How to Use the DATE Function in Excel (10 Examples)


Introduction to the DATE Function

Excel DATE Function

  • Function Objective:

The DATE function creates a date from numeric values in the arguments.

  • Syntax:
  • Arguments Explanation:
year Required The numeric value of year.
month Required The numeric value of month.
day Required The numeric value of day.
  • Return Parameter:

A date containing year, month, and day.

  • Version:

The DATE function has been introduced in Excel 2007 and is available for all versions after that.

The DATE Function with Number in an Argument


  • Enter the number representing the year, month, and day in the arguments of the DATE function. The corresponding date will appear in the cell.
  • Enter the following formula in cell C5:
  • The formula gives the output date 20-May-2022. I have included more dates similarly.

Excel DATE Function

Note: If we insert the number of days greater than the total days of that month, then the function will subtract the day’s value and add it to the number of months.

The DATE Function with Cell Reference in an Argument


  • Enter the following formula in cell D5:

The formula takes the value of Cell C5 as the Day argument.

  • We can see the corresponding date in Cell D5. I have included more dates in the sheet.

The DATE Function with Arrays


  • Enter the following formula in cell D5:

In the formula, I imputed an array instead of a specific cell, giving an output array of dates.

Example 1 – Finding the First Day of the Month Using the DATE Function


  • Enter the following formula in cell D5:

Find First Day of Month Using DATE Function

In the formula, C5 contains the date, and the DAY function excludes the day value from the date. Subtraction of the day value from the date and adding 1 gives the first date of the month.

You can find out the dates for other candidates in a similar fashion.

Example 2 – Inserting the Last Day of Month with EOMONTH and DATE Functions


  • Enter the following formula in cell D5:

Insert Last Day of Month with EMONTH and DATE Functions

  • Press Enter.
Here, the EOMONTH function takes the output date from the DATE function and finds the last date as we input 0 in the argument. If we input 1 or any other number, that number will be added to the last date of the month.

Example 3 – Applying the Excel DATE Function to Add Specific Days to Date


  • Enter the following formula in cell D5:
  • Press Enter.

The formula will return the date after adding 265 from the DATE function.

Apply Excle DATE Function to Add Specific Days to Date

Note: Here, we just used (+) operator for addition.

Example 4 – Using the DATE Function to Subtract Specific Days from Date


  • Enter the following formula in cell D5:
  • Press Enter.

In the formula, we simply subtracted 265 from the date output of the DATE function.

  • The formula returns the date back to 265 days.
  • We can subtract any number instead of 265 in the formula.

Use DATE Function to Subtract Specific Days from Date

Example 5 – Identifying the First Day of the Year with DATE and YEAR Functions


  • Enter the following formula in cell D5:
  • Press Enter.

We will see the 1st date of the year as a result.

Identify First Day of Year with DATE and YEAR Functions

In the formula, the YEAR function finds the year value from the date of Cell C5, which then acts as an argument of the DATE function; the month and day arguments are set to 1 for finding the 1st date of the year.

Example 6 – Counting Days Between Two Dates in Excel


  • Enter the following formula in cell E5:
  • Press Enter.

The formula will give the difference between two dates and the output of two DATE functions.

Note: The output value will be negative if we subtract a date from a previous date.

Example 7 – Counting Total Workdays Between Two Dates in Excel


The syntax of this function is:


Here, start_date is the starting date, end_date is the ending date and [holidays] is a list of holidays.

To find the workdays between 1-Jan-2020 and 3-Nov-2022,

  • Enter the following formula in cell E5: 
  • Press Enter.

We will see the net workdays between the two dates excluding the holidays also.

Count Total Workdays Between Two Dates in Excel

In the argument of the NETWORKDAYS function, C5 and D5 contain the two dates, and B5:B15 is the range of cells that contain the holiday’s date.

Example 8 – Finding the Workday after a Specific Number of Days in Excel


The Syntax of the WORKDAY function is:

Here, start_date is the starting date, days is the total number of workdays between the two dates, and [holidays] is a list of holidays.

To find the workday after 1000 days starting from 1 January 2020, with B5:B15 as a list of holidays,

  • Select cell E5.
  • Enter the formula below:
  • Press Enter to see the result.

Find Workday after Specific Number of Days in Excel

Example 9 – Creating a Series of Dates in Excel


  • Enter the following formula in cell C5:

Create Series of Dates in Excel

  • Press Enter.
  • Select the range of cells C5:C15 to create the arrays.

excel date function

  • Go to the Home tab.
  • Click on the small icon beside Fill and select Series.

  • The Series window will pop up.
  • Select Column, Date, and Day in the box.
  • In the Step value box write 7. It will create a gap of 7 days in between dates.

excel date function

  • Press OK, and we will see the series of dates created.

  • Instead of using the procedure mentioned above, you can use the following formula to create a series of dates.
  • Next, hit Enter and we can see the series of dates created.

Within the SEQUENCE function, 11 is the total number of days of the series (C5:C215), 20 is the starting day (20 May), and 7 is the interval. You can use it according to your needs. Within the DATE function, 2022 and 5 are the starting years and months (May 2021).

Example 10 – Converting the Date to Text with TEXT and DATE Functions


The syntax of the TEXT function is:


Here, value is the value that will be converted to text, and format_text is the format in which you want to get your texts. Excel accepts a lot of text formats.

To extract the text names of the month of any date,

  • Select cell C5 and enter the formula below:
  • Press Enter to see the result.

Convert Date to Text with TEXT and DATE Functions

Note: Here “mmmm” is the format for months. Use the one that you need.

Common Errors with Excel DATE Function

The VLOOKUP function has the following common errors.

Error When They Show
#NUM! Shows when it finds wrong arguments or large numbers.
#VALUE! Shows when the argument number is of the wrong data type, like text, array, etc.

How to Insert TODAY Function to Get Today’s Date in Excel

We can easily find today’s date in Excel using the TODAY function. Let’s follow the procedures given below.

  • Enter the following formula in cell C5 and press Enter.
  • It will give today’s date as output.

How to Insert TODAY Function to Get Today's Date in Excel

Note: The TODAY function needs no argument.

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Rifat Hassan
Rifat Hassan

Rifat Hassan, BSc, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, has worked with the ExcelDemy project for almost 2 years. Within these 2 years, he has written over 250 articles. He has also conducted a few Boot Camp sessions on effective coding, especially Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Currently, he is working as a Software Developer to develop and deploy additional add-ins to enhance the customers with a more sophisticated experience with Microsoft Office Suits,... Read Full Bio

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