How to Compare Two Columns to find Missing Values in Excel – 4 Methods

The sample dataset showcases Employee Name and Attended Office. Find the names of employees who didn’t attend the office.

Compare Two Columns for Missing Values


Method 1 – Joining the VLOOKUP and the ISERROR Functions to Compare Two Columns in Excel and find Missing Values

Use the VLOOKUP and the ISERROR functions.

  • Select D5 and enter the following formula.

Compare Two Columns in Excel for Missing Values with vlookup

  • Press ENTER.

The VLOOKUP function using an absolute cell reference  looks up the values in C5:C11. The ISERROR function will return the FALSE if data is present in both columns. Otherwise, TRUE.

  • Drag down the Fill Handle to see the result in the rest of the cells.

This is the output.

Read More: Excel formula to compare two columns and return a value 

Method 2 – Merging the IF, VLOOKUP and ISERROR Functions to Compare Two Columns and Find Missing Values

To see the names that are missing:

  • Select D5 and enter the following formula.
=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(B5,$C$5:$C$11,1,FALSE)),B5, "")

Compare Two Columns for Missing Values with IF and Vlookup

  • Press ENTER.

Compare Two Columns for Missing Values with if,vlookup and iserror
The VLOOKUP function and an absolute cell reference are used like in Method 1 for C5:C11. The ISERROR function returns FALSE if data is present in both columns. Otherwise, TRUE. The IF function returns the name for TRUE and blank for FALSE.


  • Drag down the Fill Handle to see the result in the rest of the cells.

Method 3 – Using the MATCH Function to Compare Two Columns in Excel and find Missing Values

Use the MATCH function.

  • Select D5 and enter the following formula.

  • Press ENTER.

Compare Two Columns for Missing Values using MATCH and Not function
The MATCH function searches for a specified item in a range and returns its relative position in the range. The ISNUMBER  returns the matched cell when there is a match, and the NOT function returns TRUE when no match is found.

  • Drag down the Fill Handle to see the result in the rest of the cells.

This is the output.

Method 4 – Comparing Two Excel Columns with Conditional Formatting

  • Select B5:C11.
  • Go to Conditional Formatting in the Home tab.
  • Select New Rule.

Compare Two Columns for Missing Values using conditional formatting

  • In the dialog box, select the instructions marked the red in the image below and click Format.

Compare Two Columns for Missing Values with conditional formatting

  • Select Fill and choose a color.
  • Click OK.

This is the output.

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Mahbubur Rahman
Mahbubur Rahman

MAHBUBUR RAHMAN is a leather engineer with a talent for Excel and a passion for VBA programming. To him, programming is like a time-saving wizard, making data manipulation, file handling, and internet interactions a breeze. His skill set extends to SPSS, STATA, Deep Neural Networks, and Machine Learning. Holding a B.Sc in Leather Engineering from Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, he's shifted to become a content developer. In this role, he crafts technical content centred around Excel... Read Full Bio

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