Serial Number in Excel (With Practical Examples)

Serial numbers are important for sorting, ordering, and maintaining the consistency of data in Excel. In this article, you will learn how to create a serial number in Excel using built-in features and formulas.

Serial Number in Excel

Method 1 – Add Serial Number in Excel with Built-in Features

The dataset below has the Names and CGPAs of multiple students, but the Serial Number column is blank. We will generate serial numbers using the built-in features of Excel.

Dataset for Serial Number in Excel

Example 1 – Use the Fill Handle Feature

  • Enter 1 in cell B5 and 2 in cell B6.
  • Select range B5:B6 and use Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range B7:B14.

Using Fill Handle

Example 2 – Apply the Fill Series Option of Excel

  • Enter 1 in cell B5.
  • Go to the Home tab and select the Fill option from the Editing group.
  • Select Series from the drop-down menu of Fill.

Using Fill Series

  • From the Series dialog box, select the Columns series and put 10 as the Stop value. Click OK.

Series Dialog Box

Note: The Step value is set to 1 by default.

  • It will output serial numbers in the dataset.

Fill Series to Create Serial Number

Method 2 – Use Formula to Add Serial Number in Excel

Example 1 – Use Excel SEQUENCE Function


Using SEQUENCE Function

Example 2 – Use the ROW Function to Serial Number in Excel

  • Press Enter and use the Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range B6:B14.

Using ROW Function


Example 3 – Apply the COUNTA Function for Serial Numbers

  • Press Enter and use the Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range B6:B14.

Using COUNTA Function

Read More: Automatically Number Columns in Excel

Example 4 – Use the SUBTOTAL Function for Serial Numbers

  • Press Enter and use the Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range B6:B14.

Using SUBTOTAL Function

Example 5 – Combine IF and ROW Functions

  • Go to cell B5 and insert a formula based on the combination of IF and ROW functions.
  • Press Enter and use the Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range B6:B14.

Combining IF and ROW Functions

Example 6 – Use of OFFSET Function to Add Serial Number in Excel

  • Press Enter and use the Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range B6:B14.

Using OFFSET Function

Note: Make sure that the cell above the formula cell is blank otherwise there will be a #VALUE error.

Example 7 – Combination of ROW and TEXT Functions for Serial Numbers

  • Go to cell B5 and insert a formula based on the combination of ROW and TEXT functions.
  • Press Enter and use the Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range B6:B14.

Using TEXT & ROW Functions

Example 8 – Add 1 to the Previous Number to Get the Serial Number of Cells

  • Enter 1 in cell B5.
  • Go to cell B6 and put this formula into the cell.
  • Press Enter and use the Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range B7:B14.

Adding 1 to Previous Number

Read More: Auto Generate Serial Number Using Excel VBA

Method 3 – Insert Serial Number Using Other Features of Excel

Example 1 – Use Excel Name Manager to Get Serial Numbers

  • Go to Formulas tab >> Define Name.

Creating New Name

  • In the New Name dialog box, add a name. We have added Serial_Number.
  • Enter the following formula in the Refers to box and press OK.

Name Manager Dialog Box

  • Press Enter and use the Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range B6:B14.

Using Name Manager

Example 2 – Insert Dynamic Serial Numbers for Filters

  • Go to cell B5 and insert the following formula.
  • Press Enter and use the Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range B6:B14.

Dynamic Serial Numbers

  • Select Sort & Filter from the Home tab. Click on the Filter option from the drop-down menu.

Using Filter Feature

  • Click on a drop-down arrow and apply the filter according to your preference. We have unchecked serial numbers 4, 5, 6.
  • Press OK to proceed.

Filtering Serial Number

  • The serial numbers will be updated.

Dynamic Serial Numbers Using Filters

Read More: Automatically Number Rows in Excel

Example 3 – Automatically Add Serial Number in an Excel Table

  • Enter 1 in cell B5.
  • Go to cell B6 and insert this formula.

Formula in Dataset

  • Press Ctrl+T to open the Create Table dialog box.
  • Put range $B$4:$D$6 in the box of the Create Table dialog box. Check the My table has headers option and press OK.

Creating Table

  • A table will be created with the dataset.

Table with Serial Number

  • Enter Rebecca in cell C7 and press the Tab
  • You will see the serial number is generated automatically.

Serial Number in a Table

Example 4 – Serial Number in a Pivot Table

  • Add a new column in the source data with 1 in each cell.

Adding Column in Dataset

  • Select a cell in the table.
  • Go to Insert tab >> Pivot Table >> From Table/Range option.

Creating Pivot Table

  • You will see the source data range is added automatically in the Table/Range section.
  • Set the location of the pivot table in the dialog box and press OK.

Pivot Table Dialog Box

  • A pivot table will be created.
  • Check and place the Serial Number and Name in the PivotTable Fields as shown in the image below.

Pivot Table Fields

  • Click on Sum of Serial Numbers below and select Value Field Settings.

Editing Value Field Settings

  • Set up the dialog box as shown: Value Field Settings dialog box >> open the Show Values As tab >> select the Running Total In option from the drop-down list >> select Name as the Base field >> click OK.

Editing Field Value

  • You will see a pivot table with serial numbers.

Serial Number in a Pivot Table

Note: We get the serial number based on the Name column in ascending order.

Example 5 – Use Power Pivot to Add Serial Number

  • Select a cell in your dataset.
  • Go to Power Pivot >> Add to Data Model.

Creating Data Model

  • Check the range shown in the Create Table window.
  • Check My table has headers option and press OK.

Data Model Dialog Box

  • This will open a power query window.
  • Add a column named Index and put the formula in the first cell of the column.
=RANK.EQ( Table8[Name], Table8[Name], ASC )

Formula to Create Serial Number in Power Pivot

Table8 is the name of the data model table and we are ranking based on the name.

  • Go to Insert tab >> Pivot Table >> From Data Model option.

Pivot Table from Power Pivot

  • Select the location of the pivot table and press OK.

Creating Pivot Table from Data Model

  • In the PivotTable Fields, select Name and Index from Table8.

Pivot Table Fields

  • You will see the pivot table with the serial number in the Sum of Index column.

Serial Number in Power Pivot

Note: Power Pivot is not available in all versions of Excel. It is available from Excel 2013 to the latest versions. To find it in your version follow these steps:

  • Go to File >> Options >> Add-ins.
  • Select COM Add-ins and press Go.

Power Pivot Tab from Add-ins

  • If you have the Power Pivot in your version of Excel, you will see Microsoft Power Pivot for Excel in your dialog box. Check it and press OK.

Adding Microsoft Power Pivot for Excel

Example 6 – Add Serial Numbers Using Index Column in Power Query

  • Select a cell of your table.
  • Go to the Data tab >> From Table/Range.

Power Query to Create Serial Number

  • This will open up the Power Query Editor.
  • Go to Add Column tab >> Index Column command >> From 1.

Index Column from 1

  • You will see the dataset with the Index column.

Dataset with Index Column

  • Go to Home tab >> Close & Load >> Close and Load to.

Loading the Data

  • Select the location of the table and press OK.

Selecting Location for Power Query Table

  • You will see an additional table with an Index column.

Using Power Query for Serial Number in Excel

Example 7 – Use the Connection Properties for Connected Tables

  • Create a connected table.

Creating a Connected Table

  • Select any cell of your connected table.
  • Go to the Data tab >> Properties.

Selecting Properties from Data Tab

  • Check the Include row numbers option and press OK.

Including Row Numbers

  • Go to the Data tab >> press Refresh.

Refreshing Data

  • You will see the serial number starting from 0.

Serial Numbers using Connection Properties

Note: The serial number starts with 0 by default. This is because starting with 0 aligns with the 0-based indexing used in the data structure. This is the desired convention of Excel connection properties.

Method 4 – Add Serial Number with VBA Code

  • Go to the Developer tab >> Visual Basic.

Opening VBA Module

  • Go to Insert >> Module.

Creating a New Module

  • Put the following code in your VBA Macro Editor and press the Run key or F5 to run the code.

Running Code in VBA Macro Editor

Sub sequence()
    'variable declaration
    Dim WS As Worksheet
    'set the variable
    Set WS = ActiveSheet
    'use sequence function to generate serial number
    WS.Range("B5:B14") = WorksheetFunction.sequence(10)
End Sub
  • You will see the serial number in your dataset.

Serial Number with VBA

Read More: Auto Serial Number Based on Another Column

Method 5 – Examples of Inserting Serial Numbers in Practical Life

Example 1 – Add Roman Numbers as Serial Numbers

  • Go to cell B5 and insert a formula based on the combination of ROMAN and ROW
  • Press Enter and use the Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range B6:B14.

Roman Serial Number

Note: The ROMAN function converts the numeric number you get from the ROW function.

2. Add a Serial Dates in a Column

In the dataset, we have the Names and CGPAs of students. Data are sorted in descending order of CGPA. The interview date will be in a serial according to their CGPAs.

  • Go to cell B5 and insert the date.
  • Press Enter and use the Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range B6:B14.

Serial Dates in Excel

Example 3 – Convert Serial Numbers to Serial Dates

  • Press Enter and use the Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range C6:C14.

Converting Serial Numbers to Serial Dates in Excel

Things to Remember

  • You may need to put the initial value.
  • While using Fill Handle, be aware that the step number is always 1. If you want a custom step number, you can use the Fill Series option.
  • While using the OFFSET function, make sure that the cell above the one where you put the formula is blank.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I generate alphanumeric serial numbers in Excel?

Yes, you can generate alphanumeric serial numbers in Excel. You can combine the ROW function with other functions like the CHAR function to convert numbers to corresponding characters.

2. Is it possible to automatically increment the serial number when adding new rows or entries?

Yes, it is possible to automatically increment the serial number when adding new rows or entries. You can use formulas that dynamically update based on the number of rows or entries in your data range. You can also use Excel Table.

3. Is there a way to generate random serial numbers in Excel?

Yes, you can generate random serial numbers in Excel using the RAND function or by creating a custom VBA macro that generates random numbers within a specific range.

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Md. Abu Sina Ibne Albaruni
Md. Abu Sina Ibne Albaruni

Md. Abu Sina Ibne Albaruni holds a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. He is a dedicated employee of the ExcelDemy project. He has written quite a large number of articles for ExcelDemy. Besides, he has expertise in VBA. He efficiently automates Excel issues using VBA macros and actively engages in the ExcelDemy forum, offering valuable solutions for user interface challenges. His areas of interest in work and study span MATLAB, Machine Learning,... Read Full Bio

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