Macros & Excel VBA

How to Use Target Value in Excel VBA

One of the most powerful features in Excel VBA is the ability to use Target.Value method, which allows users to monitor changes made to their ...

How to Use Intersection Operator in Excel (5 Handy Examples)

An intersection operator or operation is a very useful tool to determine the intersection between various columns and rows' cell values. It can ...

Excel VBA to Lookup Value in Range (5 Examples)

The lookup function aids in retrieving data from the primary table using a single lookup value. That sort of data structure is not necessary for the ...

Excel VBA Select Case Like: 7 Examples

Like the other logic-based statement available in different programming languages, the Select Case statement regulates the flow of your code based on ...

Excel VBA ActiveCell Offset Property (13 Common Uses)

Excel VBA enables users to automate processes and increase productivity. Working with huge datasets and needing to modify cells in close proximity to ...

Excel VBA 2 Dimensional Array Initialization

We can obviously initialize various types of two-dimensional arrays in Excel, not to mention our selection can be expanded up to three dimensions ...

Excel VBA Array of Strings (4 Examples)

If you need to store and manipulate a list of your text values in VBA code, string arrays can be very useful. A string array can store multiple ...

Excel VBA: Create InputBox with Multiple Inputs

Looking for ways to create an inputbox with multiple inputs using VBA in Excel? Then, this is the right place for you. Excel VBA InputBox is a ...

How to Redim 2D Array with VBA in Excel (3 Examples)

An object that stores the same types of data is called an array. A one-dimensional array is one that contains just one row or one column of material. ...

Excel VBA Select Row Based on Cell Value (3 Ways)

Users may quickly and simply execute operations on enormous amounts of information using VBA that would otherwise take a lot of time and be prone to ...

Excel VBA Multidimensional Array for Assigning Values (6 Ways)

Arrays are data structures that allow you to store and manipulate large amounts of data in a single variable. They are particularly useful when ...

Excel VBA to Sort in Descending Order (6 Examples)

Sorting data in descending order is a common task when working with Excel spreadsheets, and it can be easily accomplished using Excel VBA. In order ...

Excel VBA: Input Box with Options

Looking for a way to create an input box with options using VBA in Excel? Then, this is the right place for you. We can use the input box using ...

Excel VBA: Insert Row with Values (4 Examples)

Looking for ways to insert row with values using VBA in Excel? Then, this is the right place for you. We occasionally need to modify our large ...

Excel VBA: InputBox Type with Examples

InputBox is an excellent feature of Excel VBA. Using InputBox, a user can prompt for user input in the form of text, numbers, arrays, and many more ...

Advanced Excel Exercises with Solutions PDF


