How to Align Two Sets of Data in Excel (6 Examples)


Below is a dataset showing two columns: Product List 1 and Product List 2. Next to them is a separate column, Aligned Dataset, where the aligned data will appear.

Align Two Sets of Data in Excel

Method 1 – Using the VLOOKUP Function


  • In cell I5, enter =VLOOKUP
  • Select the second dataset,
  • Click cell F4 and enter a $ sign.
  • Press 1,0).
  • Enter the following formula:
  • If the name doesn’t match it shows Not Applicable (N/A). To avoid N/A, let’s expand the formula further.

We have added the IFERROR function with the previous formula.

Line up Two Sets of Data in Excel Using VLOOKUP Function

This is for the first column.

If we want to fetch the second column,

  • Enter the following formula in cell J5 :

Applying IFERROR & VLOOKUP Functions for Column Index 2

  • For the third column, enter the following formula in cell K5:

Applying IFERROR & VLOOKUP Functions for Column Index 3

  • Once we enter all the columns,
  • Copy the whole formula, select the rest of the columns, and paste it.

Now, we can see that the dataset has been aligned according to column B.

Align Two Sets of Data Using IFERROR & VLOOKUP Functions

Read More: All Types of Alignment in Excel (Explained in Detail)

Method 2 – Merging IF, ISNA, MATCH & INDEX Functions 

In the following example, there are two sets of data. The first dataset contains some product names that are in Product List 1, and the second dataset also contains some product names that are in Product List 2. Some products are similar, so we are going to align those products.

Dataset 3 to show the alignment of dataset


  • Enter the following formula into the first column in the aligned dataset:

Aligning Duplicate Values in Two Sets of Data with IF Formula

  • Use the Fill Handle tool down to all the cells we want to apply this formula.

We can see all the values in the two datasets are aligned with the duplicated values.

Using IF, ISNA, MATCH & INDEX Functions

Formula Breakdown

  • MATCH(B5,$C$5:$C$12,0)—> The MATCH function will find the exact match of B5 cell value within the $C$5:$C$12 array.
    • Output: 2.
  • Now, INDEX($C$5:$C$12,2)—>Here the INDEX function will return the 2nd row from the given array $C$5:$C$12.
    • Output: “Shampoo”.
  • Similarly, MATCH(B5,$C$5:$C$12,0)—> turns 2.
  • So, IF(ISNA(2),””, “Shampoo”)—> this will be the final expression of the formula. The ISNA function will examine whether the cell value is error or valid. As 2 is a valid number so ISNA function will give FALSE so the IF function will show “Shampoo” as output, on the other hand it will show a void space.

Read More: How to Align Columns in Excel (4 Easy Methods)

Method 3 – Combining IF, ISNA & VLOOKUP Functions 


  • Enter the following formula in cell E5:
  • Press ENTER.

Combining IF, ISNA & VLOOKUP Functions in Excel

Formula Breakdown

  • VLOOKUP(B5,$C$5:$C$12,1,0)—> will return “Shampoo” where this VLOOKUP function is looking up for the B5 cell value, within $C$5:$C$12 this array. And 1 is the column index number.
  • Then, ISNA(“Shampoo”)—> is the logical test for the IF function. Here, the ISNA function will check whether the value is an error or not. So, this will give FALSE as output.
  • Then, the IF function will return a void space when the logical test is TRUE otherwise will operate VLOOKUP(B5,$C$5:$C$12,1,0) this operation.
  • VLOOKUP(B5,$C$5:$C$12,1,0) this is a similar operation to the first one. Where this VLOOKUP function is looking up for the B5 cell value, within $C$5:$C$12 this array. And 1 is the column index number. 0 is for the exact match.

  • Drag the Fill Handle icon to paste the used formula respectively to the other cells of the column.

You will get all the Aligned datasets that are duplicated in both datasets.

Combining IF, ISNA & VLOOKUP Functions to Align Duplicate Values from Two Sets of Data

Method 4 – Merging IFERROR, VLOOKUP & COLUMN Functions 


  • Enter the following formula in cell E5:
  • Press ENTER.


Formula Breakdown

  • Here, COLUMN()-COLUMN($E5)+1 is the number of the column index for the VLOOKUP function. The COLUMN function gives the numerical representation of a given column. As the formula is used in the E column, COLUMN() becomes {5}. Also, COLUMN($E5) turns {5}. Ultimately, COLUMN()-COLUMN($E5)+1 will be 5-5+1 which is equal to 1.
  • So, the formula will be as VLOOKUP(B5,$C$5:$C$12,{1},0). In this term, the VLOOKUP function will search for the value situated in the B5 cell, within the $C$5:$C$12 array. Then, 1 is the column index number and 0 denotes exact matching.
  • Lastly, the IFERROR function will check whether the value is an error or not.

  • Drag the Fill Handle icon to paste the used formula respectively to the other cells of the column.

You will get all the Aligned datasets that are duplicated in both datasets.

Merging IFERROR, VLOOKUP & COLUMN Functions to Extract Similar Values from Two Sets of Data

Method 5 – Using the Consolidate Feature 


You have to keep a common column header along with numerical values within those two datasets. The Consolidate feature will use them to do the calculation.

  • Select cell B14.
  • From the Data tab >> click on the Consolidate feature, which belongs to Data Tools.

Use of Consolidate Feature under Data Tab

A new dialog box named Consolidate will appear.

  • Choose the function. We have chosen the SUM function. So, the Consolidate feature will add the prices for the same product. Say, in the first dataset, there is Sampoo in the B5 cell, which price is $760. Now, this Consolidate feature will search for Sampoo in the second dataset. If it gets one, then it will add that price to the $760. So, here the output will be $760+$960 for the product Shampoo.

Use of Consolidate Dialog Box

Below are the final results.

Results for Using Consolidate Feature

You can change the column header to a suitable one. We have changed the column header to Sold Product, and Total Sales.

Use of Consolidate Feature for Summing Up Values within Two Sets of Data in Excel

Read More: How to Maintain Excel Header Alignment (with Easy Steps)

Method 6 – Employing VBA Code 


  • Go to the Developer Tab and select Visual basic. This will open the visual basic editor.

Employing Excel VBA to Align Two Sets of Data

  • Click the Insert drop-down and select Module. This will insert a new module window.

Inserting Module

  • Or we can open the visual basic editor by right-clicking on the sheet from the sheet bar and then going to View Code.
  • Enter the VBA code here:

VBA Code:

Sub Align_duplicates()
Dim my_rnge As Range
Set my_rnge = Range([B4], Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp))
my_rnge.Offset(0, 1).Columns.Insert
With my_rnge.Offset(0, 1)
.FormulaR1C1 = _
.Value = .Value
End With
End Sub

VBA Code for Aligning two sets of Data

Code Breakdown

  • Here, we have created a Sub Procedure named Align_duplicates.
  • Next, declare a variable my_rnge as Range.
  • After that, we used a formula to align the duplicate values from two sets of data.

  • Now, Save the code then go back to Excel File.
  • From the Developer tab >> select Macros.

Going to Macros

  • Run the code.

Pressing RUN Button to run the code

  • This will insert a new column and align all the duplicate values in this new column from the two sets of data. We can see our desired result.

Align Two Sets of Data by Using VBA Code

Read More: Excel Align Matching Values in Two Columns

Practice Section

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Practice Section for Aligning Two Sets of Data

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Sabrina Ayon
Sabrina Ayon

Sabrina Ayon, a Computer Science and Engineering graduate from United International University, has been an integral part of the ExcelDemy project for two years. She authored 150+ articles, excelling in instructing through visually engaging Excel tutorials. With a passion for teaching, Sabrina conducted sessions on Excel VBA, sharing her knowledge and insights with others. Currently holding the position of Project Manager for the ExcelDemy Visual Development Project, she oversees various aspects of the project, ensuring its smooth operation... Read Full Bio

  1. On the code : =IF(ISNA(MATCH(B5,$C$5:$C$12,0)),””,INDEX($C$5:$C$12,MATCH(B5,$C$5:$C$12,0))

    What if I have on column “D” a price for each product and each time I pull the item on “aligned dataset” it brings as well the price next to it ?

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