Macros & Excel VBA

Excel VBA: InputBox with Password Mask (2 Examples)

Looking for ways to create InputBox with password mask in Excel VBA? Then, this is the right place for you. To prevent shoulder spying, you should ...

Excel VBA Input Box with Drop Down List (2 Examples)

In this article, we will discuss how to get an Excel VBA input box with drop down list. Users often need to insert input from multiple options. In ...

Excel VBA InputBox with Multiple Lines (3 Examples)

The InputBox function is a powerful tool in VBA that allows users to obtain input from users through a dialog box in Excel. It is a simple and ...

Delete Row with VBA and Shift Up Cells in Excel

Looking for ways to delete rows with VBA and shift up cells in Excel? Then, this is the right place for you. When you are working with a large ...

How to Handle VBA InputBox Cancel Button in Excel (2 Examples)

Looking for ways to handle VBA InputBox Cancel button in Excel? Then, this is the right place for you. We normally use VBA InputBox to prompt the ...

VBA MsgBox Format in Excel (13 Practical Examples)

Looking for ways to format VBA MsgBox in Excel? Then, this is the right place for you. VBA MsgBox is a built-in function in Visual Basic for ...

Excel VBA: InputBox Date Format

Changing data from random format to date format is a very important task sometimes when we work in Excel. It’s quite easy to change the format of ...

Excel VBA to Cancel Selection (5 Suitable Examples)

While we work with datasets in Excel, we often need to cancel the current selection for further data calculation. We can cancel any existing ...

Excel VBA to Sort Multidimensional Array (2 Examples)

Excel VBA shines as a powerful programming language that allows its user to automate and personalize a variety of functions in Excel. Sorting data, ...

Pop Up Excel VBA MsgBox When Cell Meets Criteria

Looking for ways to pop up Excel VBA MsgBox when a cell meets the criteria? Then, this is the right place for you. In Microsoft Excel, VBA (Visual ...

Excel VBA Wait Milliseconds

In our day-to-day Excel VBA execution process, we sometimes need to reevaluate the code while running to see whether the value output is in the ...

Excel VBA to Display Message Box for 5 Seconds

If you are looking for special tricks for applying Excel VBA to display a message box for 5 seconds, you’ve come to the right place. There are ...

Excel VBA to Delete and Shift Left Any Cell or Column

Excel is a powerful tool for data analysis and management. One of Excel's most valuable features is the ability to automate activities using Visual ...

Excel VBA For Loop with Array (5 Examples)

In Excel VBA, we use the For Loop to iterate through an array (For Next Loop and For Each Loop). Also, in order to use both as the loop's counter, ...

Excel VBA Code to Click OK on Message Box Automatically

MsgBox is one of the most widely used functions in Excel VBA Macro. It appears in a dialogue box that is an extra window on the screen. By default, ...

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