How to Group Rows in Excel – 5 Easy Methods

The dataset showcases data of a company that operates in 3 regions and sells 3 different products- TV, Heater, and Fan. Group Rows in Excel

Method 1 – Grouping Rows Using the Group Feature


  • Go to the Data tab and click Group.

Group Rows in Excel

  • In the dialogue box, select Rows.
  • Press OK.

Group Rows in Excel

Rows will be grouped.

Rows 5, 6, 7 are grouped. Use the minimize symbol (-) to collapse the rows.

A plus sign(+) will be displayed. Click it to expand the grouped rows.

Group Rows in Excel

Read More: How to Group Rows in Excel with Expand or Collapse

Method 2 – Creating Nested Groups to Group Different Rows

To group TV and Heater sold in the North Region region:

Group Rows in Excel

  • Go to the Data tab >> Group.
  • Select Rows in the dialog box.
  • Click OK.

This is the output.

Group Rows in Excel

Rows 5, 6, 7 form the outer group and rows 5 and 6 form the inner group.

Read More: How to Group Rows by Cell Value in Excel

Method 3 – Grouping Rows Using the SHIFT + ALT + Right Arrow Key

  • Select the rows you want to group.

  • Press SHIFT + ALT + Right Arrow Key ().
  • In the dialog box, select rows.
  • Click OK.

Group Rows in Excel

The selected rows are grouped.

Use the minimize symbol (-) to collapse the rows.

Group Rows in Excel

Click the  plus sign(+) the plus sign to expand the group.

Method 4 – Grouping Rows in Excel Using the Auto Outline

An additional regional total row was inserted.

Go to the Data tab >> Group >> Auto Outline.

Group Rows in Excel

Data will be grouped according to the different regions.

Method 5 – Grouping Rows in Excel Using the Subtotal Feature

Sort the data and use the Subtotal feature.

Group Rows in Excel

  • Select the Region column.
  • Go to the Data tab and select Sort A to Z (Lowest to Highest).

Group Rows in Excel

  • In the dialog box, select Expand the selection and click Sort.

This is the output.

Group Rows in Excel

  • Select the entire data range.

  • Go to Data  >> select Subtotal.

Group Rows in Excel

A new dialog box will open.

In the dialog box:

  • In At each change in:, select the data of the column in which you want to group rows.
  • In Use function:, add a function. Here, SUM.
  • In Add subtotal to:, select the column in which the mathematical operation will be performed.
  • Check Summary below data.
  • Click OK.

Data will be grouped.

Group Rows in Excel

Read More: How to Group Rows in Excel by Name


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Lutful Hamid
Lutful Hamid

LUTFUL HAMID is an outstanding marine engineer who finds joy in navigating the realms of Excel and diving into VBA programming. To him, programming is like saving time when dealing with data, files, and the internet. His skills extend beyond the basics, covering Rhino3D, Maxsurf C++, MS Office, AutoCAD, and Excel & VBA. Armed with a B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET, he's shifted gears and now serves as a content developer. In this role,... Read Full Bio

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