How to Calculate GPA in Excel (with Easy Steps)

Method 1 – Creating Reference Table to Calculate GPA

  • Create a table with 3 columns and 6 rows.
  • Name the columns as Percentage, Grade, and Grade Point respectively.

Creating Reference Table to Calculate GPA

  • Enter the Percentage ranges, Grades, and Grade Points as shown in the following picture.


Method 2 – Using VLOOKUP Function to Calculate GPA in Excel

  • Enter the following formula in cell D5.

Cell C5 refers to the obtained Percentage of History exam, the range $B$14:$D$18 represents the Reference Table that we are using to calculate GPA.

Formula Breakdown

  • =VLOOKUP(C5,$B$14:$D$18,2) → It looks for a given value in the leftmost column of a given table and then returns a value in the same row from a specified column.
    • C5 → lookup_value argument.
    • $B$14:$D$18 → table_array argument
    • 2 → col_index_num argument
      • Output → B
  • Press ENTER.

Using VLOOKUP Function to Calculate GPA in Excel

You will see the Grade of History as marked in the image given below.

  • Use the AutoFill feature of Excel to get the rest of the Grades for other Subjects as shown in the following picture.

  • Enter the formula given below in cell E5.

Formula Breakdown

  • =VLOOKUP(C5,$B$14:$D$18,2) → It looks for a given value in the leftmost column of a given table and then returns a value in the same row from a specified column.
    • C5 → lookup_value argument.
    • $B$14:$D$18 → table_array argument
    • 3 → col_index_num argument
      • Output → 3
  • Hit ENTER.

The Grade Point of History for Peter Rogers will be available in cell E5, as marked in the picture below.

  • Using the AutoFill option of Excel, you can obtain the remaining Grade Points for the rest of the Subjects.


Method 3 – Utilizing SUM and COUNTA Functions to Calculate GPA

  • Enter the following formula in cell F5.

The range E5:E10 represents the Grade Points achieved by Peter Rogers in different Subjects.

  • Press ENTER.

Utilizing SUM and COUNTA Functions to Calculate GPA

You will see the Total Grade Point in cell F5 as marked in the following picture.

To calculate the GPA, we will use the COUNTA function.

  • Enter the formula below in cell G5.

The range B5:B10 refers to the cells of the column Subject.

  • Hit ENTER.

Using COUNTA function to calculate gpa in excel

You will see the GPA obtained by Peter Rogers in cell G5 as demonstrated in the following picture.


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Zahid Hasan
Zahid Hasan

Zahid Hassan, BSc, Industrial and Production Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, has worked with Exceldmy for 1.5 years. He has written 95+ articles for Exceldemy. He has worked as an Excel & VBA Content Developer. He also worked as a VBA Developer for the Template team. Currently, he is working as a Junior Software Developer for the Excel Add-in project. He is interested in Software Development, Python, VBA, VB.NET, and Data Science, expanding his expertise in... Read Full Bio

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