How to Use Excel VBA to List Files in Folder (4 Easy Methods)

In this article, I’ll demonstrate how to use Excel VBA to List Files in Folder. Basically, it will compile a list of all the file names in a folder. On many occasions, you may find it necessary to list out all the files in a folder. Manually copying each file name and then pasting it on Excel will be a very tedious process and if there are a lot of files, it can take hours if not days. This is where you can utilize the power of VBA to do this work in a matter of seconds and save a huge amount of time.

VBA list files in folder

Some Occasions Where You Need to List Files in a Folder

Here are several scenarios in which you might need to use VBA to create a list of all the files in a folder:

  • While doing a legal or regulatory compliance audit or inventory of files in a specific folder.
  • While attempting to identify duplicate or updated or deleted files, particularly in large folders with multiple subdirectories.
  • When planning to migrate or back up files from one location to another, having a detailed list of files will help ensure that all files are successfully transferred.
  • When making a report or analysis of file types or sizes in a single folder or collection of folders, having a list of files and their attributes available can be used to determine metrics such as file size, frequency of use, or storage requirements.
  • When looking for certain files or file patterns, such as files with a specific extension, naming convention, or content, having a list of files might help with targeted searches or data analysis.

Overall, making a list of files in a folder can be a useful tool for a range of administrative, analytical, and operational tasks, especially when there are a large number of files or the files are dispersed across numerous directories.

How to Launch VBA Editor in Excel

In this section, we are going to demonstrate how to launch VBA Editor & create a VBA module in Excel. First, you need the Developer tab to display on your ribbon. If you don’t have that, you can look for it in how to enable the Developer tab on your ribbon.

  • First, we go to the Developer tab.
  • Then we will select Visual Basic.

Going to the developer option to select Visual basic for creating Macro

Then a new window will pop up. Then we are going to follow these steps,

  • First, we will select Insert,
  • Then we are going to select Module.
  • A new Module will be created.

How to create a module

Excel VBA to List Files in Folder: 4 Suitable Methods

In this section, we will demonstrate 4 effective methods to list Files in a Folder in an Excel worksheet and the Immediate Window. In different methods, I have used different Objects and Functions. So, let’s explore those methods one by one. Before that, let’s look at the address of the folder on my PC from where the list of files will be generated.

The Folder where the File List will be Made

1. Using FileSystemObject to Make a List of Files in a Folder in the Worksheet

In the first method, we will utilize the FileSystemObject of VBA that enables us to access the file system of the user’s PC for creating a list of files in the Microsoft Worksheet.

Worksheet where a List of Files will be Generated

To create the list of files, run the following VBA code.

VBA Code for Creating List of Files USING FileSystemObject

Code Syntax:

'1.Using FileSystemObject
Sub ListFiles_1()
Dim Ob_FSO As Object
Dim Ob_Folder As Object
Dim Ob_File As Object
Dim i As Integer
    Dim Selected_Folder As String
    With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
        .Title = "Select a folder for creating list of files"
        If .SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then
            Selected_Folder = .SelectedItems(1)
        End If
    End With
Set Ob_FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Ob_Folder = Ob_FSO.GetFolder(Selected_Folder)
For Each Ob_File In Ob_Folder.Files
    Cells(i + 4, 2) = Ob_File.Name
    i = i + 1
Next Ob_File
End Sub

🔎 How Does the Code Work?

With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
        .Title = "Select a folder for creating list of files"
        If .SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then
            Selected_Folder = .SelectedItems(1)
        End If
    End With

This prompts the File Explorer from where we need to select the folder whose file list we want to make. The address of that folder will be assigned as String to Selected_Folder. If the user selects multiple folders then only the first selection will be taken using the If statement.

Set Ob_FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Ob_Folder = Ob_FSO.GetFolder(Selected_Folder)

Here we created a new FileSystemObejct and assigned it to Ob_FSO. Then we use the .GetFolder method of Ob_FSO to assign the Selected_Folder to Ob_Folder.

For Each Ob_File In Ob_Folder.Files
    Cells(i + 4, 2) = Ob_File.Name
    i = i + 1
Next Ob_File

Here, the Ob_Folder.Files property is used to loop through each file in the Selected_Folder using For Each loop and the name of each file is written down on the active worksheet starting from B4.

Now, to make a list of files, follow the steps below.


  • Run the code using the F5 key or clicking on the Play button.

Running VBA Code

  • As a result, a dialogue box will appear asking us to select the Folder whose file list we want to make. Here, select your desired Folder. I am selecting the Test Folder.

Selecting Test Folder

  • As a result, a list of all the files will be created on the worksheet.

List of Files of Selected Folder

  • Here, we can see that all the files are listed on the worksheet.
Note: In this method, the files inside any subfolders of that folder will not be listed.

Read More: Excel VBA to Count Files in Folder and Subfolders

2. Using User-Defined Function to Make List of Files in a Folder in Worksheet

Resultant File List After Using User-Defined Function

Now, we will create a user-defined function that will take the folder address as the argument and return all the file names in the folder. To do that, write the following code on the VBA code window.

VBA Code of User-Defined Function for Creating File List

Code Syntax:

Function listfiles(ByVal spath As String)
    Dim va_Array     As Variant
    Dim i           As Integer
    Dim Ob_File       As Object
    Dim Ob_FSO        As Object
    Dim Ob_Folder     As Object
    Dim ob_Files      As Object    
    Set Ob_FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set Ob_Folder = Ob_FSO.GetFolder(spath)
    Set ob_Files = Ob_Folder.Files
    If ob_Files.Count = 0 Then Exit Function
    ReDim va_Array(1 To ob_Files.Count)
    i = 1
    For Each Ob_File In ob_Files
        va_Array(i) = Ob_File.Name
        i = i + 1
    listfiles = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(va_Array)
End Function

🔎 How Does the Code Work?

  Set Ob_FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set Ob_Folder = Ob_FSO.GetFolder(spath)
  Set ob_Files = Ob_Folder.Files

Here we created a new FileSystemObejct and assigned it to Ob_FSO. Then we use the .GetFolder method of Ob_FSO to assign the spath to Ob_Folder. After that, we assigned all the files in that folder to the ob_Files object.

For Each Ob_File In ob_Files
        va_Array(i) = Ob_File.Name
        i = i + 1

Here, all the file names are stored in an array named va_Array using For Each loop.

listfiles = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(va_Array)

The function listfiles returns the transposed array of va_array.

Now if we go to the worksheet and write down the following formula, we will be able to extract all the files in the E:\study\Office\Article 72 List Files\Test Folder.

=listfiles(“E:\study\Office\Article 72 List Files\Test Folder”)

Utilizing of User-Defined Function for Creating File List

Now, if we type enter, we will have all the file names.

Resultant File List After Using User-Defined Function

Note: You must put the file address inside quotation marks in the formula.

Read More: Excel VBA to List Files in Folder and Subfolders 

3. Using FileSystemObject to Make a List of Files in a Folder in Immediate Window

Resultant File List on Immediate Window

We can also display a list of files inside a folder on Immediate Window instead of showing them on a worksheet. To do that, use the following code.

VBA Code for Generating File List in Immediate Window

Code Syntax:

' 3.Using FileSystmeObject
'Printing in Immediate Window
Public Sub ListFiles_ImWin()
    Dim spath As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim Selected_Folder As String
    With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
        .Title = "Select a folder"
        If .SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then
            Selected_Folder = .SelectedItems(1)
        End If
    End With
    Dim Ob_FSO As Object
    Dim Ob_Folder As Object
    Dim Ob_File As Object
    Set Ob_FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set Ob_Folder = Ob_FSO.GetFolder(Selected_Folder)
    For Each Ob_File In Ob_Folder.Files
        Debug.Print Ob_File.Name
    Next Ob_File
    Set Ob_File = Nothing
    Set Ob_Folder = Nothing
    Set Ob_FSO = Nothing
End Sub

🔎 How Does the Code Work?

The code works very similarly to the code in Method 1. The only difference is that here we are displaying the names of all the files inside a folder on Immediate Window using Debug.Print.

To open the immediate window and create a list of files, follow the steps below.


  • To open the immediate window, press Ctrl+G or go to View >> Immediate Window.

Opening Immediate Window

  • As a result, you will see the immediate window.

Immediate Window on VBA Window

  • Now, run the code by pressing F5. then in the popped-up window, choose the folder whose files you want to list in the immediate window. I’m selecting Test Folder. Then click OK.

Choosing Folder for listing Files on Immediate Window

  • As a result, you will see all the file names of the folder in the Immediate window.

Resultant File List on Immediate Window

4. Using Dir Function to Make List of Files in a Folder in Worksheet

In this method, we will use the VBA Dir function to make a list of files in a Folder and the output will be shown on the worksheet. The Dir function returns a string type value that represents a file name with specific patterns. Most importantly, the Dir function can take wildcard characters as the argument. The VBA code contains the Dir function for creating a file list of a folder.

VBA Code with Dir Function for Creating File List

Code Syntax:

'4. Using Dir Function
'Printing in Immediate window
Public Sub ListFilesDir()
    Dim Selected_Folder As String
    With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
        .Title = "Select a folder"
        If .SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then
            Selected_Folder = .SelectedItems(1)
        End If
    End With
    Dim sFile As String
    If Right(Selected_Folder, 1) <> "\" Then
        Selected_Folder = Selected_Folder & "\"
    End If
    If sFilter = "" Then
        sFilter = "*.*"
    End If
    'call with path "initializes" the dir function and returns the first file name
    sFile = Dir(Selected_Folder & sFilter)
    i = 4 'Start Writing file names from 4th row
   'call it again until there are no more files
    Do Until sFile = ""
        Cells(i, 2) = sFile
        i = i + 1
        'subsequent calls without parameter return next file name
        sFile = Dir
End Sub

🔎 How Does the Code Work?

    Dim Selected_Folder As String
    With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
        .Title = "Select a folder"
        If .SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then
            Selected_Folder = .SelectedItems(1)
        End If
    End With

This portion of the code opens the File dialogue and asks the user to select the folder whose file list needs to be made. The selected folder’s address is stored in a string-type variable named Selected_Folder.

    If Right(Selected_Folder, 1) <> "\" Then
        Selected_Folder = Selected_Folder & "\"
    End If

This portion of the code add a backslash to the file address of the folder(Selected_Folder)  if it is not already been added.

   If sFilter = "" Then
        sFilter = "*.*"
    End If

Here, a string type variable sFilter is taken and a string with wildcards containing filename pattern(“*.*”)is assigned.

sFile = Dir(Selected_Folder & sFilter)

Dir(Selected_Folder & sFilter) returns the first file name of the Selected_Folder

A new string type variable sFile is taken and the return value of Dir function is assigned to the sFile variable.

 Do Until sFile = ""
        Cells(i, 2) = sFile
        i = i + 1
        'subsequent calls without parameter return next file name
        sFile = Dir

Here a Do Until loop is applied to extract all the file names in the Selected_Folder and their names are written on the worksheet starting from cell B4.

Now if we run the code by clicking F5, a new window will open and it will ask to select a folder for extracting file names.

Choosing Folder

After selecting the folder, we will get the list of files in the worksheet of that selected folder.

Results After Running VBA Code with Dir Function

How to List All Files in a Folder with a Specific Extension with Excel VBA

List of a specific type of files

In the previous section, we used the VBA Dir function to get all the file names in a folder. But sometimes we need to list out only a specific type of files within a folder. We can do that with a little modification of the code. On the line,

sFilter = "*.*"

Replace the last * with your desired file extension such as xlsx, jpg, png, pdf, etc. For example, if we want to list out only the png file, we would replace the line with

sFilter = "*.png"

Hence the complete code will be like this.

VBA Code for Listing Specific Type File

Code Syntax:

Public Sub List_SpecificFiles()
    Dim Selected_Folder As String
    With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
        .Title = "Select a folder"
        If .SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then
            Selected_Folder = .SelectedItems(1)
        End If
    End With
    Dim sFile As String
    If Right(Selected_Folder, 1) <> "\" Then
        Selected_Folder = Selected_Folder & "\"
    End If
    If sFilter = "" Then
        sFilter = "*.png" ' type your desired file extension here
    End If
    sFile = Dir(Selected_Folder & sFilter)
    i = 4
    Do Until sFile = ""
        Cells(i, 2) = sFile
        i = i + 1
        sFile = Dir
End Sub

🔎 How Does the Code Work?

To know how the code is working, see the explanation given on the 4th method.

Now if I run the code like the previous examples and select the Target folder, it will only list out the png files of the selected folder.

List of a specific type of files

We can see that the GIF file is missing from the list as it only lists out the png files.

Read More: Excel VBA to List Files in Folder with Specific Extension 

How to List All Files in a Folder & Its SubFolders with Excel VBA

Results of Running VBA Code for Listing All Files in a Folder & Its SubFolders

Sometimes we may want to list out not only the files in a folder but also those which are inside subfolders of that folder in Excel Worksheet. For example, in a folder named Test Folder, there is a total of 6 Items, and in a subfolder named Folder1, there are another 5 Items.

Files in test Folder

Files in Sub Folder

To do that, we can use the following VBA Code.

VBA Code for Listing All Files in a Folder & Its SubFolders


Code Syntax

Sub ListFilesSubFolder()
    Dim Obj_FSO As Object
    Dim Obj_fld As Object
    Dim sf As Object
    Dim file As Object
    Dim folderPath As String
    Dim row As Long
    Set Obj_FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set Obj_fld = Obj_FSO.getFolder(GetFolderPath)
    folderPath = Obj_fld.Path
    row = 4
    For Each file In Obj_FSO.getFolder(folderPath).Files
        Cells(row, 2) = file.Name
        row = row + 1
    Next file
    For Each sf In Obj_FSO.getFolder(folderPath).SubFolders
        ListSubFolderFiles sf, row
    Next sf
End Sub
Sub ListSubFolderFiles(ByRef subFolder As Object, ByRef row As Long)
    Dim Obj_FSO As Object
    Dim file As Object
    Set Obj_FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    For Each file In subFolder.Files
        Cells(row, 2) = file.Name
        row = row + 1
    Next file
    For Each subFolder In subFolder.SubFolders
        ListSubFolderFiles subFolder, row
    Next subFolder
End Sub
Function GetFolderPath() As String
    Dim fldr As FileDialog
    Set fldr = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
    With fldr
        .Title = "Select a Folder"
        .AllowMultiSelect = False
        If .Show <> -1 Then Exit Function
        GetFolderPath = .SelectedItems(1)
    End With
End Function

🔎 How Does the Code Work?

Function GetFolderPath() As String
    Dim fldr As FileDialog
    Set fldr = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
    With fldr
        .Title = "Select a Folder"
        .AllowMultiSelect = False
        If .Show <> -1 Then Exit Function
        GetFolderPath = .SelectedItems(1)
    End With
End Function

This function prompts a window to select a folder.

Sub ListSubFolderFiles(ByRef subFolder As Object, ByRef row As Long)
    Dim Obj_FSO As Object
    Dim file As Object
    Set Obj_FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    For Each file In subFolder.Files
        Cells(row, 2) = file.Name
        row = row + 1
    Next file
    For Each subFolder In subFolder.SubFolders
        ListSubFolderFiles subFolder, row
    Next subFolder
End Sub

This subroutine writes the name of all the files in the folder and subfolder in the worksheet.

Sub ListFilesSubFolder()
    Dim Obj_FSO As Object
    Dim Obj_fld As Object
    Dim sf As Object
    Dim file As Object
    Dim folderPath As String
    Dim row As Long
    Set Obj_FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set Obj_fld = Obj_FSO.getFolder(GetFolderPath)
    folderPath = Obj_fld.Path
    row = 4
    For Each file In Obj_FSO.getFolder(folderPath).Files
        Cells(row, 2) = file.Name
        row = row + 1
    Next file
    For Each sf In Obj_FSO.getFolder(folderPath).SubFolders
        ListSubFolderFiles sf, row
    Next sf
End Sub

This is the main subroutine that calls another subroutine ListSubFolderFiles for extracting file names inside all the subfolders and the folder.

Now I ran the first subroutine ListFilesSubFolder and then selected the Test Folder. As a result, a list of all the files in the Test Folder including the subfolder was created.

Results of Running VBA Code for Listing All Files in a Folder & Its SubFolders

How to List All Files in Folders & SubFolders Including File Details with Excel VBA

List All Files in Folders & SubFolders Including File Details

Sometimes we not only need to list the names of files in a folder and its subfolders but also the all the details such as Path, folder, File Extension, Data Created, Last Accessed, Last Modified, Size, and Hidden Status. In those situations, you can use the following code to extract all those information with a single click.

VBA Code to Extract All Information of Files in a Folder

VBA Code to Extract All Information of Files in a Folder

Code Syntax:

‘List All Files in Folders & SubFolders Including File Details
Option Explicit
Sub ListFilewithDetails()
    Dim Path_Spec As String
    Path_Spec = ""   'Specify a folder
    If (Path_Spec = "") Then Path_Spec = SelectSingleFolder   'Browse for Folder to select a folder
    Dim Ob_FSO As Object
    Set Ob_FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")    'Late Binding
    If (Ob_FSO.FolderExists(Path_Spec) = False) Then Exit Sub   'folder exist or not?
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'Disable Screen Updating to speed up macro
    Dim My_Sheet_Name As String
    My_Sheet_Name = "Files"   'Add a Sheet with name "Files"
    Add_Sheet (My_Sheet_Name)
    Dim File_Type As String
    File_Type = "*"   '*:all, or pdf, PDF, XLSX...
    File_Type = UCase(File_Type)
    Dim Coll_queue As Collection, oFolder As Object, oSubfolder As Object, oFile As Object
    Dim LastBlankCell As Long, FileExtension As String
    Set Coll_queue = New Collection
    Coll_queue.Add Ob_FSO.getFolder(Path_Spec) 'enqueue
    Do While Coll_queue.Count > 0
        Coll_queue.Remove 1 'dequeue  
        For Each oSubfolder In oFolder.SubFolders   'loop all sub-folders
            Coll_queue.Add oSubfolder 'enqueue
            '...insert any folder processing code here...
        Next oSubfolder  
        LastBlankCell = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(My_Sheet_Name).Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row + 1 'get the last blank cell of column A
        For Each oFile In oFolder.Files 'loop all files
            FileExtension = UCase(Split(oFile.Name, ".")(UBound(Split(oFile.Name, ".")))) 'get file extension, eg: TXT
            If (File_Type = "*" Or FileExtension = File_Type) Then
                With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(My_Sheet_Name)
                    .Cells(LastBlankCell, 1) = oFile 'Path
                    .Cells(LastBlankCell, 2) = oFolder 'Folder
                    .Cells(LastBlankCell, 3) = oFile.Name 'File Name
                    .Cells(LastBlankCell, 4) = FileExtension 'File Extension
                    .Cells(LastBlankCell, 5) = oFile.DateCreated 'Data Created
                    .Cells(LastBlankCell, 6) = oFile.DateLastAccessed 'Last Accessed
                    .Cells(LastBlankCell, 7) = oFile.DateLastModified 'Last Modified
                    .Cells(LastBlankCell, 8) = oFile.Size 'File Size
                    If (oFile.Attributes And 2) = 2 Then
                        .Cells(LastBlankCell, 9) = "TRUE" 'Is Hidden
                        .Cells(LastBlankCell, 9) = "FALSE" 'Is Hidden
                    End If
                End With
                LastBlankCell = LastBlankCell + 1
            End If
        Next oFile
    'Cells.EntireColumn.AutoFit  'Autofit columns width
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Function SelectSingleFolder()
    'Select a Folder Path    
    Dim FolderPicker As FileDialog
    Dim myFolder As String   
    'Select Folder with Dialog Box
    Set FolderPicker = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) 
    With FolderPicker
        .Title = "Select A Single Folder"
        .AllowMultiSelect = False
        If .Show <> -1 Then Exit Function 'Check if user clicked cancel button
        SelectSingleFolder = .SelectedItems(1)
    End With
End Function
Function Add_Sheet(My_Sheet_Name As String)
    'Add a worksheet with custom name   
    Dim Mysheet As Worksheet, F As Boolean
    For Each Mysheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        If Mysheet.Name = My_Sheet_Name Then
            F = True
            Exit For
            F = False
        End If
    If Not F Then Sheets.Add.Name = My_Sheet_Name  
    'Add table header
    With Sheets(My_Sheet_Name)
        .Cells(1, 1) = "Path"
        .Cells(1, 2) = "Folder"
        .Cells(1, 3) = "File Name"
        .Cells(1, 4) = "File Extension"
        .Cells(1, 5) = "Data Created"
        .Cells(1, 6) = "Last Accessed"
        .Cells(1, 7) = "Last Modified"
        .Cells(1, 8) = "Size"
        .Cells(1, 9) = "Is Hidden"
    End With
End Function

🔎 How Does the Code Work?

Function Add_Sheet(My_Sheet_Name As String)
    'Add a worksheet with custom name
    Dim Mysheet As Worksheet, F As Boolean
    For Each Mysheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        If Mysheet.Name = My_Sheet_Name Then
            F = True
            Exit For
            F = False
        End If
    If Not F Then Sheets.Add.Name = My_Sheet_Name   
    'Add table header
    With Sheets(My_Sheet_Name)
        .Cells(1, 1) = "Path"
        .Cells(1, 2) = "Folder"
        .Cells(1, 3) = "File Name"
        .Cells(1, 4) = "File Extension"
        .Cells(1, 5) = "Data Created"
        .Cells(1, 6) = "Last Accessed"
        .Cells(1, 7) = "Last Modified"
        .Cells(1, 8) = "Size"
        .Cells(1, 9) = "Is Hidden"
    End With
End Function

This function creates a new sheet. Then it writes down the titles of the columns which will contain different properties of the files such as Path, Folder, File Name, etc.

Function SelectSingleFolder()
    'Select a Folder Path
    Dim FolderPicker As FileDialog
    Dim myFolder As String
    'Select Folder with Dialog Box
    Set FolderPicker = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
    With FolderPicker
        .Title = "Select A Single Folder"
        .AllowMultiSelect = False
        If .Show <> -1 Then Exit Function 'Check if user clicked cancel button
        SelectSingleFolder = .SelectedItems(1)
    End With
End Function

This function prompts the user to select a folder.

Sub ListFilewithDetails()
    Dim Path_Spec As String
    Path_Spec = ""   'Specify a folder
    If (Path_Spec = "") Then Path_Spec = SelectSingleFolder   'Browse for Folder to select a folder
 My_Sheet_Name = "Files"   'Add a Sheet with name "Files"
  Add_Sheet (My_Sheet_Name)
 'Cells.EntireColumn.AutoFit  'Autofit columns width
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

This is the main subroutine which will call the previous two functions for selecting a single folder and creating a new worksheet with a custom name. Then it will extract every information of each file and write it down in the newly created sheet.

Now if we run this code, a window will open and ask to select a folder. After selecting the folder, a new worksheet will be created named Files and all the details of the files will be listed there.

List All Files in Folders & SubFolders Including File Details

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That is the end of this article regarding how to use Excel VBA to List Files in Folder. If you find this article helpful, please share this with your friends. Moreover, do let us know if you have any further queries.

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Aniruddah Alam
Aniruddah Alam

Md. Aniruddah Alam, a graduate of Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, Dhaka, holds a BSc.Engg in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering. Joining Softeko in August 2022 as an Excel and VBA content developer, he has authored 90+ articles, covering fundamental to advanced Excel topics. He actively develops VBA codes for Excel automation and offers solutions in the Exceldemy Forum. Beyond work, he finds leisure in reading books, and taking relaxing walks, showcasing well-rounded blend of professional and... Read Full Bio

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