Percentage Formula in Excel (6 Ideal Examples)

In Microsoft Excel, we can use different methods to calculate the percentage of a numeric value with a formula. We can apply algebraic calculations or insert a function to meet our objectives. In this article, you’ll get to learn all suitable methods to determine the percentage of a numeric value by using a formula in Excel spreadsheets.

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6 Ideal Examples of Percentage Formula in Excel

The term Percentage means a fraction of 100 calculated by dividing the numerator by the denominator and then multiplying the fraction by 100. It’s a mathematical term that expresses the proportion of an amount per hundred.

For example, if a class has 100 students and 55 of them are male, we can say that the percentage of male students in the class is 55 percent or 55%.

The basic percentage formula is as follows:

(Value/Total Value)x100

Now we will show how we can calculate the percentage using formulas in excel with daily life examples.

1. Calculate Percentage Using Basic Formula in Excel

There is no single formula for percentage which is applicable to every calculation. Although the basic principle is the same-to divide a partial value by the total value and multiply the result by 100.

The basic MS Excel formula for percentage is as follows:


Unlike the conventional basic formula for percentage, Excel basic formula doesn’t contain the x100 part. Why is this so? We’ll discuss it at the end of the following example.

Example for Basic Percentage Formula in Excel:

Let’s assume that we have a simple data set. We have to calculate the percentage of mangoes in the proportion of total fruits.

percentage formula in excel

  • All we need to do is- just type the following formula in cell C7 and press Enter.


You can also enter the formula in cell C7 this way:

  • Type “=” > Click once on cell B5 > Type “/” > Click once on cell C5.
  • Then, press Enter.

What we see in Cell C7 is the result 0.10. We actually expected something like 10% or 10 percent.

What we could do is multiply the formula by 100. But Excel doesn’t need that. Excel has a Percentage Style button in the Number group at the Home tab.

  • Primarily, go to the Home tab > Number Group or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+1 and go directly to Number group.
  • Then, go to Percentage > Select the Decimal places > Press OK.

  • You can also convert the number format into percentage style using a simple keyboard shortcut.

The Keyboard Shortcut for Percentage Style- Ctrl + Shift + %:

  • Select the cell(s) before or after your calculation and press Ctrl + Shift + %. The numerical result will be converted to percent style.
  • Applying the percentage style on Cell C7, now we have our result in the desired look (10.0%).

percentage formula in excel result

Note: Remember the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + %. We will use that all the way through this article.

  • As we have discussed earlier in this article, there is no fixed format of the formula for percentage. You have to arrange the formula according to the type of your calculation. See more examples in the following sections.

Read More: How to Calculate Percentage of a Number in Excel (5 Easy Ways)

2. Find Percentage of Total Using Simple Formula

Let’s assume that we have a list of several mangoes and apples. We have to calculate the percentage of total mangoes and total apples in the proportion to the total number of fruits.

Find Percentage of Total Using Simple Formula

  • First of all, calculate the total using the SUM function.
  • Then, type the following formula in Cell C14 > press Enter.


The Absolute Cell Reference ($) sign in the formula indicates that Cell B14 will always be the denominator when you copy the formula in Cell C14 (or wherever).

  • We have copied the formula to Cell C14 too and applied it.
  • Now, we have the percentages, but they are in fraction format.

  • Select Cells B14 and C14 and press Ctrl + Shift + %.
  • Thus, we have the results in percentage format now.

percentage formula in excel result

Read More: How to Calculate Total Percentage in Excel (5 Ways)

3. Determine Percentage Difference Between Immediate Cells in a Column or Row

The excel formula for calculating the change between two values is:

(New Value-Old Value)/Old Value

3.1 Find Percentage Change Between Rows

Assuming that we have an attendance sheet of a student. We have to determine the percentage change of his attendance between two consecutive months.

Determine Percentage Difference Between Immediate Cells in a Column or Row

  • Firstly, type the formula in Cell D6 and press Enter.
  • Then, copy and paste the formula to the next cells > Press Enter.

  • Look at Cell D8. The formula is copied and changed accordingly to return the percentage change between March and April.
  • Thus, we have calculated the percentage change of the student’s presence between two consecutive months, but again in fraction format.

  • Finally, we can convert the fraction format to percentage style using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + %. You can convert the fraction to percentage using the lengthy process described at the starting of this article, but we won’t recommend that for Excel spreadsheets.

3.2 Determine Percentage Change Between Columns

Let’s assume that we have the mark sheet of a student. We have to determine the percentage change of his marks in different subjects between half-yearly in June and final exam in December.

Percentage Change between Columns

  • Type the formula in cell E5 and press Enter.

  • Look at Cell E7. The formula is copied and changed duly to give the percentage change.
  • Again, we have calculated the percentage change between two consecutive columns in fraction format.

  • Finally, convert the fraction to percentage using a comfortable way described previously in this article

Read More: Percentage Difference between Two Percentages Excel (2 Easy Ways)

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4. Calculate Amount and Total Value from Percentage in Excel

In a super shop, 20% of the fruits are mangoes. You can calculate the number of mangoes or the number of total fruits in the following way.

Calculate Amount and Total Value from Percentage in Excel

4.1 Calculate an Amount by Percentage

  • Just enter the following formula in cell D5. Press Enter.


  • So, the number of mangoes in the shop is 30 as we see in the screenshot.

4.2 Find the Total by Percentage

  • Just enter the following formula in cell D5. Press Enter.


Calculate the Total by Percentage

  • So, the number of total fruits in the shop is 150 as we see in the screenshot.

Read More: Excel formula to calculate percentage of grand total (4 Easy Ways)

5. Insert Formula to Change Value by Percentage

Assume that we have certain input numbers and have to apply the positive or negative change on them by percentage.

Insert Formula to Change Value by Percentage

The formula is simple:

New Value = Old Value + (Old Value x Percentage Change)
  • So, enter the formula in Cell D5 and press Enter.
  • Then, copy and paste the formula in the range of cells D6:D10 > Press Enter.

  • Also, look at the following screenshot. The formula is copied and changed properly to return the output numbers.

percentage formula in excel result

Read More: How do you Calculate Percentage Increase or Decrease in Excel

6. Apply IFERROR Function in Percentage Formula to Ignore Error

Your data set may contain text strings. As a result, the percentage formula entered in the cell will give erroneous values like #DIV/0! or #VALUE! etc. In these cases, you can use the IFERROR function to make your data set look better.

Apply IFERROR Function in Percentage Formula to Ignore Error

  • Type the following formula in Cell E5:

  • Again, We will add the IFERROR function with that.
  • Afterward, type the following formula in Cell E5.

  • Afterward, copy and paste the formula in the range of cells E6:E9.
  • As a result, when an error occurs in the result, the formula will return the output as in double quotations.

percentage formula in excel result

Related Content: How to Apply Percentage Formula in Excel for Marksheet (7 Applications)


Concluding, we have described 6 basic usages of the percentage formula in Excel. Besides, we have also given a short intro of the percentage concept for newcomers. Hope you will find all these methods instrumental. The workbook is there for you to download and practice yourself. If you have any questions, comments, or any kind of feedback, please let me know in the comment box.

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Masum Mahdy
Masum Mahdy

Abu Talha Masum Mahdy (Assistant Project Manager, ExcelDemy) has been working with the ExcelDemy family for over 2 years. He wrote 30+ articles and reviewed more than 1300 others for ExcelDemy. Currently, he is responsible for reviewing articles from 2 writing teams of ExcelDemy. He ensures correctness and fluency in his team write-ups. Mahdy holds a BSc in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from BUET. His interests are Project Management, Content Writing, SEO, Digital Marketing, Data Analytics and... Read Full Bio

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