How to Calculate the Class Average in Excel (6 Methods)

Dataset Overview

We’ll use the following dataset to calculate the class average in Excel. The dataset contains 7 students with their marks in Physics, Math, and English. We will calculate the class average for each subject.

how to calculate class average in Excel

What is Class Average?

The class average represents the mean of the marks for all students in a particular subject. For instance, if there are 5 students in a class, and their Physics marks are 78, 56, 95, 77, and 87, the class average for Physics would be calculated as follows:

Class Average (Physics) = (78+56+95+77+87)/5 = 78.6.

Method 1 – Basic Method

To calculate the class average for Physics:

  • Select cell C14.
  • Enter the formula:

how to calculate class average in Excel

    • This formula adds the values from cells C6 to C12 and divides the total by the number of students (in cell E3).
  • Press ENTER to get the average value in cell C14.

how to calculate class average in Excel

  • Use the Fill Handle to AutoFill up to E14 for Math and English averages.

Related Content: How to Calculate Average in Excel Excluding 0

Method 2 – SUM Function

Calculate the class average for Physics:

  • Select cell C14.
  • Enter the formula:

    • Here, SUM(C6:C12) adds the numeric values in the range.

how to calculate class average in Excel

Formula Breakdown:

SUM(C6:C12) —> It will sum the numeric values ranges from C6:C12.
         Output: 597
SUM(C6:C12)/$E$3 —> Total Sum is divided by the Number of Students to Calculate the class average.
         Output: 85.29
         Explanation: 85.29 is the class average for Physics.

  • Press ENTER.
  • The result is 85.29 (Physics class average).

how to calculate class average in Excel

  • AutoFill to compute Math and English averages.

how to calculate class average in Excel

Related Content: How to Calculate Average of Averages in Excel

Method 3 – AVERAGE Function

  • Select cell C14.
  • Enter the formula:
    • This function calculates the average of the numeric values in C6:C12.

how to calculate class average in Excel

  • Press ENTER to find the Physics class average.

  • AutoFill to determine Math and English averages.

how to calculate class average in Excel using AVERAGE

Read More: Average Attendance Formula in Excel

Method 4 – Using AutoSum

  • Select cell C14.
  • Go to Formulas Tab > AutoSum > Average.

how to calculate class average in Excel

  • Specify the cell range (C6:C12).

how to calculate class average in Excel

  • Press ENTER to get the Physics class average.

  • AutoFill for Math and English averages.

how to calculate class average in Excel using AVERAGE

Read More: How to Average Negative and Positive Numbers in Excel

Method 5 – SUBTOTAL Function

In a list or database, the SUBTOTAL function provides subtotals based on various functions (such as AVERAGE, SUM, etc.).

  • To calculate the class average for Physics:
    • Select cell C14.

how to calculate class average in Excel

  • Enter the formula:

    • Here, the number 1 corresponds to the AVERAGE function.
    • Excel will calculate the average of the values in the range C6:C12.

  • Press ENTER to get the Physics class average.

  • Use the Fill Handle to AutoFill up to E14 for Math and English averages.

Read More: How to Do Subtotal Average in Excel

Method 6 – Keyboard Shortcut

Suppose you want to calculate the class average for Physics:

  • Select cell C14.
  • Press ALT + M, U, A.
  • This activates the AVERAGE function.
  • Specify the cell range (C6:C12).

  • Press ENTER to find the Physics class average.

how to calculate class average in Excel

  • AutoFill to determine Math and English averages.

Practice Workbook

We have attached a practice worksheet.

Practice Workbook

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Akib Bin Rashid
Akib Bin Rashid

AKIB BIN RASHID, a materials and metallurgical engineer, is passionate about delving into Excel and VBA programming. To him, programming is a valuable time-saving tool for managing data, files, and internet-related tasks. Proficient in MS Office, AutoCAD, Excel, and VBA, he goes beyond the fundamentals. Holding a B.Sc in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, MD AKIB has transitioned into a content development role. Specializing in creating technical content centred around Excel and... Read Full Bio

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