How to Insert Multiple Blank Rows in Excel (4 Methods)

The sample dataset contains 5 rows without headings.

Insert Multiple Blank Rows in Excel (Sample Dataset)

Method 1 – Selecting Multiple Rows and Insert an Equal Blank Rows in Excel



  • Select the 7th and 8th rows.
  • Right-click and choose the Insert option from the menu.

Insert Multiple Blank Rows in Excel by Selecting Rows

Two blank rows are returned.

Insert Multiple Blank Rows in Excel by Selecting Rows (Result)

Read More: How to Insert Multiple Rows After Every Other Row in Excel

Method 2 – Using Name Box to Insert Multiple Blank Rows in Excel



  • Go to the Name Box.
  • In the Name box, type the values in the format “Initial row: Final row”. In this example, type 6:8.
  • This selects the rows 6th to 8th inclusive.

Insert Multiple Blank Rows in Excel Using Name Box

  • Right-click on the selected rows and choose Insert.

Three blanks rows are returned between 6 and 8.

Read More: How to Insert Multiple Rows in Excel 

Method 3 – Inserting Multiple Blank Rows in Excel Using Keyboard shortcuts.

There are two keyboard shortcut options.


  • Using row numbers on the left, select the number of rows equal to the number of blank rows to be inserted.
  • In this example, the 6th to 8th rows are selected.

Insert Multiple Blank Rows in Excel Using CTRL+Shift+Plus





  • Select the number of rows on the left equal to the number of total blank rows to insert.
  • PIn this example, the 6th to 8th rows are selected below the 5th row.

Insert Multiple Blank Rows in Excel Using ALT+I+R

  • Press ALT+I+R.
  • 3 blank rows will be inserted below the 5th row.

Method 4 – Applying VBA Macro to Insert Blank Rows

When dealing with a large dataset, automating row insertion using VBA may be preferable.


  • Go to Developer tab > Visual Basic > Insert > Module. A Module window will open up.

If you don’t have the Developer tab, you can also get to the Visual Basic window by pressing the ALT+F11 keys.

Insert Multiple Blank Rows in Excel Using VBA

  •  Enter the following code in the Module window.
Sub InsertBlankRowsAtCursor()
Answer = InputBox("Input the number of rows to insert (Do not exceed 200)")
NumberofLines = Int(Val(Answer))
    If NumberofLines > 200 Then
NumberofLines = 200
End If
    If NumberofLines = 0 Then
GoTo EndInsertLines
End If
Count = Count + 1
Loop While Count < NumberofLines
End Sub

  • Exit the Code window.
  • Go to Developer > Macros or press ALT+F8. Select the Macro and click on Options.
  • In the shortcut key box, use CTRL+SHIFT+H.
  • Press OK.

  • Go back to the worksheet and select a cell (Cell B6) to insert blank rows under it.
  • Press the shortcut key (CTRL+SHIFT+H), and a pop-up window requests the number of rows to be inserted.
  • In this example, type 5 and press ENTER.

5 blank rows are returned.

Insert Multiple Blank Rows in Excel Using VBA (Result)

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Hafizul Islam
Hafizul Islam

Hafizul Islam is an excellent marine engineer who loves working with Excel and diving into VBA programming. For him, programming is like a superhero tool that saves time when dealing with data, files, and the internet. His skills go beyond the basics, including Rhino3D, Maxsurf C++, AutoCAD, Deep Neural Networks, and Machine Learning. He got his B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET, and now he's switched gears, working as a content developer. In this role,... Read Full Bio

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