How to Show Percentages in an Excel Pie Chart: 3 Methods

Below, we have the population percentages by major ethnic groups in Southern California. We have created a pie chart using this data and added percentages.

Excel Pie Chart percentage

Excel pie chart

You can add percentages to your pie chart using Chart Styles, Format Data Labels, and Quick Layout features.

Method 1 – Using the Chart Styles Feature


  • Click on the pie chart.
  • Go to the Chart Design tab >  Chart Styles group.
  • Select the style 3 or 8.

Excel Pie Chart Percentage

This command shows the percentages for each of the parts of your pie chart.

Excel Pie Chart Percentage

Note: All the options in the Chart Style group will show percentages if you select them after clicking Style 3 or Style 8.

Read More: How to Show Total in Excel Pie Chart

Method 2 – Applying Format Data Labels

a) Using the Chart Elements Option

The Chart Elements button is the “Plus” (+) sign at the top right corner of a chart that shows available chart element options.


  • Click on the pie chart > Chart Elements button > Data Labels checkbox.
  • Click the right arrow sign at the right of the Data Labels.
  • Select More Options from the dropdown menu.
    Excel Pie Chart Percentage
  • In the Format Data Labels panel:
    1. Go to the Label Options tab > Label Options
    2. Put a checkmark on Percentage.
      Format Labels pane

Excel will show the percentage in the pie chart.

Note: If you select the Value option along with the Percentage option, the pie chart shows the actual value for each segment in the data along with its percentage portion.

b) Using Context Menu


  • Right-click on the pie chart to open the context menu.
  • Choose the Add Data Labels option.

  • Right-click the pie chart.
  • Select Format Data Labels.

Excel Pie Chart Percentage

  • In the Format Data Labels pane:
    1. Go to the Label Options tab > Label Options group.
    2. Put a checkmark on Percentage.

Excel will show the percentage in the pie chart.

Read More: How to Create Pie Chart Legend with Values in Excel

Method 3 – Applying the Quick Layout Feature


  • Click on the pie chart.
  • Go to the Chart Design tab > Quick Layout dropdown > Layout 1.

Excel will add percentages to your pie chart.

Excel Pie Chart Percentage

Note: To show only the percentage excluding the segment title, choose Layout 2 or Layout 6.

Read More: How to Create Pie Chart for Sum by Category in Excel

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Al Arafat Siddique
Al Arafat Siddique

Al Arafat Siddique, BSc, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, has worked on the ExcelDemy project for two years. He has written over 85+ articles for ExcelDemy. Currently, he is working as a software developer. He is leading a team of six members to develop Microsoft Office Add-ins, extending Office applications to interact with office documents. Other assigned projects to his team include creating AI-based products and online conversion tools using the latest... Read Full Bio

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