How to Create Top 10 List with Duplicates in Excel (5 Ways)

For different purposes, you may need to find the top n number of values in Excel, n can be 5 or 10, and many more. Now, today we are going to show you how to find the top 10 values from a list with duplicates in Excel. Here, for conducting the session, we are using the Microsoft 365 version. Furthermore, you can choose your preferred version.

How to Make Top 10 List with Duplicates in Excel: 5 Handy Methods

Before diving into the session, let’s learn about today’s workbook which is the base of our examples. Here, we have a basic table, consisting of the sites and their respective number of visits per month. Now, using this relationship, we will see how to find the top 10 values from a list with duplicates in Excel.

Moreover, there are a couple of duplicate values in the second column, they are stored on purpose. However, this is a basic table to show you simple examples, you may encounter a much larger data set in a real-life scenario.

Dataset to find top 10 list with duplicates in Excel

1. Incorporating LARGE Function with INDEX–MATCH Formula

Whenever you see the word ‘top’, you might understand that one function we are going to use is the LARGE function.

Since our agenda is to find the top 10 values, let’s set the rank numbers (1 to 10). The steps are given below.


  • Firstly, you have to select a new cell F5 where you want to keep the result.
  • Secondly, you should use the formula given below in the F5 cell.

Here, the ROWS function will give the relative row number from a given array.

  • Thirdly, press ENTER.

Use of Rows function to find top 10 list with duplicates

  • Now, you can drag the Fill Handle icon to AutoFill the corresponding data in the rest of the cells F6:F14.

As a result, you will see the rank.

Actually, our scenario is such that we will fetch the top 10 visited sites.

Now, to do the task we need to use the LARGE function. Basically, the LARGE function returns numeric values based on their position in a list when sorted by value.

LARGE(array, k)

array: The array from which you want to select the kth largest value.

k: An integer that specifies the position from the largest value.

Here, we will provide the position using the k. When we need the top 10 value, then the value of k will be 1 to 10.

  • Now, you have to select a new cell G5 where you want to keep the result.
  • Then, let’s write the formula given below in the G5 cell on the Excel sheet.
  • Subsequently, press ENTER.

Here we have inserted the visits amount column as the array and the Rank as the k. Here we have found the most visited site.

Use of Large function to find top 10 list with duplicates in Excel

  • Similarly, write the formula for the rest.

So, we have found the top 10 most visited sites from our list.

Now, do you think, if we conclude our task here will that match an ideal standard?

No, in most cases it will not. We need to find the items/names which is at the top.

So, to find the names we need to use the combination of the INDEXMATCH functions.

INDEX(find_array,MATCH(lookup_value,lookup_array, 0))

Here, the MATCH function is used to locate the position of a lookup value in a row, column, or table.

Additionally, the INDEX function returns the value at a given location in a range or array.

  • Now, write the following formula in the H5 cell.

Using INDEX–MATCH Formula to find top 10 list with duplicates

Formula Breakdown

  • Firstly, inside the INDEX function, we have inserted the Site Name column as our find_array.
  • Secondly, the MATCH function for declaring the row number.
  • Here, within the MATCH function, we have inserted the lookup_value and lookup_array. Our lookup_value is the visit value we have derived. 0 for stating the Exact Match.

After pressing ENTER the formula gave the result.

  • Now, write the formula for the rest of the rows.

Oh! Not the items we were looking for.

As our table has a number of duplicate visits. Here, a couple of sites have the same number of visits. That’s fine. Actually, our formula should derive both names. But this formula is unable to do that.

So, what can we do? Do we need to modify the formula?

Obviously yes. Basically, we need to modify the formula.

  • Here, our modified formula will be as follows.
INDEX(find_array,MATCH(1, compare_value*check_already_matched,0))
  • So, rewrite the formula in the H5 cell again.
  • Then, press ENTER.

Incorporating LARGE Function with INDEX–MATCH Formula to find top 10 list with duplicates

Formula Breakdown

  • Here, in the MATCH function, we have set 1 as the lookup_value.
  • Then we compared the value using $B$4:$B$19=LARGE( $B$4:$B$19, E4). This will return an array of TRUE or FALSE.
  • Now, the COUNTIF function with an expanding range of reference checks if a given item is already in the top list. It also returns an array of TRUE or FALSE.
  • After that, when we multiply these two arrays another array of 1s and 0s is returned.
  • Here, the lookup_value 1 matches with this array and returns the relative position.

  • Now, write the formula for the rest of the rows.

Which worked perfectly and provided what we wanted.

Read More: How to Get Top 10 Values Based on Criteria in Excel

2. Combination of SMALL and INDEX Functions to Find Top 10 List with Duplicates

As well as we can use the combination of the SMALL and INDEX functions as well. But before that, let’s set the rank dynamically. We have a placeholder Top for how many values we want to see.

Now, we will set such a way that the row number will fetch until it becomes higher than the number of values we want to see.

  • Then, press ENTER.

Use of IF & ROWS functions to Find Top 10 List with Duplicates 

Next, find out the top 10 values.

  • Similarly, write the following formula in the G5 cell. Actually, the formula is similar to the previous one. In addition, we have added an IF statement there to eradicate the error value for empty cells.
  • Then, press ENTER.

Now our formula to find the items will be.

INDEX(find_array,SMALL(IF(looup_array=lookup_value, ROW(find_array)-ROW(first_row)+1, COUNTIF(lookup_value_array,lookup_value)))

Here, use the IF statement as previously to eradicate any error for the empty cells.

  • So, write down the following formula in the H5 cell.
  • After that, hit ENTER to execute the formula.

Combination of SMALL and INDEX Functions to Find Top 10 List with Duplicates 

Formula Breakdown

  • Here, using the SMALL function, we find the row_number for the INDEX function.
  • Then, inside the SMALL function, we have an IF function that checks whether the lookup_value is within the array or not.
  • Furthermore, the ROW functions are used to generate the row numbers starting from 1.
  • In addition, the COUNTIF function is for checking whether the value has already been traversed or not.
  • Lastly, the combination of the result from these functions produces a row_number that is needed to be fetched from the array.

Finally, we have found the Site name which topped the list.

  • Similarly, write the formula or exercise Excel AutoFill for the rest of the values.

3. Using AGGREGATE Function to Find Top 10 List with Duplicates in Excel

We can use the AGGREGATE function as well for our task. Furthermore, if you are using an Excel version higher than 2007, then you can use this function.

Basically, the AGGREGATE function returns an aggregate calculation like AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, SUM, etc.

In addition, the syntax for the AGGREGATE function is as follows.

AGGREGATE(function_number,behavior_option, range)

function_number: This number specifies which calculation should be made.

behavior_option: Set this using number. This number denotes how the function will behave.

range: Range you want to aggregate.

Basically, there are a total of 19 operations, specified by the predefined function_number available in the AGGREGATE function. We are listing a few frequently used function numbers.

Function Function_number

Furthermore, there are 8 possible values for behavior_options. They are.

Value Behavior
0 Ignore SUBTOTAL and AGGREGATE functions
1 Ignore hidden rows, SUBTOTAL and AGGREGATE functions
2 Ignore error values, SUBTOTAL and AGGREGATE functions
3 Ignore hidden rows, error values, SUBTOTAL and AGGREGATE functions
4 Ignore nothing
5 Ignore hidden rows
6 Ignore error values
7 Ignore hidden rows and error values

Here, we need the SMALL functionality so that we will use 15 as function_number.

So, our formula will be.

INDEX(find_array,AGGREGATE(15,6,(ROW(find_array)-ROW(first_row)+1)/(lookup_array=lookup_value), COUNTIF(lookup_value_array,lookup_value)))
  • Now, at first write the formula for Rank and Visit column like the previous method.
  • Then, write the following formula in the H5 cell.
  • After that, to execute this formula you need to hit ENTER only.

Using AGGREGATE Function to Find Top 10 List with Duplicates in Excel

So, if you have understood the earlier formulas, then the only question that will be on your mind is why did we use 6 as behavior_option?

Can you figure out why?

Let’s help you a bit. Here, you may write the ROW function division portion in Excel. As a result, a bunch of division errors within the array. Which number can we use for ignoring errors?

Yes, to ignore the error, we have used 6 as our behavior_option value.

  • Lastly, write the formula for the rest of the rows and you will get the top 10 from the list with duplicates.

4. Use of FILTER & SORT Functions to Find Top 10 List with Duplicates

Here, you can apply a combination of some functions to find the top 10 from a list with duplicates in Excel. Here, we will use FILTER, SEQUENCE, SORT, IF, COUNT, and LARGE functions. In the case of the FILTER function, you will get this function only in the Excel 365 version. The steps are given below.


  • Firstly, you have to make a table. So, select the data range.
  • Secondly, from the Insert tab >> choose the Table feature.

Applying Table Feature to find top 10 list with duplicates

At this time, a dialog box named Create Table will appear.

  • Now, make sure that you have selected the data range in the Where is the data for your table? box. Here, if you select the data range before then this box will auto-fill up.
  • Then, check the My table has headers option.
  • Finally, press OK.

Finally, your table is ready.

  • Now, select any cell of the table.
  • Then, from the Table Design tab >> go to the Properties option.
  • After that, write down a table name in the Table Name box. Here, we have written Internet as our table name.

  • Now, select a different cell where there should be enough space to keep your whole data.
  • Then write down the following formula in that cell. Here, we’re going to use the F8 cell.
=IF(COUNT((Internet[Visit/Month (Billion)]))>H5,SEQUENCE(H5),"Cross Limit")
  • Subsequently, press ENTER to get the result.

Use of SEQUENCE Function for finding top 10 list with duplicates

Formula Breakdown

  • Here, the COUNT function will count the total cells of Internet[Visit/Month (Billion)]) column.
  • Then, the IF function will check whether the number of counted cells is greater than the H5 cell value or not.
  • If the H5 cell value is less than the total counted cells then it will operate the SEQUENCE function otherwise it will return “Cross Limit“.

  • Again, select a different cell where there should be enough space to keep your whole data.
  • Then, write down the following formula in that cell. Here, we’re going to use the G8 cell.
=SORT(FILTER(Internet,Internet[Visit/Month (Billion)]>=LARGE(Internet[Visit/Month (Billion)],H5)),2,-1)
  • After that, press ENTER.

Use of FILTER & SORT Functions to Find Top 10 List with Duplicates in Excel

Formula Breakdown

  • Here, the H5 cell will be the search box.
  • Firstly, the LARGE function will return the 10th large value from the column Internet[Visit/Month (Billion)].
    • Output: 2.4.
  • Secondly, the FILTER function will filter the data. Here, the array is a table named Internat. It will search for the values which are greater or equal to 2.4. It will return all the details of Visit value like Site NameVisitCategory.
    • Output: {“Facebook”,25.5,”Social Networking site”;”Youtube”,34.6,”TV Movies and Streaming”;”Twitter”,6.6,”Social Networking site”;”Wikipedia”,6.1,”Dictionaries and Encyclopedias”;”Google”,92.5,”Search Engines”;”Instagram”,6.1,”Social Networking site”;”Yahoo”,3.8,”News and Media”;”Baidu”,5.6,”Search Engines”;”Netflix”,2.4,”TV Movies and Streaming”;”Amazon”,2.4,”Marketplace”}.
  • Thirdly, 2 is the sort index and -1 is the sort order for the SORT function. So, the SORT function will do sorting for Visit/Month (Billion) column in descending order.

As a result, you will get the top 10 list.

Result of using combined functions in Excel to find top 10 list with duplicates

Here, if you want to know the top 5 list with duplicates then just write 5 in the H5 cell the result will be auto-modified.

Read More: How to Find Top 5 Values and Names in Excel

5. Inserting Pivot Table to Find Top 10 List with Duplicates

Apart from using the formula, we can use the Pivot Table to find the top 10 values from a list.

  • First of all, select the entire table and then explore the Insert tab, you will find the Tables section.
  • After that, within the Tables section, there will be an option called Pivot Table, click that.
  • Then, choose the From Table/Range option.

Inserting Pivot Table to Find Top 10 List with Duplicates

Subsequently, a dialog box will open in front of you.

  • At this time, check the range and select the place.
  • Then, click OK (you can simply hit ENTER as well).

As a result, a new sheet will open like the following image.

  • Then, drag the Site Name to the Rows.

Subsequently, you will see the Row Labels.

  • Similarly, drag the Visit column to the Values.

Usually, the Pivot Table sums up the numeric values. That’s not a contender for our concerns.

  • At first, click the Filter icon beside the Row Labels.
  • Then, inside the Value Filters, you will find the Top 10 option. Click that.

At this time, a dialog box will pop up.

  • Now, click OK.

Finally, you will find the top 10 values from your list.

Practice Section

Now, you can practice the explained method by yourself.

Practice Section for finding top 10 list with duplicates in Excel

Download Practice Workbook

You are welcome to download the workbook from the link below.


That’s all for the session. Here, we have tried listing several ways to find the top 10 from a list with duplicates in Excel. So, we hope you will find this helpful. Also, feel free to comment if anything seems difficult to understand. Furthermore, let us know any other methods which we might have missed here.

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Shakil Ahmed
Shakil Ahmed

My name’s Shakil. My articles are targeted to support you in enriching knowledge regarding different features related to Microsoft Excel. I am fond of literature, hope some knowledge from them will help me providing you some engaging articles even though some weary technical terms.

  1. Hello,

    all these functions not working with WPC Office, tried everything, i miss something? Therefore these functions
    work only in Microsoft 365?
    Thank you!

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