Calculate Salary in Excel

How to Make Salary Sheet in Excel with Formula (with Detailed Steps)

A salary sheet is a very handy tool regarding the distribution of salaries among the employees of a company. There are many allowances and deductions ...

Per Day Salary Calculation Formula in Excel (2 Suitable Examples)

If you are looking for per day salary calculation formula in Excel, this article is for you. Here, we will walk you through 2 easy and suitable ...

How to Calculate HRA on Basic Salary in Excel (3 Quick Methods)

Before we calculate HRA on basic salary in excel, we must know what this term means. It refers to the full form of House Rent Allowance. Basically, ...

How to Calculate DA on Basic Salary in Excel (3 Easy Ways)

Sometimes you may need to Calculate Dearness Allowance (DA) on Basic Salary in Excel. In this article, I’m going to explain to you three methods of ...

How to Calculate Basic Salary in Excel (3 Common Cases)

If you run an institution or work for a company, then you may need to calculate the basic salary of the employees of the institution. In this ...

How to Create Salary Slip Format with Formula in Excel Sheet

Let’s assume we have a large worksheet that contains the information about several Employee salary statements. The data for the Employee name, the ...

How to Calculate Hourly Rate in Excel (2 Quick Methods)

We’ll use the following dataset which represents the daily paid amount of the writers of a content publishing site. We'll determine each writer's ...

How to Calculate Salary Increase Percentage in Excel

In this short tutorial, I will show you how to calculate salary increase percentage (%) in Excel from your recent raise. Also, you will learn how to ...

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