How to Convert Percentage to Whole Number in Excel (4 Methods)

Usually, we need to calculate percentage to visualize the rate of increase or decrease for a specific value. But sometimes you may need to convert percentage format to number format in Excel to get the desired output. And Excel allows this conversion on demand. The article will show you how to convert a percentage to a whole number in Excel.

About Percentage & Whole Number

Percentage means the amount of fraction on 100. Usually, it is denoted by a % sign. For example, If anyone earns 200$ and expenses 50$, then the percentage of expenses is (50$/200$)*100 that means 25%.

The value of percentage denotes the whole number. For the previous example, the percentage is 25% and here, 25 denotes the whole number.

Excel allows you different ways for calculating the percentage of a number. And this article will pave the way for converting these percentages to the whole numbers in Excel.

How to Convert Percentage to Whole Number in Excel: 4 Effective Methods

In this section, you will find 4 suitable methods for converting percentages to whole numbers in Excel. Let’s check them now!

1. Convert Percentage to Whole Number from Home Tab

Let’s say we have a dataset of the sales of different sales representatives of a shop over two consecutive months. The increase in the amount of sales and the percentages of increased sales are also noticeable here.

Dataset for Converting Percentage to Whole Number in Excel

To convert these percentages to whole numbers, just follow the steps below:

  • First of all, select a cell where you want the whole number.
  • Then, go to the Home tab> click the Number Format icon> select Number.

Converting Percentage to Whole Number

  • Now, apply the following formula to the formatted cell:


  • E5= the percentage

Convert Percentages to Whole Numbers

  • After that, hit ENTER, and the cell will show the result.

Converting Percentage to Whole Number in Excel

  • Now, use Autofill to drag the formula down the cells, and your output will be ready.

Convert Percentage to Whole Number

So easy, isn’t it? You will be able to convert percentages to whole numbers by following this way in the blink of an eye.

2. Convert Percentage to Whole Number Using Format Cells Option

Let’s say, that for our previous dataset, we want to change the percentage to a whole number by using the Format Cells option.

So, let’s start the procedure:

  • First of all, select a cell where you want the whole number.
  • Then, right-click on the mouse> select Format Cells from the options.

Copnverting Percentage to Whole Number

  • Now, the Format Cells dialogue box will show up. From the Number icon, choose Number from Category> assign the Decimal places (i.e. 0 as I don’t want to show decimal point)

Convert Percentage to Whole Number in an Excel sheet

  • Here, you can also choose Custom from Category and 0% from the Type box (as I don’t want any decimal point) for formatting cells.

  • After that, apply the formula just like Method 1.

  • And finally, hit ENTER & drag the formula to the down cells to show the results.

In this way, you can convert percentage to whole number by using the format cells option.

3. Apply Function for Converting Percentage to Whole Number

We will now apply the NUMBERVALUE function for converting to the whole number from percentage.  This function converts percentage value to numerical value. To do so, just follow the steps below:

  • First of all, apply the following formula to the cell you want the output:

Formula Breakdown


  • E5= Percentage

So, the NUMBERVALUE function returns 0.25 for a percentage value of 25%. And it becomes 25 after multiplying by 100.

  • Then, hit ENTER, and the cell will show the result.

  • After that, drag the formula to the down cells and you will get the output.

In this way, you can simply change percentage to whole number by applying the NUMBERVALUE function.

4. Use of Paste Values Option for Converting to Whole Number

You can also use the Paste Values option for converting the percentage to a whole number. Let’s follow the steps below to demonstrate the method:

  • Firstly, copy the cell containing the percentages.
  • Now, right -click on the mouse where you want the number and select Paste Values from the Paste Options.

  • Here, you will see the number in decimal (ratio of increase to the previous value.)

  • Now, apply the following formula, just like Method 1 to the cell where you want the whole number.


  • F5= Decimal number

  • After that, drag the formula to the down cells and you will get the result.

By following this way, you can convert your percentages to the whole number.


I’m providing you with a calculator to convert any percentage value into a whole number with ease. Provide the value into the field and you will get the desired number.

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In this article, you have learned, how to convert percentage to whole number in Excel by using Excel built-in features, Formulas & functions. I hope from now on, you can easily convert percentages to the whole number.  If you have any better methods or questions or feedback regarding this article, please share them in the comment box. This will help me enrich my upcoming articles.

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Rafiul Hasan
Rafiul Hasan

Rafiul Hasan, holding a BSc in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, contributes significantly to the ExcelDemy project with almost 1.6 years of dedicated work. Currently an Excel and VBA Content Developer, he has a passion for problem-solving. Authoring over 100 articles for ExcelDemy showcases expertise in Microsoft Office Suites and Data Analysis. In addition to content development, Rafiul actively engages with the ExcelDemy forum, offering valuable solutions to user queries and... Read Full Bio

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