How to Calculate Total Percentage from Multiple Percentages in Excel (3 Easy Ways)

Looking for ways to calculate the total percentage from multiple percentages in Excel? Then, this is the right place for you. Here, you will find 3 effective ways to calculate the total percentage in Excel.

What Is Percentage?

The percentage is a comparative figure representing 100ths of any amount.

The basic formula of Percentage is:

Percentage = (Part/Total) * 100

How to Calculate Percentages in Excel

You can calculate the percentage in Excel by following some easy steps. Suppose you have a dataset containing the name of some Products, and the number of Ordered and Received items. Now, we will show you how you can calculate the Percentage of Received Orders using this dataset.

How to Calculate Percentages in Excel


  • Firstly, select cell range E5:E11.
  • Then, go to the Home tab >> click on Number >> click on Number Format.

  • Next, click on Percentage.

  • Now, select Cell E5 and insert the following formula.

  • Then, press Enter.
  • After that, drag down the Fill Handle tool to AutoFill the formula for the rest of the cells.

Here, in the formula, we divided the value of Received items in Cell D5 by the values of Ordered items in Cell C5.
  • Finally, you will get all the values of the Percentage of Received Orders.

How to Calculate Total Percentage from Multiple Percentages in Excel: 3 Effective Ways

Here, we have a dataset containing the name of some Products and their corresponding Percentage Amount. We can calculate the total percentage of this dataset by going through some effective steps.

Now, we will show you how to manually calculate the total percentage from multiple percentages and use Excel functions.

Effective Ways to Calculate Total Percentage from Multiple Percentages in Excel

1. Use Excel SUM Function to Get Total Percentage from Multiple Percentages

In the first method, we will use the SUM function to get the total percentage from multiple percentages in Excel. Follow the steps given below to do it on your own dataset.


  • In the beginning, select Cell C11 and insert the following formula.

Use Excel SUM Function to Get Total Percentage from Multiple

  • After that, press Enter to get the Total Percentage value.

Calculate Total Percentage from Multiple Percentages Excel

In the SUM function, we inserted cell range C5:C10 to add all the values in this range.

Read More: How to Calculate Percentage of Percentage in Excel

2. Calculate Total Percentage from Multiple Percentages Manually

You can also calculate the total percentage from multiple percentages manually by going through the steps given below.


  • To start with, select Cell C11 and insert the following formula.

Calculate Total Percentage from Multiple Percentages Manually

  • Then, press Enter.

Here, in the formula, we added the values of the cell range C5:C10 by manually adding them one by one.

3. Avoid Errors with Excel IFERROR Function to Determine Total Percentage

Finally, sometimes you may find some errors while adding the percentages using formulas. You can avoid these errors by using the IFERROR function.

Avoid Errors with Excel IFERROR Function to Determine Total Percentage

Here, in the dataset, if we want to calculate the Percentage of Received Orders using the formula shown above, we will find a #DIV/0! Error in Cell E11 as there is no value in Cell C11.

Avoid #DIV/0! Error with Excel IFERROR Function to Determine Total Percentage

Now, follow the steps given below to avoid this error using the IFERROR function in Excel.


  • Firstly, select Cell E5 and insert the following formula.

  • After that, press Enter and drag down the Fill Handle tool to AutoFill the formula for the rest of the cells.

Here, in the IFERROR function, we inserted the resultant value of Cell D5 divided by Cell C5 as value and 0 as value_if_error.
  • Now, you will get all the values of the Percentage of Received Orders.

  • Then, select Cell C13 and insert the following formula.

  • Finally, press Enter to get the value of the Total Received Order.

Here, in the SUM function, we inserted the values of cell range E5:E11 to add all these values.

Read More: Why Are My Percentages Wrong in Excel?

Practice Section

In the article, you will find an Excel workbook like the image given below to practice on your own.

Practice Section


Download Practice Workbook

You can download the workbook to practice yourself.


So, in this article, we have shown you 3 ways to calculate the total percentage from multiple percentages in Excel. I hope you found this article interesting and helpful. If something seems difficult to understand, please leave a comment. Additionally, please let us know if there are any more alternatives that we may have missed.

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Arin Islam
Arin Islam

Anowara Islam Arin, a graduate of Civil Engineering from Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh, serves as a technical content creator in the ExcelDemy project. Possessing a passion for innovation and critical thinking, she actively embraces challenges. Beyond her engineering background, Arin exhibits a keen interest in Excel, having authored numerous articles on Excel & VBA-related issues to simplify the experience for users facing obstacles in Excel. Besides, she is also interested in Advanced Excel,... Read Full Bio

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