How to Insert a Picture in a Cell Automatically – 3 Methods

The sample dataset showcases Car Models.

To add pictures:

insert picture in excel cell automatically


Method 1 – Insert a Picture in an Excel Cell Automatically Using the Insert Tab


insert picture in excel cell automatically using insert tab

  • Drag them down to increase row height.

insert picture in excel cell automatically ribbon

  • This is the output.

  • Click C5 and go to the Insert tab.
  • Select Pictures.

insert picture in excel cell manually

  • In the Insert Picture dialog box, choose a folder or drive containing saved pictures.
  • Select a picture and click Insert.

  • The image is not in the correct position.

insert picture in excel cell automatically insert ribbon

  • Hold ALT and resize the image using the corner or side points.


Read More: How to Link Picture to Cell Value in Excel

Method 2 – Using the Shape Fill feature to Insert a Picture in an Excel Cell Automatically


  • Adjust the row height, as described in Method 1.

insert picture in excel cell automatically shape fill

  • Go to the Insert tab, select Shapes, and choose Rectangle.

insert picture in excel cell automatically insert shape method

  • Draw the shape in C5, as shown below.

  • Go to the Format tab, click the down arrow in Shape Fill.
  • Select Pictures as shown below.

  • In the dialog box,  choose pictures from a saved file or online. Here, From a File.

  • Select the picture and Insert it.

The image is automatically adjusted to the cell size.

Read More: How to Insert Pictures Automatically Size to Fit Cells in Excel

Method 3 – Insert a Picture in an Excel Cell Automatically Using a Dropdown List

Use a dropdown list to insert pictures and change images based on cell values.


  • Create a list of data and pictures.

Insert Picture in Excel Cell Automatically by drop down cell

  • Go to another sheet and select B5.
  • Select Data>Data Validation.

Insert Picture in Excel Cell Automatically by data validation

  • In the dialog box, select List and Range =’Drop Down List’!$B$5:$B$11.

  • The drop-down list is created.

cell pictures based on cell value in Excel

  • Go to Formulas and select Define Name.

insert picture in excel cell automatically using data tab

  • Define the name as CarLookup and enter the following formula in Refers to.
  • Click OK.
=INDEX('Drop Down List'!$C$5:$C$11,MATCH('Car List'!$B$5,'Drop Down List'!$B$5:$B$11,0))

$C$5:$C$11 refers to images in the Drop Down List sheet and $B$5:$B$11 refers to the Car Models in the same sheet, and $B$5 is the cell in the Car List sheet.

  • Go to the Drop Down List sheet and select the cell behind the image.
  • Press CTRL+C.

  • In the Car List sheet, select C5 and press CTRL+V.
  • Select Linked to Pictures as shown below.

insert picture in excel cell automatically using drop down list

The image is linked.

  • Click the Formula bar and enter

  • If you select any car model from the Dropdown List, the image will change automatically.

insert picture in excel cell automatically

You can also use XLOOKUP or OFFSET instead of the INDEX function.

Read More: How to Insert Picture in Excel Using Formula

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Mahbubur Rahman
Mahbubur Rahman

MAHBUBUR RAHMAN is a leather engineer with a talent for Excel and a passion for VBA programming. To him, programming is like a time-saving wizard, making data manipulation, file handling, and internet interactions a breeze. His skill set extends to SPSS, STATA, Deep Neural Networks, and Machine Learning. Holding a B.Sc in Leather Engineering from Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, he's shifted to become a content developer. In this role, he crafts technical content centred around Excel... Read Full Bio

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