Find Text in Excel Range and Return Cell Reference (3 Ways)

We will use the following dataset to return a cell reference based on a text value.

Dataset for Finding Text in Range and Returning Cell Reference

Method 1 – Use the INDEX and MATCH Functions to Find a Text in Range and Return a Cell Reference

We will search the text in a single column and the formula will return the reference to that cell.


  • Select cell D17 to keep the result.
  • Use the following formula in the D17 cell.
  • Press Enter to get the result.

Applying CELL, INDEX & MATCH Functions to Find Text in Range and Return Cell Reference

How does this formula work?

  • MATCH(D16,B4:B14,0), returns the value 9 because the position of Dropbox is ninth in the array B4:B14.
  • The overall formula becomes:


  • The INDEX(B4:B14,9) part refers to cell reference B12. So, the formula becomes: =CELL(“address”,B12)
  • =CELL(“address”,B12) returns an absolute reference of the cell B12.
  • We get $B$12 as the output of the formula.

Note: INDEX(B4:B14,9) can return either the value or the cell reference. This is the beauty of the INDEX Function.

Method 2 – Applying INDEX, MATCH, and OFFSET Functions

We will search for specific text (from D16) inside a specified column number (from D17) of the lookup array.


  • Use the following formula in the D18 cell.
=CELL("address",INDEX(OFFSET(B4,0,D17-1,11,1), MATCH(D16,OFFSET(B4,0,D17-1,11,1),0)))
  • Press Enter to get the result.

How does this formula work?

  • The column is selected dynamically using Excel’s OFFSET function: OFFSET(B4,0,D17-1,11,1)

Method 3 – Use Combined Functions to Find a Text in Range and Return the Cell Reference

The text “Apple” is repeated 3 times in the range B4:B14. We’ll return all row numbers in the array.

Applying SMALL & ROW Functions to Find Text in Range and Return Cell Reference

  • Use this formula in cell D9.
  • Insert this formula in the D10 cell.
  • Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to get the result.

  • We have copied the formula until the formula returns an error value.

The syntax of SMALL function:


For example, SMALL({80;35;55;900},2) will return the 2nd smallest value in the array {80;35;55;900}. The output will be: 55.

How does the formula work?

Cell D9 = {=SMALL(IF($D$6=$B$4:$B$14,ROW($B$4:$B$14)-ROW($B$4)+1),ROW(1:1))}

To understand this array formula clearly, you can read our guide: 5 Examples of Using Array Formula in Excel

  • IF($D$6=$B$4:$B$14,ROW($B$4:$B$14)-ROW($B$4)+1) returns the array for the SMALL function.
    • Logical test part of the IF function is: $D$6=$B$4:$B$14. This part tests (one by one) whether the values of the range $B$4:$B$14 are equal to $D$6. If equal, a TRUE value is set in the array and if not equal, a False value is set in the array: {FALSE;FALSE;TRUE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;TRUE;FALSE;TRUE;FALSE;FALSE}
    • ROW($B$4:$B$14)-ROW($B$4)+1) returns an array like this: {1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11} – {1} + 1 = {0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10} + 1 = {1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11}
  • ROW(1:1) is actually the k of the SMALL function. And it returns 1.
  • The formula in the cell D9 becomes like this: SMALL(IF({FALSE;FALSE;TRUE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;TRUE;FALSE;TRUE;FALSE;FALSE},{1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11}),1).
  • The IF function returns this array: {FALSE;FALSE;3;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;7;FALSE;9;FALSE;FALSE}.
  • The formula returns 3.

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Kawser Ahmed
Kawser Ahmed

Kawser Ahmed is a Microsoft Excel Expert, Udemy Course Instructor, Data Analyst, Finance professional, and Chief Editor of ExcelDemy. He is the founder and CEO of SOFTEKO (a software and content marketing company). He has a B.Sc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. As a Udemy instructor, he offers 8 acclaimed Excel courses, one selected for Udemy Business. A devoted MS Excel enthusiast, Kawser has contributed over 200 articles and reviewed thousands more. His expertise extends to Data Analysis,... Read Full Bio

  1. I was wondering if there is a way to find part text with the above information to get reference cell?
    There are 8 cell references to retrieve
    There are blanks cells in range Z6 – Z270
    DJ5 is the part cell reference

    =SMALL(IF($DJ$5=$Z$6:$Z$270,ROW($Z$6:$Z$270)-ROW($Z$6)+1),ROW(1:1)) This returns 0 as not extract match
    =CELL(“address”,INDEX(Z6:Z270,MATCH(DJ5,Z6:Z270,0))) This is a extract match & returns cell reference $Z$32

  2. Is there a way to find part text from the above information?
    There are 8 reference cells to retrieve.
    There are blank cells in range Z6 – Z270
    Reference part text cell DJ6

    {=SMALL(IF($DJ$5=$Z$6:$Z$270,ROW($Z$6:$Z$270)-ROW($Z$6)+1),ROW(1:1))} Returns VALUE

    =CELL(“address”,INDEX(Z6:Z270,MATCH(DJ5,Z6:Z270,0))) Returns extract match with extract cell reference $Z$32 only

    =MATCH(DJ5&”*”,Z:Z,0)*1 Return extract cell row number 32.

    All the above formula’s didn’t return 2 – 8 reference cells



  3. Hi Kawser
    I’m stump on the above information as to why I can’t get the information of the 8 reference’s & there cell reference.
    Formula =MATCH(DJ5&”*”,Z:Z,0)*1 & add *2, *3, & so on for count
    The reference part cell DJ5 = Track Time:
    Track Time : refers to Conditions, Time & Fields



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