How to Show Total in Excel Pie Chart: 2 Effective Ways

Method 1 – Using Text Box in Pie Chart to Show Total

Step 1: Inserting Pie Chart

  • Select the preferred range for which you want to create the Pie Chart. In this dataset, C5:D12 is the preferred range that we are creating the Pie Chart.
  • Go to the Insert tab and click on Pie Chart drop-down. The drop-down list has 3 sections which are 2-D pie, 3-D pie, and Doughnut.
  • Click on 2-D Pie.

creating pie chart to show total

  • A Pie Chart will be generated in your worksheet.
  • Click on the chart and then click the plus symbol, which is Chart Elements.
  • Click the arrow sign (>) beside Data Labels.
  • Click on More Options.

formatting pie chart

  • After clicking More Options, you will get the Format Data Labels dialog box.
  • Select Category Name, Value, and Show Leader Lines from Label Options.
  • Close the Format Data Labels dialog box.

editing format data labels dialog box

  • You can edit the Chart Title and give your preferred Chart Title. It is the Item and Units.

giving chart title to pie chart

  • Format the font size, and color.

final pie chart after formatting

Step 2 – Calculating Total Units

  • Select your preferred cell to get the output. We selected cell D15 in this case.

selecting cell to show the sum output

  • Select cell D15 and then type the following formula:

The SUM function will return the sum of the cell values in the defined range. It performs the mathematical operation of addition. In this case, D5:D12 is the range of values.

inserting formula to sum units

  • Press ENTER key and the result will be shown in cell D15.

sum result of total units

Step 3 – Employing Text Box to Show Total Units

  • Insert a text box where you want to display the total. Click on your pie chart and go to the Insert menu.
  • Select the Text Box.

inserting text box to show total in pie chart

  • Draw a Text Box on the chart at the point where you want the total to be displayed.

drawing text box in the pie chart to show total

  • The Text Box still open/active, type an Equal sign (=) in the Formula Bar.

typing equal sign

  • Select the cell that contains the data that you want to display in the Text Box on the chart. It is cell D15.

selecting cell that contains data

  • Press ENTER.

total is showed in the text box

  • Format the font size, color, and theme color.

sowing total in excel pie chart


Method 2 – Showing Grand Total Using Pivot Table in Excel

Step 1: Inserting Pivot Table

  • Select the preferred range for which you want to create the PivotTable. In this dataset, B4:D12 is the preferred range that we are creating the PivotTable.
  • Go to the Insert tab.
  • Click on the PivotTable dropdown.
  • Select From Table/Range.

going to insert tab to select pivot table option

  • After selecting From Table/Range, a new window named PivotTable from table or range will pop up.
  • Select New Worksheet and click OK.

selecting new worksheet from PivotTable from table or range window

  • Excel will take you to a new worksheet and you will get the PivotTable Fields dialog box.

going to a new worksheet

  • Select Item and Units and drag them to Rows and Values. We ignored Rep Name at this point to keep it short and simple for better understanding.

selecting and dragging Item and Units column

  • See a Pivot Table created in your worksheet with column names Row Labels, and Sum of Units.

created pivot table

  • Adjust this PivotTable to your dataset’s column name. We named Row Labels to Item and adjusted font, heading, etc.

adjusting pivot table


Step 2: Creating a Pie Chart

  • Select the range of the PivotTable and go to the Insert tab.
  • Click on the Pie Chart drop-down and select 2-D Pie.

inserting pie chart in the worksheet

  • A Pie Chart will be generated in your same worksheet.

generated pie chart in the worksheet

  • Follow Step 1 of Method 1 to add Legend and Data Labels to the Pie chart.
  • See the Pie chart with Legend and Data Labels.

formatting the excel pie chart to show total


Step 3: Employing Total to Pie Chart

  • Select cell B15 and type an Equal sign (=) in cell B15.

selecting cell B15

  • In the worksheet, select the cell that contains the data and it will generate the following formula. It is cell C13.

The GETPIVOTDATA function returns visible data from a PivotTable. GETPIVOTDATA(“Units”,$B$4) returns the total of Units. $B$4 is the reference to the starting cell of PivotTable.

selecting cell that contains data

  • Press E.
  • NTER Key and the output will be shown in cell B15.

output showing grand total

  • Adjust the formula like below
="Grand Total: "&TEXT(GETPIVOTDATA("Units",$B$4),"###")

The TEXT function enables you to modify the appearance of a number by applying formatting to it with format codes. It is useful when you want to combine a text or symbol with a number. To show “Grand Total:” in the PieChart we adjusted the formula with the Text Function.

adjusting formula to show grand total

  • Press ENTER key and the output will be shown in cell B15.

final output showing grand total in cell B15 through excel pie chart

  • Insert a text box where you want to display the total. To do so, click on your pie chart and go to the Insert
  • Select the Text Box.

going to insert tab to select text box option to show total in pie chart

  • Draw a Text Box on the chart at the point where you want the total to be displayed.
  • With the Text Box still open/active, type an Equal sign (=) in the Formula Bar.

drawing text box in excel pie chart

  • Then in the worksheet, select the cell that contains the data that you want to display in the Text Box on the chart. It is cell B15.

selecting cell that contains data

  • Press the ENTER key and you will see your Grand Total in your PieChart like below.

showing grand total in excel pie chart

  • Adjust the font size, color, and theme color as you wish. You can also edit the Chart Title. We gave Item and Units as our Chart Title and changed the theme.

Final image of Excel Pie chart showing total

We have got our final Excel Pie Chart showing the total.

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Nujat Tasnim
Nujat Tasnim

Nujat Tasnim, BSc in Computer Science and Engineering from American International University-Bangladesh, has a year-long tenure with ExcelDemy. Initially a Content Developer at SOFTEKO, she transitioned to the Software Team as Junior Software Quality Assurance Engineer. Currently serving as a Junior SQA Engineer at SOFTEKO, she excels in SDLC, STLC, and requirement analysis and possesses profound insights into OOP-related software development processes. Nujat is also proficient in design software like Photoshop and Illustrator, contributing diverse skills to her... Read Full Bio

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