How to Calculate the Average in Excel – 11 Methods

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Method 1 – Calculating the Simple Arithmetic Average of a Group of Numbers

1.1 Using the Excel AutoSum to Find Average for a Group of Numbers Quickly

This is the sample dataset.

Excel AutoSum to Find Average for a Group of Numbers Quickly

Step 1:

  • Select a cell to see the output: D17.
  • Go to the Formulas tab.
  • In AutoSum, select Average.


Excel AutoSum to Find Average for a Group of Numbers Quickly

Step 2:

  • Select the sales values in the Sales column.

Excel AutoSum to Find Average for a Group of Numbers Quickly

Step 3:

  • Press Enter.

You’ll see the average sales in D17.

1.2 Using the Basic AVERAGE Function to Calculate the Average in Excel

  • Enter the formula in D17:

AVERAGE Function to Find Out Average in Excel

1.3 Finding the Average Manually

Use the formula:


Average of Numbers Manually in Excel

1.4 Using the Excel SUBTOTAL Function to Find the Average


Excel SUBTOTAL Function to Find Out Average

  • Enter the formula in D17:

Method 2 – Calculating the Weighted Average with the SUMPRODUCT and the SUM Functions

The dataset below showcases a student’s marks in a final exam. Each subject has a weightage percentage.

To calculate the average marks in D14.

Calculate Weighted Average by Combining SUMPRODUCT and SUM Functions

  • Use the following formula:

Calculate Weighted Average by Combining SUMPRODUCT and SUM Functions

  • Press Enter.

This is the output.

Calculate Weighted Average by Combining SUMPRODUCT and SUM Functions

If the weightage percentages do not add up to 100%:

  • Use the following formula:

Calculate Weighted Average by Combining SUMPRODUCT and SUM Functions

  • Press Enter.

This is the output.

Method 3 – Finding the Average with a Single Criterion

To know the average sales of all branches in California:

Count Average of Numbers with a Single Criterion

  • Select D18.
  • Enter the formula:

Count Average of Numbers with a Single Criterion

  • Press Enter to see the output.

Read More: How to Calculate Average of Multiple Ranges in Excel (3 Methods)

Method 4 – Calculating the Average Ignoring Zero (0) Values

  • Select D17.
  • Enter the formula:

Determine the Average of Number Ignoring Zero (0) Values

  • Press Enter to see the output.

Read More: How to Calculate Average in Excel Excluding 0 (2 Methods)

Method 5 – Calculating the Average with Multiple Criteria in Excel

To know the average sales in California and Texas:

  • Enter the formula below:

Count Average of Numbers with Multiple Criteria in Excel

  • Press Enter.

The function returns a #DIV/0! error. (It cannot return the output from a single column).

Count Average of Numbers with Multiple Criteria in Excel

  • Use this formula:
=SUM(SUMIF(B5:B15,D17:D18,D5:D15))/ SUM(COUNTIF(B5:B15,D17:D18))

Count Average of Numbers with Multiple Criteria in Excel

This is the output.

Formula Breakdown

  • SUMIF(B5:B15,D17:D18,D5:D15):  returns the total sales for California and Texas in an array. The output is: {118133;77690}
  • SUM(SUMIF(B5:B15,D17:D18,D5:D15)): adds up the total sales and returns $1,95,823.00.
  • COUNTIF(B5:B15,D17:D18):  counts cells containing ‘California’ and ‘Texas’ and returns: {4;3}
  • SUM(COUNTIF(B5:B15,D17:D18)): sums the total counts and returns 7.
  • SUM(SUMIF(B5:B15,D17:D18,D5:D15))/ SUM(COUNTIF(B5:B15,D17:D18)): divides the total sales for California and Texas by the total counts and returns: $27,974.71.

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Method 6 – Calculating the Average of Top or Bottom 3 with the LARGE or the SMALL Functions in Excel

  • Select D17.
  • Enter the formula:

Find the Average of Top or Bottom 3 by Using LARGE or SMALL Functions

  • To determine the average of the bottom 3 sales, use the formula:

Method 7 –Ignoring the #DIV/0! Error While Calculating the Average in Excel

The #DIV/0! error is displayed when a numeric value is divided by zero (0).

Ignore the #DIV/0! Error While Calculating Average in Excel

  • Select D17.
  • Enter the formula:
=IFERROR(AVERAGE(E5:E15),"No Data Found")

Method 8 – Using the Excel AVERAGEA Function 

There are 3 text values in the Sales column.

Excel AVERAGEA Function to Include All Cells in a Range

To convert the text values to ‘0’:

  • Use the formula:

Note: The output must be less than or equal to the output of the AVERAGE function for a similar cell range of cells.

Method 9 – Calculating Other Types of Average in Excel: Median and Mode

9.1 Using the MEDIAN Function

In the dataset below, the average sales value is $26,277.55, but the median is $29,964.00.

  • Use the formula:

Calculate Other Types of Average in Excel: Median and Mode

You can sort the Sales column in ascending or descending order: there are 11 sales values in the column. The median is in the middle or 6th row.

9.2 Using the MODE Function

In the table below, $21,000.00 is displayed thrice in the Sales column.

Use the formula:


Calculate Other Types of Average in Excel: Median and Mode


9.3 Using the MODE.MULT Function

In the dataset below, the function returned $16,000.00 although there is a sales value of $21,000.00 with the same number of occurrences as $16,000.00.

Calculate Other Types of Average in Excel: Median and Mode

  • If you sort the Sales column in descending order, the MODE function will return $21,000.00.

Calculate Other Types of Average in Excel: Median and Mode

  • Use the following formula:

This is the output.

9.4 Using the MODE.SNGL Function

  • Use the formula:

Calculate Other Types of Average in Excel: Median and Mode

Method 10 – Calculate the Moving Average with the Excel Analysis ToolPak

Calculate the moving average with a specific interval:

Determine Moving Average with Excel Analysis ToolPak

Step 1:

  • Go to the Data tab.
  • Select Data Analysis in Analysis.

Determine Moving Average with Excel Analysis ToolPak

Step 2:

  • Choose Moving Average and click OK.

Determine Moving Average with Excel Analysis ToolPak

Step 3:

  • In Input Range, select the entire column of total sales with its header.
  • Check Label in the First Row option.
  • Define a cell as the Output Range.
  • Check Chart Output.
  • Click OK.

The default interval is 3. The moving average is counted every 3 successive sales values.

Determine Moving Average with Excel Analysis ToolPak

This is the output.

Determine Moving Average with Excel Analysis ToolPak

The following chart displays the data points of the total sales and the moving averages. If you click the chart, you will see the reference columns in the data table.

Method 11 – Applying the TRIMMEAN Function to Calculate the Trimmed Mean in Excel

Select the trim percentage as 20% or 0.2.

  • Use the formula:

TRIMMEAN Function to Calculate Trimmed Mean in Excel

  • Press Enter.

You’ll see the average sales of a trimmed sales range.

TRIMMEAN Function to Calculate Trimmed Mean in Excel

The simple AVERAGE function returns the same value: $26,134.11.


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Nehad Ulfat
Nehad Ulfat

NEHAD ULFAT is an excellent marine engineer who loves working with Excel and diving into VBA programming. For him, programming is like a tool that saves time when dealing with data, files, and the internet. His skills go beyond the basics, including ABACUS, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros, Maxsurf, and Hydromax. He got his B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET but switched gears, working as a content developer.  In this role, he creates techy content all about Excel... Read Full Bio

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