How to Transpose Rows to Columns in Excel (7 Quick Methods)

Below is a dataset that shows the year and Results of Students.

excel transpose rows to columns

Method 1 – Using Paste Special Command

a) Pasting a Special Command from a Ribbon


  • Select cells in the B4:I9 range.
  • Go to the Home tab.
  • Click on the Copy icon on the Clipboard.

Using Paste Special Command

  • Choose cell B11.
  • Go to the Home tab.
  • Click on the Paste drop-down icon on the Clipboard.
  • Select Paste Special from the drop-down list.

Paste Special Command from Ribbon in Excel

The Paste Special dialog box will pop up.

  • Check Transpose.
  • Click OK.

working on paste special dialog box in Excel

As a result, you see the new output in the B11:G18 range, which is the dataset’s transposed form.

Paste Special Command from Ribbon to transpose rows to columns in excel

b) Pasting From the Keyboard Shortcut


  • Select the whole dataset (B4:I9).
  • Press CTRL + C.

From Keyboard Shortcut

  • Select cell B11 as the first cell of the destination range.
  • Press CTRL + ALT + V.

using Keyboard Shortcut to transpose in Excel

The Paste Special dialog box will open.

  • Press E to check Transpose.
  • Click OK or press ENTER.

You see the transposed result.

Using Paste Special shortcut to transpose rows to columns in Excel

Read More: How to Paste Transpose in Excel Using Shortcut (4 Easy Ways)

Method 2 – Transposing a Table and Linking It to the Initial Data


  • Select cells in the B4:I9 range.
  • Press CTRL + C.
  • Select cell B11.
  • Press CTRL + ALT + V.
  • Click on the Paste Link on the Paste Special wizard.

Transposing a Table and Linking It to Initial Data

The new data set is now at the cell range of B11:I16. It’s not transposed yet. We have just linked it up with our original data set.

Linked data with no formatting

  • Press CTRL + H to open the Find and Replace dialog box.
  • In the Find What box, enter the equal (=) sign.
  • Enter abc in the Replace with box.
  • Click the Replace All button.

using find and replace feature to transpose rows to columns in Excel

It may seem that we have lost our new data set.

  • Copy the new data in the B11:I16 range.
  • Follow the previous steps to paste them in the transposed form in cell K4.

Paste special to transpose rows to columns in Excel

The transposed dataset is now visible in the worksheet.

  • Open the Find and Replace wizard.
  • Enter abc and “=” in the Find what and Replace with box.
  • Click on the Replace All button.

We have generated our desired linked-up and transposed dataset.

Transpose rows to columns in a Table and Linking It to Initial Data

*Note: If you change any input in the original dataset, the transposed data will also change accordingly. Look at the screenshot attached here.

Dynamic Transpose rows to columns in excel

Read More: How to Transpose in Excel (5 Easy Ways)

Method 3 – Applying the TRANSPOSE Function


  • Go to cell B11 and enter the following formula into the Formula Bar:


Formula Breakdown

  • The COLUMN and ROW functions return the column and row number for these cell references. As example, COLUMN(B4) returns 2, ROW(B4) returns 4. (ADDRESS(COLUMN(B4)-COLUMN($B$4)+ROW($B$4), ROW(B4)-ROW($B$4)+COLUMN($B$4)) becomes ADDRESS(4,2).
    • OutputB4
  • The INDIRECT function returns the value present in the stored reference. INDIRECT(ADDRESS(4,2)) becomes INDIRECT(B4).
    • Output  → Name
  • Press the ENTER key.

Applying TRANSPOSE Function

Note: The TRANSPOSE function is dynamic, which means if you change anything in the original dataset, it will automatically update in the transposed output. However, the formatting cannot be transferred. So, you have to do it manually.

Applying TRANSPOSE Function in Excel

Similar Readings

Method 4 – Employing INDIRECT and ADDRESS Functions


  • Select cell B11.
  • Enter the following formula:


  • Press ENTER.

Employing INDIRECT and ADDRESS Functions

  • Bring the cursor to the right-bottom corner of cell B11. It’ll look like a plus (+) sign. It’s the Fill Handle tool.
  • Drag this tool up to cell G11, horizontally.

using fill handle to transpose rows to columns in Excel

  • Drag the Fill Handle tool up to cell G18, vertically.

We have the transposed dataset, but it’s not formatted.

Below is what it should look like after formatting.

Employing INDIRECT and ADDRESS Functions to transpose rows to columns in Excel

Read More: How to Perform Conditional Transpose in Excel (2 Easy Examples)

Method 5 – Implementing Power Query Tool


  • Select any cell inside the dataset. (i.e.cell B4.)
  • Go to the Data tab.
  • Click on From Table/Range on the Get & Transform Data group.

Implementing Power Query Tool

The Create Table dialog box opens.

  • Click OK.

creating table to transpose rows to columns in excel

The Power Query Editor window will open.

  • Go to the Transform tab.
  • Select Use Headers as First Row.

Power query editor in Excel

  • Click Transpose.

  • Go to the Transform tab and select Use First Row as Headers.

  • Go to the Home tab.
  • Click on the Close & Load drop-down icon.
  • Select Cose & Load.

Implementing Power Query Tool to transpose rows to columns in Excel

The Import Data wizard will open up.

  • Select the Existing worksheet as Where do you want to put the data?
  • Enter the cell reference of B11 in the box.
  • Click OK.

setting output destination

The Power Query Editor dialog box will be closed, and the transposed data will be loaded into the “Power Query worksheet.

Implementing Power Query Tool to transpose rows to columns

Read More: Excel Power Query: Transpose Rows to Columns (Step-by-Step Guide)

Method 6 – Applying VBA Macros


  • Go to the Developer tab.
  • Click on Visual Basic in the Code group.

Applying VBA Macros

The Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window appears.

  • Go to the Insert tab.
  • Select Module from the options.

Excel will insert a code module.

  • Paste the following code into the module:
Option Explicit
Sub Rows_to_Columns()
    Dim Sr_Rng As Range
    Dim Dst_Rng As Range 
    Set Sr_Rng = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Mark the range to flip", Title:="ExcelDemy: Transpose Tool", Type:=8)
    Set Dst_Rng = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Mark the cell where you want to place the transposed range", Title:="ExcelDemy: Transpose Tool", Type:=8) 
    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=True
    Application.CutCopyMode = False 
End Sub

vba code to transpose rows to columns in excel

Code Breakdown

  • We mentioned the sub-procedure name and declared the variables.
  • We inserted two InputBoxes. The values received in the InputBox will be taken by the variable.
  • We applied the Copy method to copy the range and paste it into the transposed form in the range of the second variable.
  • We ended the sub-procedure with End Sub.
  • Save the file as Macro-Enabled Workbook and return to the VBA worksheet. Follow the GIF to understand the next procedures.
GIF file

We’ve converted the rows into columns using the VBA macros.

Applying VBA Macros to transpose rows to columns in excel

Read More: How to Transpose Rows to Columns Using Excel VBA (4 Ideal Examples)

Method 7 – Using Criteria in Excel


Below is a dataset with the Marks of Students. It contains the Name and corresponding Marks in columns B and C.

How to Transpose Rows to Columns Based on Criteria in Excel

  • Create a new table in the E4:H7 with headings Name, and Marks.

  • Go to cell E5 and insert the following formula:

=INDEX($B$5:$B$13, MATCH(0, COUNTIF($E$4:$E4, $B$5:$B$13), 0))

Formula Breakdown

  • COUNTIF($E$4:$E4, $B$5:$B$13) returns an array of 0 because it couldn’t find the text string Name in the B5:B13
  • Then, MATCH(0, COUNTIF($E$4:$E4, $B$5:$B$13), 0) becomes MATCH(0, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, 0).
    • Output → 1
  • INDEX($B$5:$B$13, MATCH(0, COUNTIF($E$4:$E4, $B$5:$B$13), 0)) becomes INDEX($B$5:$B$13, 1).
    • Output → John
  • Press ENTER.

The formula used to get the marks is the following:

=IFERROR(INDEX($C$5:$C$13, MATCH(0, COUNTIF($E5:E5, $C$5:$C$13) + IF($B$5:$B$13<>$E5,1,0),0)),0)

Transposing Rows to Columns Based on Criteria in Excel

You can follow the article How to Transpose Rows to Columns Based on Criteria in Excel on our website.

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Masum Mahdy
Masum Mahdy

Abu Talha Masum Mahdy (Assistant Project Manager, ExcelDemy) has been working with the ExcelDemy family for over 2 years. He wrote 30+ articles and reviewed more than 1300 others for ExcelDemy. Currently, he is responsible for reviewing articles from 2 writing teams of ExcelDemy. He ensures correctness and fluency in his team write-ups. Mahdy holds a BSc in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from BUET. His interests are Project Management, Content Writing, SEO, Digital Marketing, Data Analytics and... Read Full Bio

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