Excel VBA MsgBox -11 Examples


Introduction to the  MsgBox Function in Excel VBA

The MsgBox function is used to display a message box in Excel VBA. It is a dialog box that displays a message and a user’s response.

The syntax for the message box function is:


MsgBox(prompt, [buttons,] [title,] [helpfile, context])

MsgBox Syntax

Arguments Explanation:

Parameter Data Type Description Required/Optional
prompt variant The first parameter, prompt, is the message you want to display in the message box. It can be a string, a number or any other value that can be converted to a string. Required
buttons variant The second parameter, buttons, specifies the types of buttons that will be displayed in the message box. It can be a combination of values that represent different button styles: OK, Cancel, Yes, No, Retry, etc. Optional
title string The third parameter, title, is the title of the message box. It is displayed in the title bar of the message box. Optional
helpfile string The fourth parameter, helpfile, is used to specify a Help file to use for the message box. Optional
context long The fifth parameter, context, is used to correspond to the context ID for the Help topic for the message box. Optional


Buttons control the flow of the program based on the user’s response. There are different built-in buttons for the MsgBox function. The first group with values (0-5) refers to different types of buttons displayed in the dialog box. The second group (0, 256, 512, 768) refers to the default button of the message box. The third group (0, 4096) determines the modality of the message box. When combining numbers to create a value for the button arguments,  use one button from each group only.

Button Code Value Description
vbOKOnly 0 It displays an OK button. This is the default button code if no code is specified.
vbOKCancel 1 It displays OK and Cancel buttons.
vbAbortRetryIgnore 2 It displays Abort, Retry and Ignore buttons.
vbYesNoCancel 3 It displays Yes, No and Cancel buttons.
vbYesNo 4 It displays Yes and No buttons.
vbRetryCancel 5 It displays Retry and Cancel buttons.
vbDefaultButton1 0 The first button is default.
vbDefaultButton2 256 Defines the second button as default.
vbDefaultButton3 512 Defines the third button as default.
vbDefaultButton4 768 Defines the fourth button as default.
vbApplicationModal 0 The user has to respond to the message box before continuing to work in the current application.
vbSystemModal 4096 All applications are suspended until the user responds to the message box.
vbMsgBoxHelpButton 16384 It adds a Help button to the message box.
vbMsgBoxSetForeground 65536 It specifies the message box window as the foreground window.
vbMsgBoxRight 524288 The text in the message box is right-aligned.
vbMsgBoxRtlReading 1048576 It specifies that the text should appear as right-to-left reading on Hebrew and Arabic systems.


There are four icons for the MsgBox function. You can use one icon in a message box only.

Icon Code Value Description
vbCritical 16 It displays the critical message icon with a thin white cross inside a red-filled circle.
vbQuestion 32 It displays the question message icon with a white question mark inside a blue-filled circle.
vbExclamation 48 It displays the warning message icon with a black exclamatory symbol inside a yellow-filled triangle.
vbInformation 64 It displays the information message icon with the letter ‘i’ in white inside a blue-filled circle.

Button Constants:

There are a total of 7 button constants:

Button Button Code Constant Value
OK vbOKCancel 1
Cancel vbOKCancel 2
Abort vbAbortRetryIgnore 3
Retry vbAbortRetryIgnore 4
Ignore vbAbortRetryIgnore 5
Yes vbYesNo 6
No vbYesNo 7

How to Open the VBA Macro Editor in Excel

  • Go to the Developer tab.
  • Select Visual Basic. Alternatively, you can press Alt+F11.

Opening Visual Basic from the Developer Tab

  • The Visual Basic Editor window will be displayed.
  • Go to Insert > Module.

Creating a New Module

  • In the module, enter the code and click Run to run the code. You can also press F5.

Running VBA Module


Example 1 – Create a MsgBox with a Title

excel vba code for msgbox examples with a Title

  • Enter the following code in the VBA Editor and click Run or press F5 to run the code:
Sub MsgBox_Title()
    'variable declaration
    Dim Name As String
    Name = Range("B2")
    'create MsgBox with a title argument
    MsgBox "Information of Students", Title:=Name
End Sub

This VBA code creates a MsgBox with the title argument set to the value of B2. The message in the box is “Information of Students“.

Create MsgBox with a Title

Read More: How to Show Range Address with MsgBox in Excel VBA

Example 2 – Create a MsgBox with Multiple Lines

VBA Code for MsgBox with Multiple Lines

  • Enter the following code in the VBA Editor and click Run or press F5 to run the code:
Sub MsgBox_Title()
Sub Multiple_Lines()
    'variable declaration
    Dim Str1, Str2, Str3, Str4, Str5 As String
    Str1 = Range("B4")
    Str2 = Range("C4")
    Str3 = Range("D4")
    Str4 = Range("E4")
    Str5 = Range("F4")
    'create MsgBox with a new line
    MsgBox "The following information has been given" _
    & vbNewLine & Str1 & "," & Str2 & "," _
    & Str3 & "," & Str4 & "," & Str5
End Sub

This VBA code stores data from B4:F4 in separate variables and displays a MsgBox showing the values of those variables, separated by commas, in the second line. The message starts with: “The following information has been given” and uses the vbNewLine function to create a new line in the MsgBox.

Create a MsgBox with Multiple Lines

Read More: Excel VBA: Create New Line in MsgBox

Example 3 – Showing a Result in a MsgBox Based on a Condition

Create a MsgBox with an IF statement.

VBA Code for MsgBox with IF Statement

  • Enter the following code in the VBA Editor and click Run or press F5 to run the code:
Sub MsgBox_Title()
Sub IF_MsgBox()
    'variable declaration
    Dim ID As Integer
    'take the variable as an input
    ID = InputBox("Please write the Student ID")
    'if the variable is divisible by 2, _
    show a message in the MsgBox
    If ID Mod 2 = 0 Then
        MsgBox ID & " is an even number"
        MsgBox ID & " is an odd number"
    End If
End Sub

This VBA code prompts the user to enter a student ID using an input box, and checks if the ID is even or odd, using the Mod operator. If the ID is even, a MsgBox is displayed stating the ID is an even number. Otherwise, it shows the ID is an odd number.

Showing Result in a MsgBox Based on Condition

Example 4 – Show Multiple MsgBoxes with a For Loop

Create a MsgBox with a For loop in Excel VBA to display a series of messages or prompts.

VBA Code for MsgBox with For Loop

  • Enter the following code in the VBA Editor and click Run or press F5 to run the code:
Sub MsgBox_Title()
Sub For_Loop_MsgBox()
    'variable declaration
    Dim ID As Range
    'assign the value of the variable
    Set ID = Range("C5:C16")  
    'if the variable is divisible by 2 for any value, _
    show a message in the MsgBox
    For i = 1 To ID.Cells.count
        If ID.Cells(i) Mod 2 = 0 Then
            MsgBox ID.Cells(i) & " is an even number"
        End If
    Next i
End Sub

This VBA code assigns C5:C16 to the variable ID, and uses a for loop to iterate over each cell in the range. If a cell value is divisible by 2, a MsgBox is displaying stating that the value is an even number. Otherwise, nothing happens.

Read More: Excel VBA to Display Message Box for 5 Seconds

Example 5 – Show Multiple MsgBoxes with While Loop

Create a MsgBox with a while loop to display messages or prompts until a condition is met.

VBA Code for MsgBox with While Loop

  • Enter the following code in the VBA Editor and click Run or press F5 to run the code:
Sub MsgBox_Title()
Sub While_Loop_MsgBox()
    'variable declaration
    Dim i, count As Integer
    Dim ID As Range
    Set ID = Range("D5:D16")
    count = 0
    i = 0
    'show the first three values of the variable in a MsgBox, _
    if they are greater than 80
    While count < 3
        i = i + 1
        If ID.Cells(i, 1) > 80 Then
            count = count + 1
            MsgBox ID.Cells(i, -1)
        End If
End Sub

This VBA code initializes two integer variables, i and count, and assigns D5:D16 to the variable ID. It uses a while loop to iterate over the cells in the range and display the first three cell values that are greater than 80 in a MsgBox. The count variable is used to track the number of cells displayed.

Example 6 – Using Buttons in a MsgBox

Use of Buttons in MsgBox


6.1. Using the vbOKOnly Argument to Create a MsgBox with an OK Button

Use the vbOKOnly button in the MsgBox to display an OK button.

VBA Code for MsgBox with OK Button

  • Enter the following code in the VBA Editor and click Run or press F5 to run the code:
Sub MsgBox_Title()
Sub vbOKOnly_Button()
    'variable declaration
    Dim Name As String
    Name = Range("B2")
    'show a MsgBox with OK button
    MsgBox "This is the " & Name, vbOKOnly
End Sub

This VBA code stores the value of B2 in the Name variable and displays a MsgBox with the concatenated string “This is the ” and the value of the Name variable. The MsgBox has an OK button.

MsgBox with OK Button

Read More: Excel VBA Code to Click OK on Message Box Automatically

6.2. Using the vbOKCancel Argument to Create a MsgBox with OK and Cancel Buttons

Use the vbOKCancel button in the MsgBox to prompt the user either to confirm or cancel an operation.

VBA Code for MsgBox with OK and Cancel Buttons

  • Enter the following code in the VBA Editor and click Run or press F5 to run the code:
Sub MsgBox_Title()
Sub vbOKCancel_Button()
    'variable declaration
    Dim button_option As Integer
    '(1) create a MsgBox with OK and Cancel buttons
    '(2) assign the value of the MsgBox constant to the variable
    button_option = MsgBox("Do you want to add a value?", vbOKCancel)
    'do an operation and show a MsgBox _
    depending on the value of the variable
    If button_option = 1 Then
        Range("F7") = 60
        MsgBox "The value has been added"
    End If
End Sub

This VBA code creates a MsgBox with OK and Cancel buttons and assigns the value of the selected button to the button_option variable. Depending on the value of the variable, if the OK button is selected, the code adds a value of 60 to F7 and shows a MsgBox with the text “The value has been added”. If the Cancel button is selected, nothing happens.

MsgBox with OK and Cancel Buttons

6.3. Using the vbAbortRetryIgnore Argument to Create a MsgBox with the Abort, Retry, and Ignore Buttons

The vbAbortRetryIgnore button gives the user three options: abort , retry, or ignore the operation.

VBA Code for MsgBox with Abort, Retry, and Ignore Buttons

  • Enter the following code in the VBA Editor and click Run or press F5 to run the code:
Sub MsgBox_Title()
Sub vbAbortRetryIgnore_Button()
    'variable declaration
    Dim button_option As Integer
    '(1) create a MsgBox with Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons
    '(2) assign the value of the MsgBox constant to the variable
    button_option = MsgBox _
    ("Some data are missing. Do you want to continue?", _
    'show a MsgBox depending on the value of the variable
    If button_option = 3 Then
        MsgBox "ABORT!"
    ElseIf button_option = 4 Then
        MsgBox "RETRY"
        MsgBox "IGNORE"
    End If
End Sub

This VBA code creates a MsgBox with Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons and assigns the value of the selected button to the button_option variable. Depending on the value of the variable, if the Ignore button is selected, a MsgBox with the text “IGNORE” will be displayed. If the Retry button is selected, a MsgBox with the text “RETRY” will be displayed. If the Abort button is selected, a MsgBox with the text “ABORT!” will be displayed.

MsgBox with Abort, Retry, and Ignore Buttons

6.4. Using the vbYesNo Argument to Create a MsgBox with Yes and No Buttons

The vbYesNo button in a MsgBox prompts the user to select Yes or No.

VBA Code for MsgBox with Yes and No Buttons

  • Enter the following code in the VBA Editor and click Run or press F5 to run the code:
Sub MsgBox_Title()
Sub vbYesNo_Button()
    'variable declaration
    Dim button_option As Integer
    '(1) create a MsgBox with Yes and No buttons
    '(2) assign the value of the MsgBox constant to the variable
    button_option = MsgBox("Do you want to add a value?", vbYesNo)
    'do an operation and show a MsgBox _
    depending on the value of the variable
    If button_option = 6 Then
        Range("F7") = 60
        MsgBox "The value has been added"
    End If
End Sub

This VBA Excel code creates a MsgBox with Yes and No buttons and assigns the value of the MsgBox constant to the variable. If the user clicks Yes, the code adds a value to F7 and shows a message indicating that the value has been added.

MsgBox with Yes and No Buttons

Read More: Excel VBA: Develop and Use a Yes No Message Box

6.5. Using the vbYesNoCancel Argument to Create a MsgBox with the Yes, No, and Cancel Buttons

The vbYesNoCancel prompts the user to select Yes, No, or Cancel.

VBA Code for MsgBox with Yes, No, and Cancel Buttons

  • Enter the following code in the VBA Editor and click Run or press F5 to run the code:
Sub MsgBox_Title()
Sub vbYesNoCancel_Button()
    'variable declaration
    Dim button_option As Integer
    '(1) create a MsgBox with Yes, No and Cancel buttons
    '(2) assign the value of the MsgBox constant to the variable
    button_option = MsgBox _
    ("Do you want to add a value?", vbYesNoCancel)
    'do an operation and show a MsgBox _
    depending on the value of the variable
    If button_option = 6 Then
        Range("F7") = 60
        MsgBox "The value has been added"
    ElseIf button_option = 7 Then
        MsgBox "Don't add"
        MsgBox "Cancel it!"
    End If
End Sub

The code creates a MsgBox with Yes, No, and Cancel buttons. The user’s response to the MsgBox is stored in the button_option variable. The code performs an operation based on the user’s response and displays a MsgBox accordingly. If the user clicks Yes, a value is added to F7; if No is clicked a message is displayed; and if Cancel is clicked, another message is displayed.

MsgBox with Yes, No, and Cancel Buttons

6.6. Using the vbRetryCancel Argument to Create a MsgBox with the Retry and Cancel Buttons

The vbRetryCancel button gives two options to the user: Retry or Cancel.

VBA Code for MsgBox with Retry and Cancel Buttons

Enter the following code in the VBA Editor and click Run or press F5 to run the code:

Sub MsgBox_Title()
Sub vbRetryCancel_Button()
    'variable declaration
    Dim button_option As Integer
    '(1) create a MsgBox with Retry and Cancel buttons
    '(2) assign the value of the MsgBox constant to the variable
    button_option = MsgBox _
    ("The file was not saved. Try again?", vbRetryCancel)
    'show a MsgBox depending on the value of the variable
    If button_option = 4 Then
        MsgBox "RETRY!"
        MsgBox "Cancel it!"
    End If
End Sub

The button_option  variable is declared as an integer. A MsgBox is displayed with a Retry and Cancel button option using the MsgBox function and the returned value is stored in button_option. A MsgBox is displayed with either “RETRY!” or “Cancel it!” depending on the value of button_option.

MsgBox with Retry and Cancel Buttons

6.7. Using the vbDefaultButton1 Argument to Create a MsgBox with the First Default Button

The vbDefaultButton1 parameter in a MsgBox is used to specify the default button.

VBA Code for MsgBox with First Default Button

  • Enter the following code in the VBA Editor and click Run or press F5 to run the code:
    Sub MsgBox_Title()
Sub vbDefaultButton1_VBA()
    'variable declaration
    Dim button_option As Integer
    '(1) create a MsgBox where the first button is default
    '(2) assign the value of the MsgBox constant to the variable
    button_option = MsgBox _
    ("Do you want to add a value?", vbYesNoCancel + vbDefaultButton1)
    'do an operation and show a MsgBox _
    depending on the value of the variable
    If button_option = 6 Then
        Range("F7") = 60
        MsgBox "The value has been added"
    ElseIf button_option = 7 Then
        MsgBox "Don't add"
        MsgBox "Cancel it!"
    End If
End Sub

This VBA Excel code creates a MsgBox with three buttons, the first button is the default. It assigns the value of the MsgBox constant to the button_option variable. Depending on the value of the button_option variable, it performs an operation and shows a MsgBox with a corresponding message.

  • When the MsgBox is displayed, press Enter to select the default button.

MsgBox with First Default Button

6.8. Using the vbDefaultButton2 Argument to Create a MsgBox with a Second Default Button

The vbDefaultButton2 parameter is used to specify the second default button in a MsgBox.

VBA Code for MsgBox with Second Default Button

  • Enter the following code in the VBA Editor and click Run or press F5 to run the code:
    Sub MsgBox_Title()
Sub vbDefaultButton2_VBA()
    'variable declaration
    Dim button_option As Integer
    '(1) create a MsgBox where the second button is default
    '(2) assign the value of the MsgBox constant to the variable
    button_option = MsgBox _
    ("Do you want to add a value?", vbYesNoCancel + vbDefaultButton2)
    'do an operation and show a MsgBox _
    depending on the value of the variable
    If button_option = 6 Then
        Range("F7") = 60
        MsgBox "The value has been added"
    ElseIf button_option = 7 Then
        MsgBox "Don't add"
        MsgBox "Cancel it!"
    End If
End Sub

This VBA Excel code creates a MsgBox with three buttons; the second button is the default button. It assigns the value of the MsgBox constant to the button_option variable. Depending on the value of the button_option variable, it performs an operation and shows a MsgBox with a corresponding message.

  • When the MsgBox with buttons is displayed, press Enter to select the default button.

MsgBox with Second Default Button

6.9. Using the vbDefaultButton3 Argument to Create a MsgBox with a Third Default Button

Use the vbDefaultButton3 parameter in a MsgBox to specify the third default button.

VBA Code for MsgBox with Third Default Button

  • Enter the following code in the VBA Editor and click Run or press F5 to run the code:
    Sub MsgBox_Title()
Sub vbDefaultButton3_VBA()
    'variable declaration
    Dim button_option As Integer
    '(1) create a MsgBox where the third button is default
    '(2) assign the value of the MsgBox constant to the variable
    button_option = MsgBox _
    ("Do you want to add a value?", vbYesNoCancel + vbDefaultButton3)
    'do an operation and show a MsgBox _
    depending on the value of the variable
    If button_option = 6 Then
        Range("F7") = 60
        MsgBox "The value has been added"
    ElseIf button_option = 7 Then
        MsgBox "Don't add"
        MsgBox "Cancel it!"
    End If
End Sub

This VBA Excel code creates a MsgBox with three buttons; the third button is the default button. It assigns the value of the MsgBox constant to the button_option variable. Depending on the value of the button_option variable, it performs an operation and shows a MsgBox with a corresponding message.

  • When the MsgBox with buttons is displayed, press Enter to select the default button.

MsgBox with Third Default Button

6.10. Using the vbApplicationModal Argument to Create a MsgBox

Use the vbApplicationModal in the MsgBox to ensure that the user responds to the message before continuing to work with other Excel applications.

VBA Code for MsgBox with Application Modal

  • Enter the following code in the VBA Editor and click Run or press F5 to run the code:
Sub MsgBox_Title()
Sub vbApplicationModal_Button()
    'variable declaration
    Dim Name As String
    Name = Range("B2")
    'show a MsgBox with Application Modal
    MsgBox "This is the " & Name, vbApplicationModal
End Sub

This VBA code declares the Name string variable and assigns it the value in B2. It displays a MsgBox with the value of Name using the Application Modal. The MsgBox must be closed before any other action is performed in the application.

MsgBox with vbApplicationModal Argument

6.11. Using the vbSystemModal Argument to Create a MsgBox

Use vbSystemModal in a MsgBox to ensure that the MsgBox is displayed on top of all other windows.

VBA Code for MsgBox with System Modal

  • Enter the following code in the VBA Editor and click Run or press F5 to run the code:
Sub MsgBox_Title()
Sub vbSystemModal_Button()
    'variable declaration
    Dim Name As String
    Name = Range("B2")
    'show a MsgBox with System Modal
    MsgBox "This is the " & Name, vbSystemModal
End Sub

This VBA code declares the Name variable and assigns it to the value in B2. It displays a MsgBox with the value of Name and the vbSystemModal option, making the message box system-modal.

 MsgBox with vbSystemModal Argument

6.12. Using the vbMsgBoxHelpButton Argument to Create a MsgBox

Use the vbMsgBoxHelpButton to include a Help button in the MsgBox.

VBA Code for MsgBox with Help Button

  • Enter the following code in the VBA Editor and click Run or press F5 to run the code:
Sub MsgBox_Title()
Sub vbMsgBoxHelpButton_VBA()
    'variable declaration
    Dim Name As String
    Name = Range("B2")
    'show a MsgBox with a Help button
    MsgBox "Some Values of the  " & Name & " are Missing!", _
End Sub

The string variable “Name” is declared and assigned the value in B2 in the active worksheet. A MsgBox is displayed with a message containing “Name” concatenated with the text “Some Values of the” and a Help button, using the MsgBox function with the vbMsgBoxHelpButton constant.

MsgBox with Help Button

6.13. Using the vbMsgBoxSetForeground Argument to Create a MsgBox

Use the vbMsgBoxSetForeground to ensure that the MsgBox is displayed on top of all other windows and receives the focus, making it the active window.

VBA Code for MsgBox at the Foreground

  • Enter the following code in the VBA Editor and click Run or press F5 to run the code:
Sub MsgBox_Title()
Sub vbMsgBoxSetForeground_Button()
    'variable declaration
    Dim Name As String
    Name = Range("B2")
    'show a MsgBox which is set at the foreground
    MsgBox "This is the " & Name, vbMsgBoxSetForeground
End Sub

This VBA code declares the Name variable which is assigned the value in B2. It shows an Excel VBA MsgBox with the value of the Name variable and sets the MsgBox at the foreground.

MsgBox with vbMsgBoxSetForeground Argument

6.14. Using the vbMsgBoxRight Argument to Create a MsgBox

Use the vbMsgBoxRight in a MsgBox to align the text to the right.

VBA Code for MsgBox with Text Right-Aligned

  • Enter the following code in the VBA Editor and click Run or press F5 to run the code:
Sub MsgBox_Title()
Sub vbMsgBoxRight_VBA()
    'show a MsgBox with vbMsgBoxRight argument
    MsgBox "Some of the values are missing!", vbMsgBoxRight
End Sub

This VBA Excel code displays a MsgBox with right-aligned text.

MsgBox with vbMsgBoxRight Argument

6.15. Using the vbMsgBoxRtlReading Argument to Create a MsgBox

Use vbMsgBoxRltReading in a MsgBox to display the text and buttons in a right-to-left reading order.

VBA Code for MsgBox with Right-to-Left Reading Order

  • Enter the following code in the VBA Editor and click Run or press F5 to run the code:
Sub MsgBox_Title()
Sub vbMsgRtlReading_Button()
    'variable declaration
    Dim Name As String
    Name = Range("B2")
    'show a MsgBox with vbMsgBoxRtlReading argument
    MsgBox "Some Values of the  " & _
    Name & " are Missing", vbMsgBoxRtlReading
End Sub

This VBA Excel code creates a MsgBox that shows the message “Some Values of the [Name] are Missing” and is displayed in the right-to-left reading order. The vbMsgBoxRtlReading argument is used to specify the right-to-left reading order.

MsgBox with vbMsgBoxRtlReading Argument

Example 7 – Using Icons in a MsgBox

Use of Icons in MsgBox

The MsgBox icons are used in Excel VBA to provide visual cues regarding the type of information presented.

7.1. Using the vbCritical Argument

Use the vbCritical icon in a MsgBox to indicate a critical or severe error or warning message that requires immediate attention from the user.

VBA Code for MsgBox with Critical Icon

  • Enter the following code in the VBA Editor and click Run or press F5 to run the code:
Sub MsgBox_Title()
Sub vbCritical_Icon()
    'variable declaration
    Dim myRng As Range
    'take the user input as the variable
    Set myRng = Application.InputBox _
    ("Please insert the numbers", Type:=8)
    'show a MsgBox with Critical icon _
    depending on the value of the variable
    For i = 1 To myRng.Cells.count
        If myRng.Cells(i) = "" Then
            MsgBox "value missing!", vbCritical
            Exit For
        End If
    Next i
End Sub

This VBA code declares a range variable and prompts the user to input values into the range. It loops through each cell in the range and displays a MsgBox with a critical icon if a cell is empty.

7.2. Using the vbQuestion Argument

Use the vbQuestion icon in the MsgBox to prompt the user to give a binary answer: yes/no or true/false.

VBA Code for MsgBox with Question Icon

  • Enter the following code in the VBA Editor and click Run or press F5 to run the code:
Sub MsgBox_Title()
Sub vbQuestion_Icon()
    'variable declaration
    Dim button_option As Integer
    '(1) create a MsgBox with a Question icon
    '(2) assign the value of the MsgBox constant to the variable
    button_option = MsgBox _
    ("Do you want to add a value?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion)
    ''do an operation and show a MsgBox _
    depending on the value of the variable
    If button_option = 6 Then
        Range("F7") = 60
        MsgBox "The value has been added"
    End If
End Sub

This VBA code creates a MsgBox with a question icon and the options Yes and No. The user’s response is saved to the variable button_option. If the user selects Yes (button_option=6), the value 60 is added to F7, and a MsgBox confirming the operation is displayed.

Use of VbQuestion Argument

7.3. Using the vbExclamation Argument

Use the vbExclamation icon to warn the user about a potentially harmful or important situation that requires attention or action.

VBA Code for MsgBox with Exclamation Icon

  • Enter the following code in the VBA Editor and click Run or press F5 to run the code:
Sub MsgBox_Title()
Sub vbExclamation_Icon()
    'variable declaration
    Dim myRng As Range    
    'take the user input as the variable
    Set myRng = Application.InputBox _
    ("Please insert an integer number", Type:=8)
    'show a MsgBox with an Exclamation icon _
    depending on the value of the variable
    If IsNumeric(myRng.Value) Then
        MsgBox "Your input value is an integer"
        MsgBox "The input value is not an integer", vbExclamation
    End If
End Sub

This VBA Excel code declares a variable and takes the user input as the value of the variable. It shows a MsgBox with an exclamation icon, depending on whether the value of the variable is numeric. If the value is numeric, the MsgBox displays a message confirming that the value is an integer, otherwise, it shows a message with an exclamation icon indicating that the value is not an integer.

7.4. Using the vbInformation Argument

Use the vbInformation icon in the MsgBox to provide informative messages or notifications about the state of the program or the system.

VBA Code for MsgBox with Information Icon

  • Enter the following code in the VBA Editor and click Run or press F5 to run the code:
Sub MsgBox_Title()
Sub vbInformation_Icon()
    'variable declaration
    Dim myRng As Range
    'take the user input as the variable
    Set myRng = Application.InputBox _
    ("Insert the numbers here", Type:=8)
    'show a MsgBox with an Information icon _
    depending on the value of the variable
    For i = 1 To myRng.Cells.count
        If myRng.Cells(i) = "" Then
            MsgBox "There are empty cells here. Please have a look.", _
            Exit For
        End If
    Next i
End Sub

This VBA code prompts the user to input numbers and stores them in a variable. It checks for empty cells in the range and displays a MsgBox with an information icon if empty cells are found.

Example 8 – Create a MsgBox with Variables

Use the MsgBox to assign the value of the options button to a variable and use the variable to perform different operations.

VBA Code for MsgBox with Variable

  • Enter the following code in the VBA Editor and click Run or press F5 to run the code:
Sub MsgBox_Title()
Sub MsgBox_Variable()
    'variable declaration
    Dim button_option As Integer
    '(1) create a MsgBox with buttons and Question icon
    '(2) assign the options of the MsgBox to the variable
    button_option = MsgBox _
    ("Do you want to exit Excel", vbYesNo + vbQuestion)
    'show a MsgBox depending on the value of the variable
    If button_option = vbYes Then
        MsgBox "Thank you for using this application"
        MsgBox "You chose not to exit"
    End If
End Sub

This VBA code creates a MsgBox with a question icon and Yes/No buttons and assigns the user’s selection to the variable button_option. The code displays a different MsgBox depending on whether the user chooses Yes or No. If the user selects Yes, a MsgBox thanking them for using the application is displayed, otherwise, a MsgBox saying they chose not to exit is displayed.

Example 9 – Create a MsgBox for Error Handling

Create a MsgBox for error handling to inform the user about the occurrence of an error and provide information on how to fix it.

VBA Code for MsgBox for Error Handling

  • Enter the following code in the VBA Editor and click Run or press F5 to run the code:
Sub MsgBox_Title()
Sub Error_Handling()
    'error handling declaration
    On Error GoTo Error_Text
    'variable declaration
    Dim int_1, int_2 As Range
    Dim Addition As Integer    
    'take the user inputs as the variables
    Set int_1 = Application.InputBox _
    ("Please insert the first number", Type:=8)
    Set int_2 = Application.InputBox _
    ("Please insert the second number", Type:=8)
    Addition = int_1 + int_2
    'show a MsgBox depending on the value of a variable
    MsgBox "The sum of the numbers is " & Addition
    Exit Sub
    'show this MsgBox when an error occurs
    MsgBox "You did not insert valid numbers", vbCritical       
End Sub

This VBA Excel code has an error handling declaration to handle any errors that may occur. It declares two variables, int_1 and int_2, and assigns user inputs to them. It adds the two variables and displays the result using a MsgBox. If an error occurs, it displays a MsgBox with an error message. The code ends with an Exit Sub statement.

Example 10 – Create a MsgBox with a Userform

Use a UserForm to create and customize  a MsgBox in Excel VBA.

VBA Code for MsgBox in UserForm

  • Go to Insert > UserForm.

Selecting New UserForm Module

  • Create a UserForm. You can add a Label, a RefEdit, and a CommandButton that works just like a MsgBox. You can change the properties of these tools in the Properties Window (press F4).

Creating a UserForm

  • Click the CommandButton twice and a new window will  be displayed. Enter the following code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    'variable declaration
    Dim myRng As Range
    Dim Addition As Integer
    'take the variable as an input
    Set myRng = Range(RefEdit1.Text)
    Addition = 0
    'sum up different values of the variable
    For i = 1 To myRng.Cells.count
        Addition = Addition + myRng.Cells(i)
    Next i
    'show a MsgBox
    MsgBox "The total number of the student is " & _
    Addition & " out of 300"
End Sub

This VBA Excel code defines a subroutine that is executed when CommandButton1 is clicked. It declares two variables, myRng, and Addition, assigns a range of cells to myRng based on the user input in the RefEdit1 control. The code loops through each cell in the range, adding the cell value to the variable Addition. It displays a MsgBox showing the total sum of the cell values and a text message.

  • Run the UserForm to see the operation.

Example 11 – Show a Two-Dimensional Array in a MsgBox

VBA Code to Show an Array in MsgBox

  • Enter the following code in the VBA Editor and click Run or press F5 to run the code:
Sub MsgBox_Title()
Sub MsgBox_Array()
    'variable declaration
    Dim selectedRng As Range
    Dim Row_num As Integer
    Dim myArr() As Variant
    Dim myMsg As String    
    Set selectedRng = Application.InputBox _
    ("Select two columns from the table", Type:=8)    
    Row_num = selectedRng.Rows.count
    'resize the array with a proper dimension
    ReDim myArr(1 To Row_num, 1 To 2)
    'put elements in array
    For i = 1 To Row_num
        For j = 1 To 2
            myArr(i, j) = selectedRng.Cells(i, j)
        Next j
    Next i   
    'show the array elements in a MsgBox

    For i = LBound(myArr, 1) To UBound(myArr, 1)
        For j = LBound(myArr, 2) To UBound(myArr, 2)
                  myMsg = myMsg & myArr(i, j) & vbTab
        Next j
        myMsg = myMsg & vbCr
    Next i
    MsgBox myMsg
End Sub
VBA BreakDown
Sub MsgBox_Array()
Dim selectedRng As Range
Dim Row_num As Integer
Dim myArr() As Variant
Dim myMsg As String
Set selectedRng = Application.InputBox("Select two columns from the table", Type:=8)
Row_num = selectedRng.Rows.count
  • This Excel VBA code starts with the MsgBox_Array sub procedure. It declares variables: selectedRng as Range, Row_num as Integer, myArr as a Variant array, and myMsg as a String. It prompts the user to select two columns from the table using the InputBox function.
ReDim myArr(1 To Row_num, 1 To 2)
For i = 1 To Row_num
    For j = 1 To 2
        myArr(i, j) = selectedRng.Cells(i, j)
    Next j
Next i
  • The code resizes the array dimension to fit the selected data. The For Loop iterates through the selected range and assigns the values to the array.
For i = LBound(myArr, 1) To UBound(myArr, 1)
        For j = LBound(myArr, 2) To UBound(myArr, 2)
                  myMsg = myMsg & myArr(i, j) & vbTab
        Next j
        myMsg = myMsg & vbCr
Next i
MsgBox myMsg
End Sub
  • The code concatenates the array elements to the myMsg string using the vbTab and vbCr.
  • A MsgBox displays the concatenated string to show the array elements.

Things to Remember

  • The message text should be concise and easy to understand.
  • In the second argument of the MsgBox function, you can use the values directly, instead of using the button and icon codes or constants.
  • The default button is vbOKOnly if you don’t insert a button code.
  • The default title of the MsgBox is “Microsoft Excel” if you don’t enter a title.
  • It’s good practice to add error handling to the code.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the syntax of the MsgBox function in Excel VBA?

The syntax is:

MsgBox (prompt [, button] [, title] [, helpfile, context])

The first parameter, “prompt”, is required and represents the message you want to display in the MsgBox. The rest of the parameters are optional and can be used to customize the MsgBox in different ways.

  • How can I change the icon displayed in the MsgBox?

To change the icon displayed in the MsgBox, set the icon parameter in the MsgBox function.


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Md. Abu Sina Ibne Albaruni
Md. Abu Sina Ibne Albaruni

Md. Abu Sina Ibne Albaruni holds a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. He is a dedicated employee of the ExcelDemy project. He has written quite a large number of articles for ExcelDemy. Besides, he has expertise in VBA. He efficiently automates Excel issues using VBA macros and actively engages in the ExcelDemy forum, offering valuable solutions for user interface challenges. His areas of interest in work and study span MATLAB, Machine Learning,... Read Full Bio

  1. Hi,
    I noticed that on

    “2. Create a MsgBox with Multiple Lines”

    you have a this variable declaration:

    Dim Str1, Str2, Str3, Str4, Str5 As String.

    The problem with it is that in VBA each variable has to be “fully declared separately”, so it should read like this:

    Dim Str1 As String, Str2 As String, … , Str5 As String

    otherwise 1-4 will be declared as Variant and only 5 will be a String.

    It works since a Variant can take the role of a String (or any other for that matter), but if the values were numbers as Text, they would behave like numbers and not like text, and, therefore, validation of those values as text would fail.

    Thanks for great articles to all of you. They have been educational and helpful.

    • Hello Alphonse

      Thanks for sharing an important aspect of variable declaration. You are absolutely correct.

      In VBA, when we declare multiple variables in a single line, like Dim Str1, Str2, Str3, Str4, Str5 As String, only the last variable (in this case, Str5) is declared as the specified type (String). The others (Str1, Str2, Str3, and Str4) are implicitly declared as Variant types. So, If we expect all variables to hold string values, declaring them explicitly as String ensures they behave consistently.

      Why This Matters: Variants consume more memory than specific types like String. Explicit type declarations help prevent errors related to type mismatches. Moreover, string operations like concatenation might behave differently if the variable is not explicitly declared as a String. Again, If we perform validations or transformations assuming the data type is String, having a Variant could lead to bugs or incorrect results.

      So, our Improved Excel VBA Sub-procedure can be following:

      Sub Multiple_Lines()
          'variable declaration
          Dim Str1 As String, Str2 As String, Str3 As String, Str4 As String, Str5 As String
          Str1 = Range("B4")
          Str2 = Range("C4")
          Str3 = Range("D4")
          Str4 = Range("E4")
          Str5 = Range("F4")
          'create MsgBox with a new line
          MsgBox "The following information has been given" _
          & vbNewLine & Str1 & "," & Str2 & "," _
          & Str3 & "," & Str4 & "," & Str5
      End Sub

      Thanks again for sharing your expertise in ExcelDemy Community. Stay blessed.


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