How to Create a Butterfly Chart in Excel (2 Methods)

Dataset Overview

We’ll use the following dataset, representing the values of half-yearly sales in the years 2020 and 2021 of a company, to demonstrate these methods:

How to Create Butterfly Chart in Excel

Method 1 – Using Padding Columns

Step 1 – Insert Padding Columns from the Dataset

  • Start by adding three new columns next to the existing columns for Month, 2020, and 2021.
  • Name these new columns as Left Padding, Gap, and Right Padding.

Create Excel Butterfly Chart with Padding Columns

  • In cell C5, enter the formula:

Create Excel Butterfly Chart with Padding Columns

We are using the value of 11,500 because it is greater than the highest value of this dataset.

  • Press Enter.
  • Drag the formula down from cell C5 to fill the range C6:C10.

  • In cell range E5:E10, input the value $4,500 as the Gap.

Create Excel Butterfly Chart with Padding Columns

  • In cell G5, insert the formula:

Create Excel Butterfly Chart with Padding Columns

  • Press Enter.
  • Autofill the formula down in cell range G6:G10.

Step 2 – Create the Initial Bar Chart

  • Go to the Insert tab and select Bar Chart.

Create Excel Butterfly Chart with Padding Columns

  • Choose Stacked Bar from the drop-down menu to create the initial bar chart.

Create Excel Butterfly Chart with Padding Columns

  • The initial bar chart will be displayed

Step 3 – Format the Chart to Create the Butterfly Chart

  • Right-click on the Left Padding bar and select No Fill.

Create Excel Butterfly Chart with Padding Columns

  • Apply the same to the Gap and Right Padding bars.
  • Remove the names of the padding columns from the legend.
  • The chart looks like this:

  • Enable data labels in the Chart Elements section.

Create Excel Butterfly Chart with Padding Columns

Create Excel Butterfly Chart with Padding Columns

  • Select Category Name and deselect Value from the Label Options.

  • Remove the values from the left and right padding columns.
  • Delete the vertical axis and format the horizontal axis.
  • Set the maximum value to 28,000 or an appropriate logical value based on your dataset.

Create Excel Butterfly Chart with Padding Columns

  • Now you have your butterfly chart ready based on the dataset.

How to Create Butterfly Chart in Excel

Method 2 – Creating a Butterfly Chart by Formatting Axes in Excel

In this method, we will create a butterfly chart working on the axes. Let’s follow the steps below:

Step 1 – Insert Primary Bar Chart

  • Begin by selecting the cell range B4:D10.
  • Go to the Insert tab and choose Bar Chart.

Make Butterfly Chart by Formatting Axis in Excel

  • Select Clustered Bar to create the initial bar chart.

Make Butterfly Chart by Formatting Axis in Excel

  • The initial bar chart looks like this:

Step 2 – Format Bar Chart Axes

Now let’s format the axes of the chart we made.

  • Right-click on the blue bars and select Format Data Series.

Make Butterfly Chart by Formatting Axis in Excel

  • Enable the Secondary Axis option.

Make Butterfly Chart by Formatting Axis in Excel

  • Set the bounds value for the secondary axis based on your dataset.
  • Check Values in reverse order.

Make Butterfly Chart by Formatting Axis in Excel

  • Adjust the scale for the primary axis.

Make Butterfly Chart by Formatting Axis in Excel

  • Remove the secondary axis, resulting in the modified chart.

Step 3 – Edit Bars to Create the Butterfly Chart

  • Right-click on the vertical axis and choose Format Axis.

Make Butterfly Chart by Formatting Axis in Excel

  • Set the label position to Low.

Make Butterfly Chart by Formatting Axis in Excel

  • Activate data labels and position them Inside Base.

Make Butterfly Chart by Formatting Axis in Excel

  • Now you have your butterfly chart.

Read More: How to Create Overlapping Bar Chart in Excel

How to Create an In-Cell Butterfly Chart in Excel

If you want the butterfly chart within your dataset, follow these steps:

  • Select cell range B4:D10.

How to Create In-Cell Butterfly Chart in Excel

  • Go to the Data tab and click Sort under the Sort & Filter group.

How to Create In-Cell Butterfly Chart in Excel

  • Modify the column order as needed.

How to Create In-Cell Butterfly Chart in Excel

  • Select cell range C5:C10.
  • Go to the Home tab and click on Conditional Formatting.

How to Create In-Cell Butterfly Chart in Excel

  • Choose Data Bars and then More Rules.

  • Adjust the type and value based on the selected cells.

How to Create In-Cell Butterfly Chart in Excel

  • Customize the bar appearance and set the direction to Right-to-Left.

How to Create In-Cell Butterfly Chart in Excel

  • You have your first set of bars in the dataset.

  • Repeat for Cell Range D5:D10:
  • Apply the same procedure, but set the bar direction to Left-to-Right.

Read More: How to Create a Radial Bar Chart in Excel

Things to Remember

  • Organize your dataset in descending order for the proper butterfly chart shape.
  • Ensure consistent formatting for the values.
  • A butterfly chart involves only two variables.

Download Practice Workbook

You can download the practice workbook from here:

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Sanjida Mehrun Guria
Sanjida Mehrun Guria

Hello! Welcome to my blog. I have completed my Bachelor in Architecture from Ashanullah University of Science & Technology, Dhaka. I am a passionate, goal-oriented person with an immense thirst for knowledge and an attitude to grow continuously. Besides Architectural work, I find it very enthusiastic to work in Excel blogging. Exceldemy is a platform where I have got the opportunity to flourish my skill in Microsoft Excel and therefore, here I will be posting blogs related to... Read Full Bio

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