Advanced Excel

How to Remove Leading Zeros in Excel (8 Easy Methods)

This tutorial will demonstrate how to remove leading zeros in excel. Leading zeros are those zeros that are positioned at the start of the number but ...

How to Merge Excel Worksheets Without Copying and Pasting?

The problem that occurs while copying different elements of a worksheet into another worksheet is that you may not get the actual formatting of the ...

How to Make Excel Spreadsheet Bigger When Printing (7 Ways)

Printing in an efficient way creates a lot of positive impacts on the mother environment and your office balance sheet. So, I always inspire people ...

How to Multiply in Excel (8 Simple Methods)

Multiplying numbers in Excel is very easy. But while multiplying multiple cells, columns and rows, you often face difficulties. Knowing different ...

How to Reduce Excel File Size (11 Suitable Methods)

In this Excel tutorial, we will explore the reasons behind larger Excel file sizes and how to reduce Excel file size to smaller sizes, to zip, for ...

How to Lock and Unlock Cells in Excel Using VBA

Locking cells, columns, and rows in Excel allows you to protect your data. After protecting a worksheet, by default, every cell is locked. It means ...

How to Compare Two Columns or Lists in Excel (4 Suitable Ways)

While doing different tasks in Excel we often come across a situation where the matching and differences of two or multiple columns are required. ...

Microsoft Excel Security Tips: Secure Workbook & Worksheet

If you are looking for some exclusive security tips for Microsoft Excel, then this article will be helpful for you. We have already covered worksheet ...

How to Use Sparklines in Excel [With a Snail Farming Example]

Sparklines are tiny mini-charts that are contained wholly within worksheet cells. Sparklines were introduced in 2010 and later versions of Excel. ...

Difference Between Protect Sheet and Protect Workbook in MS Excel

It is often necessary to protect either the sensitive information in one’s actual worksheet or the workbook structure, from being edited. Excel ...

3D Referencing & External Reference in Excel

Creating 3D referencing in Excel within a formula involves referring to the same cell or the same range of cells, on different worksheets. Each of ...

How to Use Table Reference with Excel VBA (20 Examples)

In Excel workbooks with large datasets, it can be convenient to refer to a table by its name instead of its whole range. Using VBA in Excel is the ...

How to Make Excel Tables Look Good (8 Effective Tips)

Excel Tables are extremely useful for organizing and showcasing data. They can also be formatted using the features available in Excel, in order to ...

How to Use Different Types of COUNT Functions in Excel?

Microsoft Excel offers a number of methods for counting various cell types, including blank or non-blank cells, cells with numbers, times, or text ...

How to Use Wildcards in Excel (4 Easy Methods)

In this article, we shall see how to use wildcards in Excel. Wildcard characters such as the asterisk "*", question mark "?" and the tilde "~" can ...

Advanced Excel Exercises with Solutions PDF


