How to Convert Radians to Degrees in Excel (3 Easy Methods)

In Excel by default the unit of angle is radians. But we may want the angle in degrees. It’s not that hard work to convert radians to degrees in Excel. In this article, we will show the way to convert radians to degrees.

What Are Radians and Degrees?

Radians and Degrees are two units to measure the angle. The angle created at the center of a circle is considered 360° in degrees unit whereas it is considered as 2 in radians. Taking this relation into consideration we can easily convert radians to degrees and vice versa.

Converting angles from radians to degrees is a very simple task in Excel. But it is required sometimes. Here we will show 3 simple but useful methods to convert angles in radians to degrees.

1. Converting Radians to Degrees Using the DEGREES Function

Excel has an in-built DEGREES function to convert the radians input into degrees directly. The steps to do that are given below.

Step 1: First we have to select the cell to store the result. In our case the cell is C6.

convert radians to degrees in Excel

Step 2: Then we have to enter the cell and write the following formula.


Here, B6 is the cell for radians input.

Step 3: We have to press ENTER and use the Fill Handle to copy the formula to the cells below.

radians to degrees in excel

We can see the results in degrees in the cells.

Read More: How to Convert MM to CM in Excel

2. Converting Radians to Degrees Using the PI Function

Instead of using the DEGREES function, we can use mathematical operations with the PI function in Excel to convert radians to degrees. We will show the steps to do that below.

Step 1: First we need to select the cell to show the result. In our case the cell is C6.

convert radians to degrees using math operator

Step 2: We need to write the formula given below in the cell.


Here, B6 is the cell for radians input,

We used multiplication(*) and division(/) math operators with numerical value 180. Here, we have multiplied radian value with 180 and then divided by the pi value.

Step 3: We have to press ENTER and use the Fill Handle to copy the formula to the cells below.

radians to degrees result in excel

We can see the result for each cell.

Read More: Converting CM to Inches in Excel

3. Converting Radians to Degrees by VBA Code

We can also convert the angles in radians to degrees easily by using the Visual Basics for Applications(VBA) code. We are showing the steps to do that.

Step 1: First We need to press ALT+F11 to open the VBA window. We have to right-click the sheet where we want the code to work. Then we have to select Insert > Module.

convert radians to degrees using vba

Step 2: The Module window will show up. We need to write the following code in the window.

Sub calculate_rad_to_deg()

 For Each input_cell In Selection 

input_cell.Offset(0, 1).Value =Application.WorksheetFunction.Degrees(input_cell.Value) 

Next input_cell 

End Sub

convert radians to degrees vba code


calculate_rad_to_deg is a sub-procedure,

input_cell is a variable,

Offset(0, 1).Value puts the result in the next cell of the input cell,

Degrees(input_cell.Value) is a VBA function to convert the input radians to degrees.

Step 3: Now we need to close the window and select the range of cells whose values we want to convert to degrees.

Step 4: We need to select Macros from the View tab in the ribbon.

Step 5: The Macro window will show up. Now we need to run the code.

convert radians to degrees vba run

Step 6: After running the code we will see the values in degrees to the cells beside the input radians cells.

convert radians to degrees result

How to Convert Radians to Degrees Minutes Seconds in Excel

So far we have seen the results of the converted degree which consists of values after the decimal point. We may want to convert the value into Degrees, Minutes, and seconds. We can easily do that in Excel. The steps are shown below.

Step 1: First we have to select the cell where we want the result. In our case the cell is D5.

convert radians to degrees minutes seconds in excel

Step 2: Then we need to enter the cell and write the following formula there.

=TEXT(INT(C5),"0° ")&TEXT(INT((C5-INT(C5))*60),"0' ")&TEXT((C5*60-INT(C5*60))*60,"0.0")&""""

Here, C5 is the input cell, we used the TEXT function.

TEXT(INT(C5),”0° “)  is giving the output in degrees without fractional value,
Output: “49° ”

TEXT(INT((C5-INT(C5))*60),”0′ “) here the fractional value of the result of the degree is separated and multiplied by 60 to show the Minutes results
Output: “59′ ”

TEXT((C5*60-INT(C5*60))*60,”0.0″) is separating the fractional value from the Minutes result and multiplying it by 60 to get the Seconds results.
Output: “46.7”

Later, Excel concatenates all these results as we have used the concatenation operator (&).  

Step 3: We have to press ENTER and use the Fill Handle to copy the formula to the cells below.

We can see the result in each cell.

Read More: How to Convert CM to Feet and Inches in Excel

Calculator: Radians to Degrees

In the practice worksheet, we have included a calculator that you can use to convert angles in radians to degrees.

calculator to convert radians to degrees

Download Practice Workbook


For historical reasons, Excel measures angle in radians by default. But we may want the angle in degrees sometimes. In this article, we have shown 3 separate simple methods to convert radians to degrees. Hopefully, it will help you. If you have faced any problems following the methods or you have any suggestions, please let us know by comment.

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Mehedi Hasan Shimul
Mehedi Hasan Shimul

Md. Mehedi Hasan, with a BSc in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, holds a crucial position as an Excel & VBA Content Developer at ExcelDemy. Driven by a deep passion for research and innovation, he actively immerses himself in Excel. In his role, Mehedi not only skillfully addresses complex challenges but also exhibits enthusiasm and expertise in gracefully navigating tough situations, emphasizing his steadfast commitment to consistently deliver exceptional and quality content.... Read Full Bio

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