How to Make a Grouped Bar Chart in Excel (With Easy Steps)

What Is a Grouped Bar Chart?

A grouped bar chart is also known as a clustered bar chart. It displays the values of various categories in different time periods, and is useful for representing data after comparing it in multiple categories.

Making a Grouped Bar Chart in Excel

We will use the following dataset to derive our final bar chart.

The dataset contains the value of sales in different cities in particular years. But the data has been recorded randomly. We need to first group the data, then use that grouped data to create our grouped bar chart.

Step-by-Step Procedures to Make a Grouped Bar Chart in Excel

STEP 1 – Insert Clustered Column Chart

  • Select the data range (B4:D13).
  • Click the Insert tab.
  • Select the Clustered Column option from the Chart option.

Step-by-Step Procedures to Make a Grouped Bar Chart in Excel

A chart like the following image is created.

STEP 2 – Modify Chart by Sorting Column Data

To create a grouped bar chart, we need to sort the column data.

  • Sort the Year and City columns like the following image.

Step-by-Step Procedures to Make a Grouped Bar Chart in Excel

On our chart, the bars are grouped the same way.

Read More: How to Make a Simple Bar Graph in Excel

STEP 3 – Group Similar Data Together

Now we will create groups with similar types of data.

  • Insert a blank row after each group of data (between the different cities).

Step-by-Step Procedures to Make a Grouped Bar Chart in Excel

On our chart, extra blank spaces between the groups are added too.

Step-by-Step Procedures to Make a Grouped Bar Chart in Excel

  • Interchange the Year and City columns.
  • Keep only the top City name in each group and delete the others.

The names of the Cities and Years now appear on the xaxis of our chart.

Read More: How to Create a Bar Chart in Excel with Multiple Bars

STEP 4 – Format Grouped Chart

Let’s apply some formatting to our chart.

  • Select the chart and click on the bars.

Step-by-Step Procedures to Make a Grouped Bar Chart in Excel

  • Press ‘Ctrl + 1’.

The ‘Format Data Series’ box opens to the right of the chart.

  • Set the value of ‘Gap Width’ to 0%, which will combine the bars of the same category in one place.

Step-by-Step Procedures to Make a Grouped Bar Chart in Excel

  • Under Fill, check ‘Vary colors by point’.

On our chart, bars of the same category are now not only combined, but also in different colors.

Read More: How to Create Clustered Stacked Bar Chart in Excel

STEP 5 – Convert Clustered Column Chart to Clustered Bar Chart

In the final step, we will convert our clustered column chart into a clustered bar chart.

  • Select the chart.
  • From the top menu, select Chart Design > Change Chart Type.

Step-by-Step Procedures to Make a Grouped Bar Chart in Excel

A dialogue box named ‘Change Chart Type’ will appear.

  • Click the ‘All Charts’ tab.
  • Select chart-type Bar.
  • Select the ‘Clustered Bar’ option from the available chart types for Bar.
  • Click OK.

Our clustered column chart is converted into the following clustered bar chart:

Things to Remember

  • Charts are the best way to analyze data since graphs portray data more precisely.
  • Data must be arranged in a particular order to make a grouped bar chart.
  • One can change the chart type after making a grouped bar chart.
  • The effectiveness of the grouped bar chart depends on the arrangement of the data.

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Mukesh Dipto
Mukesh Dipto

Mukesh Dipto is an excellent marine engineer who loves working with Excel and diving into VBA programming. For him, programming is like a superhero tool that saves time when dealing with data, files, and the internet. His skills go beyond the basics, including Rhino3D, Maxsurf C++, AutoCAD, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and WordPress. He got his B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET, and now he's switched gears, working as a content developer. In this role, he... Read Full Bio

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