How to Calculate Salary Increase Percentage in Excel

In this short tutorial, I will show you how to calculate salary increase percentage (%) in Excel from your recent raise. Also, you will learn how to calculate the amount of raise from the salary increase percentage (%). In every calculation, you will be able to see the amount of difference made in your per paycheck.

Calculate Salary Increase Percentage in Excel: 2 Different Methods

Whenever our salary is increased, we usually have either of the two situations below.

  1. We have the Amount of Raise but want to find out the Percentage Increase in salary.
  2.  We have Percentage increase in salary but want to find out the Amount of Raise in salary.

In our template, we have shown both of the cases.

How to Calculate Salary Increase Percentage in Excel

So let’s learn how to deal with the first case.

1. Salary Increase Percentage (%) Calculation from the Raise

From your Paycheck Stub, you will take the Gross Salary. Don’t deduct anything from the Gross Salary like Medical Tax, Social Security Tax, Fed Tax or anything else. Normally Gross Salary and Deductions are shown in different columns. So, it will be easy for you to find out the Gross Wages from the paycheck stub.

A sample Paycheck stub.

Paycheck Stub Sample

In the following image, you’re seeing the whole process I have used to calculate the Salary Increase Percentage from the Salary Raise.

Salary Increase Percentage (%) Calculation from the Raise

Input / Output values in the Excel Template:

  • Gross Income (Per Paycheck): Input your Gross Income value in cell C4.
  • You Get Paid: This is a drop-down list. Input your payment frequency. Though I have input a lot of values in the list, normally employees gets paid Weekly, Bi-weekly, and Monthly.

Salary Increase Percentage (%) Calculation from the Raise

  • Number of Payments/Year: This is the value you will get from a VLOOKUP table. In the Payments worksheet (a hidden worksheet), you will get a range named as payment_frequency. We have applied the VLOOKUP function to get the Payment Frequency in a year.

  • Annual Salary: This is also an output. We got it by multiplying the Gross Income (Per Paycheck) by the Number of Payments per Year:
  • Amount of Raise: It will be input by you. Input the raise you got from your company in cell C8.
  • New Salary: Your new salary will be the sum of your old Annual Salary and Raise:
=C7 + C8
  • Salary Increased (/Decreased): We will calculate using this formula:

=(New Annual Salary – Old Annual Salary)/Old Annual Salary

We use Percentage format to format this cell.

Salary Increase Percentage (%) Calculation from the Raise

  • New Gross Income: To get the New Gross Income (per paycheck), you have to divide your new annual income by the total number of payments per year:
  • Change Per Paycheck: Just subtract your new Per Paycheck from the old Per Paycheck:

2. New Salary and Raise Calculation from the Salary Increase Percentage (%)

In this case, the dataset will provide your Salary Increase Percentage, we shall calculate your new Gross Income and Raise.

Now, check out the following image. You should notice that this time we give the Salary Increase Percentage instead of the Raise amount.

New Salary and Raise Calculation from the Salary Increase Percentage (%)

Input / Output values in the Excel Template:

  • Gross Income (Per Paycheck): Input your Gross Income.
  • You Get Paid: Select your payment frequency from the drop-down list.
  • Number of Payments/Year: We used Excel VLOOKUP formula to get this value. See the above explanation.
  • Annual Salary: We calculated annual Salary by multiplying the Gross Income by the Total Number of Payments per Year.
  • Salary Increased (/Decreased): Previously, in this place, we have used the Amount of Raise This time, we are using the percentage increase. You will input this value into the template.
  • New Salary: Calculate new Salary using this formula:

= Old Salary x (1 + Percentage Increase)

= C20*(1+C21)
  • Amount of Raise: It is the subtraction of New Annual Salary and Old Annual Salary:
  • New Gross Income: Division of the New Annual Salary and the Total Number of Payments per Year:
  • Change Per Paycheck: Difference of the New Per Paycheck and the Old Per Paycheck:

Download Practice Workbook

Download the Excel template that I have made while writing this article.


This is how to calculate the salary increase percentage (%) in Excel from Gross Pay and Raise. I have also shown how to calculate the raise from the percentage increase. Hope this article and the Excel template help you. Moreover, if you have any further queries, please let us know by commenting in the post.

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Kawser Ahmed
Kawser Ahmed

Kawser Ahmed is a Microsoft Excel Expert, Udemy Course Instructor, Data Analyst, Finance professional, and Chief Editor of ExcelDemy. He is the founder and CEO of SOFTEKO (a software and content marketing company). He has a B.Sc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. As a Udemy instructor, he offers 8 acclaimed Excel courses, one selected for Udemy Business. A devoted MS Excel enthusiast, Kawser has contributed over 200 articles and reviewed thousands more. His expertise extends to Data Analysis,... Read Full Bio

  1. Suppose My current Salary is Rs 307584 annually, If I get a 10% increment every year, how much time (year/months) will it take to get a annual salary of 7500000. How to set value/formulas in excel to get desired result ?

  2. Hello FAIS,

    Follow these steps to get your desired result.

    • You can use the following formula to calculate the time required to get the desired salary. This formula will give you the result in years only.


    In the formula, C6 refers to the desired salary (75000000), C4 refers to the current salary (307584) and C5 refers to the increment percentage (10%).

    • If you want the results to be in years and months, use the formula given below.

    =INT(C8)&" years " & INT(MOD(C8*12,12))&" months"

    Here, C8 refers to the required time in years.

    • You can set up your Excel worksheet like the following image given below to get the desired result.

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