Excel Charts

Stock Chart in Excel (4 Different Cases)

Here's an overview of a box and whisker plot and a surface chart in Excel for stocks. Download the Practice Workbook Stock Chart in ...

How to Create an Excel Radar Chart (Complete Guideline)

Introduction to Radar Chart A radar chart is a graphical representation that simultaneously displays information about different categories or ...

Line Graph in Excel (Plot, Fit and Overlay)

How to Plot Line Graph with Single Line in Excel The sample dataset contains Sales by a company for the year 2018. Select the data range ...

Excel Doughnut Chart

Here's an example of a donut chart with multiple rings. Download the Practice Workbook Excel Doughnut Chart.xlsx What ...

How to Create, Plot & Modify an Excel Histogram (5 Methods)

Note: In Excel 2016 or newer versions, you can directly insert a statistic chart. In older versions, you can use Data Analysis ToolPak or ...

How to Use Column Chart in Excel?

In column charts, the values are typically aligned along the vertical axis and the categories are typically aligned along the horizontal axis. Column ...

Excel Funnel Chart

Here's an example where we presented a sample funnel chart that was created with the help of a previously created stacked chart. How to ...

Treemap in Excel: All Things to Know

Introduction to Treemap Chart A Treemap chart represents hierarchical data as nested rectangles, with size and color indicating attributes providing ...

How to Create a Sunburst Chart in Excel (Detailed Steps)

Introduction to Sunburst Charts A Sunburst chart is a powerful visualization tool for displaying hierarchical data in a circular format. It ...

Box and Whisker Plot in Excel (Create & Customize)

The box and whisker plot in Excel shows the distribution of quartiles, medians, and outliers in the assigned dataset. This article will ...

Format Axis in Excel: 7 Different Modifications

Method 1 - Change Display of Chart Axes 1.1. Display or Hide Axes Click the chart and select it. From the Chart Design tab, select Add Chart ...

How to Add, Customize & Remove Label to Axis in Excel?

Labelling axes in Excel charts provides clarity by identifying the data on each axis, giving context to the presented information, improving ...

How to Add Data Series in Excel Chart (2 Easy Methods)

After inserting a chart, you may need to add another row or column to plot in the same Excel chart. Let's use the following dataset to demonstrate ...

Formatting a Chart in Excel – 8 Examples

Download Practice Workbook Download the following workbook. Formatting Chart in Excel.xlsx How to Insert a Chart from Data in ...

Excel Axis Scale (Change Scale, X and Y-Axis Values)

Let's use a dataset that contains information about annual rainfall for a decade and converts that into a column chart to demonstrate how to scale ...

Advanced Excel Exercises with Solutions PDF


