How to Create Pie Chart Legend with Values in Excel: 2 Methods

Method 1 – Editing Horizontal Axis Labels to Create Excel Pie Chart Legend with Values


  • Select the cell range B4:C9.
  • From the Insert tab → Insert Pie or Doughnut Chart → select Pie.

Excel Pie Chart Legend with Values 2

  • This basic Pie Chart will pop up. Moreover, notice there is Legend without values.

Excel Pie Chart Legend with Values 3

  • Add values to the Legend and modify the Pie Chart.
  • Add Data Labels to the Pie Chart.
  • Click on the Pie Chart and select Chart Elements.

Excel Pie Chart Legend with Values 4

  • The Format Data Labels box will appear.
  • Select these:
    • Label Contains → “Category Name”, and “Percentage”.
    • SeparatorComma.
    • Label PositionOutside End.

Excel Pie Chart Legend with Values 5

  • The Pie Chart will look like this.

Excel Pie Chart Legend with Values 6

  • We will move the Legend to the right side.
  • Click on the Chart and select Chart Elements.
  • Select Right from the Legend option.
  • Our Legend will move to the right side.

Excel Pie Chart Legend with Values 7

  • Add values to the Pie Chart Legend.
  • Type the following formula in cell B11.

=CONCATENATE(B5," ","$"&C5,",",B6," ","$"&C6,",",B7," ","$"&C7,",",B8," ","$"&C8,",",B9," ","$"&C9)

Excel Pie Chart Legend with Values 8

This formula joins the values with a single space and dollar signs. Have all the values joined in a single cell.

  • Press ENTER.

Excel Pie Chart Legend with Values 9

  • Copy this value and “Paste as Values” in cell B13.

Excel Pie Chart Legend with Values 10

  • Copy the values from cell B13.
  • Select the Pie Chart.

Excel Pie Chart Legend with Values 11

  • From the Chart Design tab, click on “Select Data”.

Excel Pie Chart Legend with Values 12

  • The Select Data Source box will pop up.
  • Click on Edit under the “Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels” part.

Excel Pie Chart Legend with Values 13

  • Another box will appear.
  • Paste the values inside the Axis label range.
  • Press OK twice.

Axis Labels

  • Create an Excel Pie Chart Legend with values, and this is what the final step should look like.

Pie Chart 2

Method 2 – Using Combined Formula to Make Excel Pie Chart Legend with Values


  • Select the cell range C5:C9 and type the following formula.

=B5&" " &TEXT(D5,"$0")

Method 2 Formula

Method 2 Formula 2

  • As shown in method 1, create the Pie Chart by selecting the cell range C4:D9.
  • We moved the Legend to the right side and added Data Labels to the Pie Chart.

Method 2 Final Output

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Rafiul Haq
Rafiul Haq

Rafiul Haq worked as an Excel and VBA Content Developer in Exceldemy for over two years and published almost 200 articles for the website. He is passionate about exploring new aspects of Excel and VBA. He received his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical and Production Engineering (MPE) from the Islamic University of Technology. Rafiul furthered his education by obtaining an MBA in Finance from the Institute of Business Administration (IBA) at the University of Dhaka. Apart from creating... Read Full Bio

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