How to Print and Fit Content to One Page in Excel (10 Methods)

Dataset Overview

To achieve this, we’ll work with a Comprehensive Employee Dataset that includes columns for Employee ID, Full Name, Department, Job Title, Gender, Hire Date, and Annual Salary (located in columns B to H).

dataset of Employee details

Note: Keep in mind that while we’re using a basic dataset here, real-world scenarios may involve larger and more complex data. 

Method 1 – Using the Page Setup Dialog Box

  • Go to the Page Layout tab.
  • In the Page Setup group, click the small arrow-shaped dialog box launcher.

opening Page Setup dialog box using launcher icon

This opens the Page Setup dialog box.

  • Under the Page tab, select the radio button next to Fit to in the Scaling section.
  • By default, Excel sets both boxes to 1 (as shown in the image).

changing scaling option to fit by 1 page wide

This method ensures that your data fits within a single printed page in Excel.

now all columns get included in the print preview in Excel

Note: Be aware that this approach may reduce the visual scale of your information, as Excel compresses content to fit.

Method 2 – Adjust Scaling in Print Preview

  • Open the Print Preview window by going to File and selecting Print, or simply press CTRL + P.

pressing CTRL+P to open Print option in Excel

  • By default, Excel uses No Scaling in the Settings section.

by default, scaling option set to no scaling in Excel

  • Click on the Scaling option and choose Fit Sheet on One Page from the drop-down list.

selecting fit to one page option

Note: If your sheet has more rows, consider selecting Fit All Columns on One Page.

This method achieves the same result as the previous one—fitting your worksheet onto a single printed page.

Method 3 – Adjust Page Orientation

  • Press CTRL + P to bring up the Print option.
  • Click on Portrait Orientation and change it to Landscape Orientation.

changing print orientation from potrait to landscape to fit one page in Excel

Choose the orientation based on your dataset to ensure optimal printing.

Note: Portrait is the default orientation in Excel, while Landscape allows for more columns than rows.

print preview after altering page orientation

Method 4 – Use Different Paper Size

  • In the Printer section, select Microsoft XPS Document Writer.
  • In the Settings section, choose A3 as the paper size.

selecting A3 size paper to print to fit one page in Excel

Excel will consolidate all the data onto a single page during printing.

Method 5 – Adjust Margins for One-Page Printing

When printing an Excel spreadsheet, there’s typically white space at the page boundaries, ensuring a visually pleasing layout. However, with large worksheets, additional columns might spill onto a new page, along with extra rows.

To fit the entire worksheet on a single page, make slight adjustments to the page margins:

  • In the Settings section, modify the Margins type. By default, there are three options, but you can also set custom margins.

different margin sizes to print to fit in Excel

Excel automatically adjusts the spreadsheet to fit on one page during printing.

Method 6 – Customize Column Width or Row Height

Sometimes, columns are wider than necessary. To optimize space and fit everything on one page:

  • Go to the View tab and select Page Layout in the Workbook Views group.

navigating on view tab in Excel

  • Fine-tune column width or row height within the Page Layout view.
  • Proceed with printing.

adjusting column width by dragging the cursor

  • Return to Normal view afterward.

Keep in mind that adjusting row or column sizes may condense data, so consider using Text Wrapping in Excel to address visibility issues.

Method 7 – Hide or Delete Columns/Rows

To achieve a one-page fit for your worksheet, selectively hide unwanted columns or rows:

  • Assume you don’t need the Gender and Hire Date columns in your printed report.

excess columns don't need to be printed in Excel

  • Click the column header of Column F, drag to Column G, and release to select both columns.

selecting extra columns

  • Right-click any column header and choose Hide from the context menu.

hiding columns to reduce the size of dataset

These columns will be hidden.

columns got hidden in Excel

You can unhide them later to display your complete dataset.

print preview without some specific column and fit on one page

Method 8 – Reduce Font Size

Resize specific columns by minimizing font size:

  • Select the entire dataset (e.g., B4:H23).
  • Go to the Home tab and change the font size to 9.

lowering font size in Excel

  • This ensures essential information is displayed while allowing future adaptability.

columns get shrink after reducing font size

Method 9 – Use Page Break Preview

  • Go to the View tab and select Page Break Preview in the Workbook Views group.

clicking on page break preview option

  • A dashed blue line represents one page up to that point.

dashed blue line indicating page 1

  • Click and drag the line to the right-most blue solid line.

dragging blue dashed line to the blue solid line

Now, the entire sheet is considered one page during printing.

print preview to fit on one page in Excel

Method 10 – Applying VBA Code to Print to Fit to One Page in Excel

VBA macros offer a smart alternative to achieve one-page printing in Excel. Follow these steps:

  • Enable the Developer Tab:
    • By default, the Developer tab is hidden. To enable it:
      • Go to the File tab.
      • Click on Options.
      • In the Customize Ribbon section, check the Developer option.
      • Click OK to save the changes.
  • Access the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) Window:
    • Click on the Developer tab.
    • Click the Visual Basic button in the Code group.

navigating in Developer tab

This opens the VBA window.

  • Insert a Module:
    • Click the Insert tab in the VBA window.
    • Choose Module from the list.
    • A small Module window will appear.

inserting new code module

  • Paste the VBA Code:
    • Enter the following code to fit the worksheet to one page:
Sub fit_to_page()
Dim ws1 As Worksheet

Set ws1 = ActiveSheet

With ws1.PageSetup
    .Orientation = xlPortrait
    .Zoom = False
    .FitToPagesTall = 1
    .FitToPagesWide = 1
    .PrintArea = "B2:H23"
End With

End Sub

This code ensures that your data fits within a single printed page.

  • Run the Code:
    • Click the green play button or press F5 on your keyboard.

run the VBA macro to print to fit on page in Excel

The automation saves time and consistently produces professional-looking printouts.

Benefits of Fitting Data to One Page While Printing in Excel

  1. Improved Readability:
    • One-page printing ensures all content is visible without flipping or scrolling.
  2. Complete Data Presentation:
    • All columns and rows are included, preventing important information from being omitted.
  3. Professional Appearance:
    • Single-page printouts look polished and professional.
  4. Reduced Paper Waste:
    • Minimizes the number of pages needed for printing.
  5. Ease of Distribution:
    • Sharing concise one-page printouts simplifies communication and understanding.

How to Print a Full Excel Sheet in A4 Size Page (Landscape Orientation)

  • In the Print option, choose A4 as the paper size.
  • Select Landscape as the orientation.

selecting landscape orientation and A4 page size

This generates an aesthetically pleasing and print-ready output.

printing full sheet in A4 size page in landscape

How to Print a Selected Area Only in Excel

  • Select the desired portion of the dataset (e.g., B4:E23).
  • Press CTRL + P on the keyboard.

selecting a portion of dataset to be selected

  • In the Settings section, choose Print Selection from the first box.

choosing Print Selection option

When you print, only the selected portion will be included in the hard copy.

selected area printed only

Things to Remember

  • Scaling Options:
    • Excel offers various scaling options, such as fitting all columns on one page, fitting all rows on one page, or fitting the entire sheet on one page. Choose the option that best suits your requirements.
  • Preview Before Printing:
    • Always preview the printout before actually printing to ensure that the data fits properly on the page. This helps identify any formatting or layout issues that may need adjustment.
  • Excel Version Considerations:
    • Different versions of Excel may offer varying print options. Double-check the available features specific to your Excel version for a seamless printing experience.
  • Troubleshooting:
    • If you encounter any issues while printing to fit one page in Excel, refer to Excel documentation or seek online support for specific troubleshooting steps.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What does “print to fit page” mean in Excel?
    • Printing to fit the page in Excel means adjusting your worksheet so that it fits within the boundary of a single printed page.
  2. What else should I keep in mind when using the “Print to Fit Page” feature in Excel?
    • Consider adjusting page margins and orientation for better layout. Also, be aware of complex worksheets or selected ranges that may need special attention.
  3. How can I preview the printout before printing?
    • Excel provides a print preview feature. Simply press CTRL + P to see how the data will appear on the printed page before sending it to the printer.

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A.N.M. Mohaimen Shanto
A.N.M. Mohaimen Shanto

A.N.M. Mohaimen Shanto, a B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering from Daffodil International University, boasts two years of experience as a Project Manager at Exceldemy. He authored 90+ articles and led teams as a Team Leader, meticulously reviewing over a thousand articles. Currently, he focuses on enhancing article quality. His passion lies in Excel VBA, Data Science, and SEO, where he enjoys simplifying complex ideas to facilitate learning and growth. His journey mirrors Exceldemy's dedication to excellence and... Read Full Bio

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