxes
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("4.1 VBA Multiple Box") ' Replace "4.1 VBA Multiple Box" with your actual sheet name

    ' Set the number of text boxes you want to insert
    numTextBoxes = 3 ' Change this to the desired number
    ' Array of different texts for each text box
    textArray = Split("Sioux City has the highest television sales,Stony Brook has the highest mobile sales,Green Bay has the highest monitor sales", ",")

    ' Loop to insert multiple text boxes
    For i = 1 To numTextBoxes
        ' Insert a text box
        Set textBox = ws.Shapes.AddTextbox(Orientation:=msoTextOrientationHorizontal, _
                                          Left:=50 + (i - 1) * 200, Top:=230, Width:=150, Height:=50)
        ' Set the text inside the text box
        textBox.TextFrame.Characters.Text = textArray(i - 1)
        textBox.TextEffect.FontSize = 12
        textBox.Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 255)
    Next i
End Sub
multiple text box code in module

Click on the image to get a detailed view

  • Press F5 to run the code.
using vba to add multiple text boxes

Click on the image to get a detailed view


Use the same code without a loop to create a single text box:

Sub InsertTextBox()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim textBox As Shape
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("4. VBA") ' Replace "4. VBA" with your actual sheet name
    Set textBox = ws.Shapes.AddTextbox(Orientation:=msoTextOrientationHorizontal, _
                                      Left:=60, Top:=230, Width:=250, Height:=80)
    textBox.TextFrame.Characters.Text = "Total Sales by Store:" & vbNewLine & "Green Bay has the highest total sales with $50,960, followed by Sioux City with $41,614." & vbNewLine & "Rock Island has the lowest total sales at $14,628."
    textBox.Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 255)
End Sub

How to Format Text Box in Excel

1. Changing Shapes and Editing Points

  • Click the text box and go to Shape Format.
  • Select Shape Format >> Insert Shapes >> Edit Shape >> Change Shape.
changing shape of text box

Click on the image to get a detailed view

  • The selected text box will change.

text box shape changed

Change Edit Points:

  • Click the edge of the text box. The mouse cursor will display a pointed plus sign.

selecting a text box

  • Select Shape Format >> Insert Shapes >> Edit Shape >> Edit Points.
options to edit points in text box

Click on the image to get a detailed view

  • Click and drag the edge points to move the edges and change shape manually.

changing shapes manually with edit points

2. Changing Shape Styles

  • Select the text box and go to the Shape Format tab.
  • Select a style in Shape Styles.
predefined styles for text box

Click on the image to get a detailed view

  • Access Quick Styles by clicking the downward arrow.
more predefined styles for text box

Click on the image to get a detailed view

  • Click a style.
predefined styles drop down

Click on the image to get a detailed view

  • The text box will change. Here, Subtle Effect- Black, Dark-1 was selected.

changing style of text box

3. Changing the Fill Color of Text Boxes

  • Click the text box and select Shape Format >> Shape Styles >> Shape Fill.
  • Select a color.
shape fill option for text box

Click on the image to get a detailed view

You can also change the fill color choosing Fill in Font in the Home tab.alternate shape fill option for text box

4. Removing the Border

Click the text box and select Shape Format >> Shape Styles >> Shape Outline >> No Outline.

removing outline option for text box

Click on the image to get a detailed view

The border will be removed.

outline removed from text box

5. Changing Font Size, Style, and Color

  • Go to Home >> Font >> Font Color.

changing text color in text box

Select the text inside the text box if you want to change its color.
  • There are other editing options in Font.

changing font style in text box

  • Access different WordArt Styles in Shape Format.
wordart styles for text box texts

Click on the image to get a detailed view

6. Changing the Line Spacing Inside a Text Box

  • Select the whole text.
  • Right-click the text and select Paragraph.

paragraph option for text box

  • In Paragraph, select Spacing.
  • Choose different line spacing options.
  • Click OK.

paragraph spacing options

Here, 6pt was selected.

changed line spacings in text box

7. Rotating the Text Box

  • Select the text box and you will see a clockwise rotating icon at the top of the box.
  • Click it and move your mouse cursor to rotate the text box.

Observe the GIF.

rotating text box

8. Resizing the Text Box to Fit Text


text not fitting in text box

Resizing Text Box Automatically to Fit:

  • Select the text box by clicking its edge.
  • Press Ctrl+1 to open the Format Shape option.
  • Select Text Options >> Textbox
  • In Text Box, check Resize shape to fit text.
resize shape to fit text option

Click on the image to get a detailed view

Height and width will be adjusted to match the text.

text box resized to fit text

Click on the image to get a detailed view

Resize to Fit and Wrap:


  • Select Wrap text in shape.
  • Height will be adjusted and width will be kept.
wrap option to fix width

Click on the image to get a detailed view

You manually change its width.

resizing text box with wrap text

Resize to Fit Using VBA:

  • Open the VBA editor and insert the following code in the module.
Sub FitTextBoxToText()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim textBox As Shape
    ' Set the worksheet
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("8. Resize to Fit Text")
    ' Replace "YourSheetName" with your actual sheet name
    ' Set the name of the text box
    Dim textBoxName As String
    textBoxName = "TextBox 1"
    ' Replace with the actual name of your text box
    ' Check if the text box exists
    On Error Resume Next
    Set textBox = ws.Shapes(textBoxName)
    On Error GoTo 0
    If Not textBox Is Nothing Then
        ' Fit the text box to its content
        textBox.TextFrame.AutoSize = True
        MsgBox "Text box not found!"
    End If
End Sub
fitting text box with vba

Click on the image to get a detailed view

  • Press F5 to run the code. It will resize the text box.
text box resized to fit text

Click on the image to get a detailed view

9. Aligning Text Boxes in Excel

multiple text boxes not aligned

Aligning Text Boxes Horizontally:

  • Select all text boxes by holding Ctrl and left-clicking them.

selecting all text boxes for alignment

  • Select Shape Format >> Align Objects >> Align Top.
align top option for aligning text boxes

Click on the image to get a detailed view

  • The boxes will be horizontally aligned.

text boxes aligned horizontally

Aligning Text Boxes Vertically:

  • Select all text boxes.
  • Select Shape Format >> Align Objects >> Align Left.
align left option for vertical alignment

Click on the image to get a detailed view

This will align the text boxes vertically.

text boxes aligned vertically

Click on the image to get a detailed view


10. Changing the Transparency of a Text Box

A text box can cover the cell values it is displaying.

not transparent text box

To change the transparency of the text box:

  • Select the text box by clicking its edge.
  • Press Ctrl+1 to open the Format Shape window.
  • Select Shape Options >> Fill & Line >> Fill.
  • Change the Transparency level in Color.
changing transparency from format shape

Click on the image to get a detailed view

11. Anchoring a Text Box in Excel

A text box is usually attached to a cell. So changing the column width or row height also changes the size of the text boxes in it.

text box width changing with cell size

To anchor a text box to a cell:

  • Select the text box by clicking its edge.
  • Press Ctrl+1 to open the Format Shape window.
  • Select Shape Options >> Size & Properties >> Properties.
  • Check Don’t move and size with cells.
anchoring option for text box

Click on the image to get a detailed view

Lock a Text Box:

  • Go to Home >> Cells >> Format >> Protect Sheet.
protect sheet option in excel

Click on the image to get a detailed view

  • Uncheck Edit objects in Protect Sheet and click OK.

object locking option to anchor text box

The text box won’t  be resized by changing the size of a column or row.

text box shape no longer changing with cell size

You need to unprotect the sheet to edit the text box again.

How to Copy a Text Box in Excel

Select the text box by clicking its edge.

selecting text box by clicking on edge

Press Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+V to paste.

copying text box

How to Get a Text Box Linked to a Cell in Excel

text box linked to cell.

  • Create a text box.
  • Click the middle of the box. Instead of entering text there, use the formula bar.
  • Enter “=” followed by the cell you want to reference to. Here, =$C$16 to link to C16.

formula to link text box with cell

  • Press Enter. The value will be displayed in the text box.

cell value showing in text box

  • Double-click the text box and enter your text.

editing linked text box

Read More: Get a Text Box Linked to Cell 

How to Create a Dynamic Text Box in Excel


dynamic text box changing with selection


  • Select a cell to insert a location and go to Data >> Data Tools >> Data Validation.

adding list to cell

  • In Data Validation, select Settings.
  • Select List in Allow and enter the range in Source. Here, source data is B6:B13.
selecting source for list

Click on the image to get a detailed view

  • A drop-down arrow will be displayed in the cell. Choose a value.

list working for cells

  • Enter the following formula in C17.

vlookup formula to fetch values

  • Insert a text box, select it and link it to the cell by entering =$C$17 in the formula bar.

dynamic box showing cell values

Read More: Add a Dynamic Text Box

How to Create a Floating Text Box in Excel

  • Open the VBA window.
  • Select Insert >> UserForm.

inserting userform in vba

  • In Toolbox, select TextBox and drag and drop your text box.

adding text box in userform

  • Set Multiline as True and choose 2 in the ScrollBars option.

properties for floating text box

  • Create a Module and enter the following code.
Sub floating_text_box()
UserForm1.TextBox1.Text = "Monthly sales of accessories in different branches of XYZ company"
UserForm1.Show vbModeless
End Sub
vba code for floating text box in module

Click on the image to get a detailed view

  • Press F5 to run the code. The floating text box will be displayed.

floating text box on worksheet



text box floating over

Click on the image to get a detailed view

Read More: Create Floating Text Box

How to Add Hyperlinks to a Text Box in Excel

  • Insert a text box.

text box inserted for hyperlink

  • Add formatting to the box (optional).

modifications of text box with hyperlink

  • Right-click the text box and select Link.

adding hyperlink option for text box

  • Choose a place for the link in Insert Hyperlink. Here, Place in This Document in Link to: was selected and a named sheet was chosen.

selecting linked location for text box

  • Click OK.

The text box will work as a button. Clicking it will take us to the homepage.

text box with hyperlink working

Use Ctrl+Left click to select a text box with the hyperlink. A simple left click will take you to the linked location.

Read More: Anchor Text Box in Excel

How to Apply Conditional Formatting to a Text Box in Excel

Use ActiveX text boxes:

  • Create an ActiveX text box.
  • Select the box and rename it in Name Box. Here, “ConditionalTextBox”. (The Design Mode in Controls must be active)

renaming text box

  • Right-click the sheet name and select View Code.

adding code to activex text box

  • Insert the following code in the editor.
Private Sub ConditionalTextBox_Change()
If ConditionalTextBox.Value < "0" Then ConditionalTextBox.BackColor = rgbBlack
If ConditionalTextBox.Value < "0" Then ConditionalTextBox.ForeColor = rgbWhite
If ConditionalTextBox.Value > "0" Then ConditionalTextBox.BackColor = rgbWhite
If ConditionalTextBox.Value > "0" Then ConditionalTextBox.ForeColor = rgbBlack
End Sub
vba code for text box with conditional formatting in module

Click on the image to get a detailed view

  • Close the VBA editor.

The color will change to white if the value is positive and to black if zero or negative.

conditional formatting in text box

If the text box is blank or has non-numeric values, the fill also turns black.

How to Convert Text Box Content into Cell Content in Excel

text boxes to be converted into cells

  • Open the VBA Editor and insert a Module.
  • Enter the following code.
Sub ConvertTextBoxToCell()
    Dim Sh_xRg As Range
    Dim Sh_xRow As Long
    Dim Sh_xCol As Long
    Dim Sh_xTxtBox As textBox
    Set Sh_xRg = Application.InputBox("Select a cell):", "Convert Text Box to Cell ", _
                       ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.AddressLocal, , , , , 8)
    Sh_xRow = Sh_xRg.Row
    Sh_xCol = Sh_xRg.Column
    For Each Sh_xTxtBox In ActiveSheet.TextBoxes
        Cells(Sh_xRow, Sh_xCol).Value = Sh_xTxtBox.Text
               Sh_xRow = Sh_xRow + 1
End Sub
vba code for converting text box to cell

Click on the image to get a detailed view

  • Press F5 to run the code.
  • A box will open asking for a cell reference. Select B6 (the first cell containing the text box).

selecting a text box to covert to cell

  • Click OK to delete the text boxes.

text box contents now in cell

Read More: Convert Text Box to Cell

How to Add a Text Box in an Excel Graph

graph created from dataset

  • Go to Insert >> Text >> Text Box.
  • Click it and drag it to the chart area where you want to add the text box.

adding text box over a graph

  • Enter your text in the text box.

editing text box on the graph

How to Delete a Text Box in Excel

text box for deleting

  • To delete the text box, select it by clicking its edge.

selecting text box to delete

  • Press Delete.

text box deleted

What to Do When the Text Box is Not Showing in Excel?

It can be toggled off and on for display. The toggle shortcut is Ctrl+6.

object visible on spreadsheet

If you press Ctrl+6, it will not be visible.

objects no longer visible


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Abrar-ur-Rahman Niloy
Abrar-ur-Rahman Niloy

Abrar-ur-Rahman Niloy, holding a B.Sc. in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, has contributed to Exceldemy for nearly 1.5 years. As a leader in Excel, VBA, and Content Development teams, he authored 114+ articles and assisted the Exceldemy forum. Presently, as a project writer, he prioritizes stepping out of his comfort zone, aiming for constant technical improvement. Niloy's interests encompass Excel & VBA, Pivot Table, Power Query, Python, Data Analysis, and Machine Learning libraries, showcasing his commitment to diverse... Read Full Bio

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