How to Make Result Sheet in Excel (with Easy Steps)

If you want to make a result sheet, Excel can be really helpful. The main objective of this article is to explain how to make result sheet in Excel.

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6 Easy Steps to Make Result Sheet in Excel

Here, I have taken the following dataset. It contains the Student ID and Name. I will make result sheet in Excel for these students with 6 easy steps.

6 Easy Steps to Make Result Sheet in Excel

Step-01: Entering Data

In this first step, I will show you how you can enter data for your result sheet.

  • Firstly, make columns for the subjects you have. Here, I made columns for English, Math, Physics, History, and Art.

Entering Data_how to make result sheet in Excel

  • Secondly, insert the obtained marks for these subjects. Here, I have inserted mine.

Read More: How to Make Automatic Marksheet in Excel (with Easy Steps)

Step-02: Using MAX and MIN Functions

In this step, I will use the MAX function and the MIN function to find the Highest and Lowest obtained marks for each student.

  • Firstly, select the cell where you want the Highest marks. Here, I selected cell I5.
  • Secondly, in cell I5 write the following formula.

Using MAX and MIN Functions

Here, the MAX function will return the Highest found marks in cell range D5:H5.

  • Thirdly, press ENTER to get the result.

  • After that, drag the Fill Handle to copy the formula.

Now, you can see that I have copied the formula to all the cells and got the Highest number for each student.

Here, I will find the Lowest number for each student.

  • Firstly, select the cell where you want the Lowest number. Here, I selected cell J5.
  • Secondly, in cell J5 write the following formula.

Using MAX and MIN Functions

Now, the MIN function will return the Lowest found number in the range D5:H5.

  • Thirdly, press ENTER to get the result.

  • After that, drag the Fill Handle to copy the formula.

Here, you can see that I have copied the formula to all the cells and got the Lowest number for every student.

Using MAX and MIN Functions

Read More: How to Calculate Percentage of Marks in Excel (5 Simple Ways)

Step-03: Use of SUM Function to Get Total Obtained Marks

In this step, I will calculate the Total marks for each student in the result sheet in Excel. I will use the SUM function for this calculation.

  • Firstly, select the cell where you want to calculate the Total marks. Here, I selected cell K5.
  • Secondly, in cell K5 write the following formula.

Use of SUM Function to Get Total Obtained Marks

Here, the SUM function will return the summation of the values in the cell range D5:H5.

  • Thirdly, press ENTER to get the Total marks.

Use of SUM Function to Get Total Obtained Marks

  • After that, drag the Fill Handle to copy the formula. To the other cells.

Now, you can see that I have copied the formula to all the other cells and got Total marks for every student.

Read More: How to Apply Percentage Formula in Excel for Marksheet (7 Applications)

Similar Readings

Step-04: Employing AVERAGE and ROUND Functions in Result Sheet

The 4th step to making a result sheet in Excel is to calculate the Average marks for each student. Here, I will use the AVERAGE function and the ROUND function for this step.

  • Firstly, select the cell where you want your Average marks.
  • Secondly, write the following formula in the selected cell.

Employing AVERAGE and ROUND Functions in Result Sheet in Excel

Formula Breakdown

  • AVERAGE(D5:H5) —-> Here, the AVERAGE function will return the average of the cell range D5:H5.
    • Output: 72.6
  • ROUND(AVERAGE(D5:H5),0) —-> turns into
    • ROUND(72.6,0) —-> Here, the ROUND function will return the rounded number to the given num_digits which is 0 in this case.
      • Output: 73
  • Thirdly, press ENTER to get the Average marks.

Employing AVERAGE and ROUND Functions in Result Sheet in Excel

  • After that, drag the Fill Handle to copy the formula.

Employing AVERAGE and ROUND Functions in Result Sheet in Excel

Now, you can see that I have copied the formula to all the cells and got the Average number for every student in my result sheet in Excel.

Employing AVERAGE and ROUND Functions in Result Sheet in Excel

Read More: How to Calculate Average Percentage of Marks in Excel (Top 4 Methods)

Step-05: Using Nested IF Function to Show Grades

Here, I will explain the 5th step of how to make result sheet in Excel. In this step, I will use the Nested IF function to show the Grades. For this step, I won’t need numbers in individual subjects. For this reason, I have hidden those columns. So, you will be able to get a better view.

Using Nested IF Function to Show Grades

  • Firstly, select the cell where you want to show your Grades. Here, I selected cell M5.
  • Secondly, in cell M5 write the following formula.

Formula Breakdown

  • Here, in the IF function, I selected J5<60 as logical_test, “F” as value_if_true, and another IF function as value_if_false.
  • Then, in the second IF function, I selected L5>=90 as logical_lest, “A” as value_if_true, and a third IF function as value_if_false.
  • Next, in the third IF function, I selected L5>=80 as logical_lest, “B” as value_if_true, and another IF function as value_if_false.
  • After that, in the fourth IF function,  I selected L5>=70 as logical_lest, “C” as value_if_true, and another IF function as value_if_false.
  • Finally, in the last IF function, I selected L5>=60 as logical_lest, “D” as value_if_true, and “F” as value_if_false.
  • Thirdly, press ENTER.

  • After that, drag the Fill Handle to copy the formula.

Using Nested IF Function to Show Grades

Now, you can see that I have copied the formula to the other cells and the Grades are showing.

Read More: How to Compute Grades in Excel (3 Suitable Ways)

Step-06: Applying RANK.EQ Function in Result Sheet

In this step, I will show the ranks in the result sheet in Excel. I will use the RANK.EQ function to show the ranks.

  • Firstly, select the cell where you want the Rank. Here, I selected cell N5.
  • Secondly, in cell N5 write the following formula.

Applying RANK.EQ Function in Result Sheet in Excel

Here, in the RANK.EQ function I selected K5 as number, range K5:K14 as ref, and 0 as order which is the descending order.

  • Thirdly, press ENTER.

Applying RANK.EQ Function in Result Sheet in Excel

  • After that, drag the Fill Handle to copy the formula.

Applying RANK.EQ Function in Result Sheet in Excel

Finally, you can see I have copied the formula to all the cells and thus ranked the students.

Applying RANK.EQ Function in Result Sheet in Excel

Now, I will unhide the hidden columns so that you can see my final result sheet in Excel in the following image.

Read More: How to Make a Grade Calculator in Excel (2 Suitable Ways)

Practice Section

Here, I have provided a practice sheet for you to practice how to make result sheet in Excel.


In this article, I tried to explain how to make result sheet in Excel with 6 easy steps.  I hope this article was helpful for you. Lastly, if you have any questions let me know in the comment section below.

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Mashhura Jahan
Mashhura Jahan

Mashhura Jahan, BSc in Industrial and Production Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, invested 1.5 years at ExcelDemy. In roles like Excel & VBA Content Developer, Excel Charts, and Dashboard course trainer, she wrote 90+ articles. She was previously part of the forum support team and a junior software analyst on the Excel Add-in project. With interests spanning Excel, VBA, Power Query, Python, Data Science, and Software Development, Mashhura brings a diverse skill set to her... Read Full Bio

  1. This step by step is very helpful to me. Can I have a full copy in pdf file and more practical sessions.

  2. Thanks this is very useful. Please how can i go about it, if i have a report/result form in another worksheet and i want a situation when i click on any of the students name, the marks and grades in the form changes to the student’s grade

  3. thank you very much .

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