[Fix] Excel Fill Series Not Working (8 Causes with Solutions)

To demonstrate the solutions to the Excel Fill Series problem, we are using the following data table.

Excel fill series not working

Fix 1 – Check the Fill Handle Option to Fix Excel Fill Series Not Working


Let’s say we want to calculate a 5% Discount on the prices of the products. We will use the formula in the first cell, then we will use the Fill Series feature to fill up the rest of the cells with this formula.

Excel fill series not working

After hovering the mouse pointer around the bottom right corner of this cell it was supposed to be changed into the Fill Handle tool icon.

enabling fill handle tool

The Fill Handle tool didn’t appear because the Fill Handle tool option was disabled.
If we try to drag down the formula throughout all the remaining cells, nothing will change.

enabling fill handle tool


  • Go to the File tab.

Excel fill series not working

  • Select Options.

enabling fill handle tool

  • The Excel Options wizard will pop up.
  • Select the Advanced option.
  • In the Editing options, check the Enable fill handle and cell drag-and-drop option.
  • Press OK.

enabling fill handle tool

  • If you hover your mouse pointer around cell E5, you will now see the Fill Handle tool.
  • Drag down the Fill Handle tool.

enabling fill handle tool

  • The Excel Fill Series property should work.

Excel fill series not working

Read More: How to Auto Number Cells in Excel

Fix 2 – Selecting Automatic Calculation to Fix a Series


We have used a formula in one cell, then tried to use the Fill Series feature to fill up the rest of the cells with this formula.

Excel fill series not working

We have used the following formula in cell E5 and then dragged down the Fill Handle tool.


automatic calculation

But, the same value is repeated instead of applying the modified formula to the rest of the cells automatically.

automatic calculation

The cause of this problem is selecting the Manual calculation option.


  • Go to the Formulas tab and the Calculation Group.
  • Click on Calculation Options and check the Automatic option.

Excel fill series not working

You will see that the same repetitive values have been automatically changed because enabling the Automatic option will help to calculate the values using the formulas automatically.

automatic calculation

Read More: How to AutoFill Numbers in Excel with Filter

Fix 3 – Removing Filters From the Data Table


We have enabled the Filter option for our data table by using the Sort & Filter option.

Excel fill series not working

We selected the dropdown sign of the Product column to filter the table based on the column and we randomly unclicked some products to hide their respective rows.

filtered data

You can see that row numbers 5, 9, and 11 are hidden from this table.
We entered our formula in cell E6 and dragged down the Fill Handle tool.

filtered data

The fill series has worked here properly.

filtered data

We cleared the filter from the Product column.

filtered data

The fill series is incomplete because the formula did not work for the hidden rows.

Excel fill series not working


To solve this problem, we have to fill out the series prior to the filtering task.

  • Remove all filters.
  • Enter the formula in the E5 cell and drag down the Fill Handle tool.

filtered data

  • Select the dropdown icon of the Product column to filter the table.

filtered data

  • You have the filtered data table.

filtered data

Fix 4 – Using the F4 Key


Sometimes, the Excel Fill Series feature doesn’t work because the Fill Handle tool stops working properly.


Here is the easiest shortcut solution to solve this problem.

  • Select the cell from which you want to drag down the Fill Handle tool.
  • Press F4 three times.

Excel fill series not working

  • This will resolve most issues and you can fill the series without any problem.

pressing F4

  • The Excel Fill Series worked properly, and we have the values in the 5% Discount column.

pressing F4

Read More: How to Auto Number or Renumber after Filter in Excel

Fix 5 – Putting More Values to Get the Desired Series


We want to fill out the Product ID column with the IDs in a series pattern like 11001, 11004, 11007, ….. etc. with an interval of 3.

Excel fill series not working

We have written the first ID 11001 in cell B5 and then dragged down the Fill Handle tool.

giving enough values for a series

This does not give our wanted series pattern, but is repeating the same values.

giving enough values for a series


  • Insert at least the first two values of your series in the first two cells.
  • Select these cells and drag down the Fill Handle tool.

giving enough values for a series

  • We are getting our desired Product IDs.

Excel fill series not working

Read More: How to AutoFill Ascending Numbers in Excel

Fix 6 – Using the Series Option to Get Desired Series

To solve the same value repetition issue as the previous section, here we will use the Series option to have our desired pattern.

  • Insert the first value of the series in cell B5.

using Series option

  • Select that cell and go to the Home tab and the Editing group.
  • Click on the Fill dropdown and select Series.

using Series option

  • The Series dialog box will appear.
  • Choose and write the following

Series in → Columns
Type → Linear
Step Value → 3 (or any other value by which you want to increase your series)
Stop Value → 11028 (or any other value at which you want to stop your series)

  • Press OK.

using Series option

  • You will get your correct series pattern.

Excel fill series not working

Fix 7. Using the Flash Fill Feature


Here, we want to combine the Product name and the Salesperson name with a hyphen (-).

Excel fill series not working

We wrote the combination of the Product name and the Salesperson name in cell D5 as Blackberry-John.

flash fill feature

In the second cell instead of writing the Product – Salesperson combination we have used SalesPerson – Product combination like Peter-Orange.

flash fill feature

For the next cells we have used the Flash Fill.

flash fill feature

We are getting an error that says it is not finding any pattern to fill out the rest cells.

flash fill feature

Because of the inconsistency of the first two cells, the Excel Fill Series is not working here.


  • Write the combination of the two texts in the correctly with a consistent pattern in the second cell.

flash fill feature

  • Use the Flash Fill option for the rest of the cells.
  • You’ll get the combination for all of the cells in the right way this time.

Excel fill series not working

Fix 8 – Solution with Autofill Options


We want to fill out the Order Date column with weekdays only and we will try to use the Excel Fill Series property here.

Excel fill series not working

We have put down the first date 1/3/2022 (Monday) in cell C5 and dragged down the Fill Handle tool.

autofill options

We have got the rest of the dates serially, but it includes the weekends (1/8/2022 & 1/9/2022), which we don’t want.

Excel fill series not working


  • Write down the first date 1/3/2022 in cell C5 and drag down the Fill Handle tool.

autofill options

Click on the Autofill options icon below the series.

autofill options

  • Choose the Fill Weekdays option.

autofill options

  • You will get only the weekdays and the weekends will be omitted from the series.

Excel fill series not working

Read More: Drag Number Increase Not Working in Excel 

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Tanjima Hossain
Tanjima Hossain

TANJIMA HOSSAIN is a marine engineer who enjoys working with Excel and VBA programming. For her, programming is a handy, time-saving tool for managing data, files, and online tasks. She's skilled in Rhino3D, Maxsurf C++, MS Office, AutoCAD, and Excel & VBA, going beyond the basics. She holds a B.Sc. in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET and is now a content developer. In this role, she creates tech-focused content centred around Excel and VBA. Apart from... Read Full Bio

1 Comment
  1. Thank you so much, this solved everything for me!

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