How to Calculate Percentage of Marks in Excel (5 Simple Ways)

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5 Ways to Calculate Percentage of Marks in Excel

Our sample dataset contains student Names their scores in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Math.

Dataset 1


Method 1 – Using Arithmetic Formula to Calculate Percentage of Marks


  • Enter the following formula in G5.


C5, D5, E5, and F5 indicate the marks obtained by Zoe in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Math, respectively.

Using Arithmetic Formula

How to Calculate Percentage of Marks in Excel Using Arithmetic Formula

  • Enter the following formula in H5.


In this formula, the G5 cell refers to the Marks Scored while the D13 cell points to the Total Mark of 400.

Note: Please make sure to use Absolute Cell Reference by pressing the F4 key on your keyboard.

How to Calculate Percentage of Marks in Excel Using Arithmetic Formula

  • Press CTRL + SHIFT + % on your keyboard to change the number format to percentage. Your result will look like the image below.

How to Calculate Percentage of Marks in Excel Using Arithmetic Formula

Read More: How to Apply Percentage Formula in Excel for Marksheet (7 Applications)

Method 2 – Calculating Percentage of Marks with SUM Function


  • Enter the following formula in G5.


C5:F5 range of cells points to the marks obtained by Zoe in the 4 subjects respectively.

Using SUM Function

  • Enter the following formula in H5.


How to Calculate Percentage of Marks in Excel Using SUM Function

Your output will be displayed as shown in the following image.

How to Calculate Percentage of Marks in Excel Using SUM Function

Read More: Calculate Grade Using IF function in Excel (with Easy Steps)

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Method 3 – Utilizing AutoSum Feature to Calculate Percentage of Marks


  • Select the C5:F5 range of cells >> in the Editing section, click the AutoSum

Using AutoSum Feature

The result will be as shown below.

How to Calculate Percentage of Marks in Excel Using AutoSum Feature

  • Enter the following formula in the cell H5.


How to Calculate Percentage of Marks in Excel Using AutoSum Feature

The percentage will be displayed as shown in the image below.

How to Calculate Percentage of Marks in Excel Using AutoSum Feature

Read More: How to Make a Grade Calculator in Excel (2 Suitable Ways)

Method 4 – Applying the SUBTOTAL Function to Calculate Percentage of Marks


  • Enter the following formula in G5


In the above formula, 109 (function_num argument) refers to the SUM function and the C5:F5 (ref1 argument) range of cells indicates the marks scored by Zoe in the 4 subjects.

Using SUBTOTAL Function

  • Enter the following formula in H5.


How to Calculate Percentage of Marks in Excel Using SUBTOTAL Function

You will get the following subtotal.

How to Calculate Percentage of Marks in Excel Using SUBTOTAL Function

Read More: How to Calculate Grade Percentage in Excel (3 Easy Ways)

Method 5 – Employing the SUMIF Function to Calculate Percentage of Marks

To calculate the percentage of marks for a specific student from a given dataset, we can use the SUMIF function.

Let’s consider the Marks Distribution of French dataset in the B4:D14 cells. In this dataset, we have the student Names and their scores in French for two semesters.

Dataset 2


  • Enter the following formula in the G5


The C5:C14 and the D5:D14 range of cells refer to the Name and the French columns respectively. In contrast, the G4 and the D16 cells point to the Name Michell and the Total Mark of 200.

Note: Please make sure to use Absolute Cell Reference by pressing the F4 key on your keyboard.

âš¡ Formula Breakdown:

  • =SUMIF(C5:C14,G4,D5:D14) → adds the cells specified by a given criteria or condition. C5:C14 is the range argument that refers to the Name G4 represents the criteria argument to apply within the given range. D5:D14 is the optional sum_range argument which indicates the values to sum within the range.
    • Output → 152
  • =SUMIF(C5:C14,G4,D5:D14)/$D$16 → becomes
    • =152/$D$16 → In this expression, the value 152 is divided by the D16 cell which is the Total Mark of 200.
    • 152/200 → 76%

How to Calculate Percentage of Marks in Excel Using SUMIF Function

Your output should look like the image shown below.

How to Calculate Percentage of Marks in Excel Using SUMIF Function

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Eshrak Kader
Eshrak Kader

Eshrak Kader is a dedicated professional with a BSc. Degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. He boasts a rich background in Microsoft Office Suite, and over the past year, he has authored over 120 insightful articles for the ExcelDemy. Currently, Eshrak leads a team of 5 in the ExcelDemy Video project and enjoys problem-solving and making videos on Excel. Eshrak’s passion for continuous learning underscores his commitment to excellence in... Read Full Bio

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