How to Compare Dates in Excel (2 Methods)

Dataset Overview

We’ll use the following dataset to demonstrate these methods. We have two columns: Predicted Delivery Date and Delivery Date. Our goal is to determine if the predicted delivery date was correct.

Dataset to Compare Dates in Excel

Method 1 – Using Logical Operators

  •  Create a new column called Matching Status. In the first cell of this column, use the formula:
  • Drag the Fill Handle down to populate the result in the rest of the cells.

Using Logical Operator to Compare Dates

Other Logical Operators:

You can also use other logical operators to compare dates:

  • The greater than operator (>)
  • The less than operator (<)
  • The not equal operator (<>)
  • The greater than or equal to (>=) and the less than or equal to operator (<=)

Method 2 – Using the IF Function

  • Create a new column called Delivery Status.
  • Use the following formula:
=IF(D5>=E5,"In Time","Delayed")
    • If the delivery date is on or before the predicted date, it will show In Time.
    • Otherwise, it will show Delayed.

Use of IF function to check delivery status in excel

You can modify the formula to compare two dates directly:


using excel formula for comparing two dates

Comparing Dates with Today’s Date (2 Methods)

Method 1 – Using the TODAY Function

You can use the TODAY function to compare dares with today’s date. Below is an overview of the TODAY function.

overview of excel today function

Click on the image for a detailed view

  • Replace the Delivery Date with the current date (use TODAY()) in cell E5.

using today function for inserting current date

  • Apply the logical equal operator as before:

using logical equal operator to compare date with current date in Excel

Read More: Excel Conditional Formatting for Date Less Than 6 Months from Today

Method 2 – Combining IF and TODAY Functions

Compare any date with the current date using this modified formula:

=IF(D5>=TODAY(),"In Time","Delayed")

using combination of the IF and TODAY function to compare any date with the current date

Read More: Conditional Formatting for Dates Older Than a Certain Date

Calculating Duration Between Dates

Method 1 – Calculating Day Differences

Below is the overview of the DATEDIF function that we will be using.

overview of excel datedif function

Click on the image for a detailed view

  • Use the DATEDIF function to find the day difference between two dates:

 using the dateif function for finding out time duration

Read More: Conditional Formatting Based on Date Older Than 1 Year

Method 2 – Calculating Month Differences

To find the month difference, use the formula below:


Using DATEDIF to Calculate Month Difference

Read More: VBA Compare Dates to Today

Method 3 – Calculating Year Differences

To find out the year difference, use the formula below:


Using DATEDIF to Calculate Year Difference

Read More: Check If Date is Within 7 Days of Another Date

Method 4 – Finding the Exact Duration Between Two Dates

This method provides output that includes the difference in years, months, and days. Here’s the breakdown of the formula:

=DATEDIF(D5,E5,"y")&" years,"&DATEDIF(D5,E5,"ym")&" months,"&E5-DATE(YEAR(E5),MONTH(E5),1)&" days"

excel formula for duration between two dates in Excel

Formula Breakdown

  • The DATEDIF function extracts the year and month duration between dates in cells D5 and E5.
  • The ampersand operator (&) joins the text we write after each DATEDIF function.
  • Lastly, we subtract the month and year from the E5 cell data using the DATE function (which includes the YEAR and MONTH functions).
    • DATEDIF(D5, E5, “y”) & ” years,” returns 2 years in the output cell (F5), representing the number of years between the two dates.
    • DATEDIF(D5, E5, “ym”) & ” months,” returns 0 months, indicating the number of months passed between the dates.
    • Since the DATEDIF function has limitations in calculating exact days, we subtract the month and year from the E5 cell data in the portion E5 – DATE(YEAR(E5), MONTH(E5), 1) & ” days”. This results in 24 days in cell F5.

Read More: Formula If Date Is Greater Than Another Date

Things to Remember

  • Format the cell as a Date Format when entering dates.
  • In our example, we used the USA date format (mm/dd/yy).
  • For comparing dates, we used logical operators (= and >) inside the IF function. You can use different operators as needed.

Download Practice Workbook

You can download the practice workbook from here:

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I count the number of dates that are earlier than a specific date? 

  • Suppose your dates are in column B, and the specific date you want to compare against is in cell C5.
  • You can use the COUNTIF function with the following formula:
    =COUNTIF(B:B, "<" & C5

    This counts the number of dates in column B that are earlier than the date in cell C5. You can adjust the logical operator (<) as needed.

2. How do I compare dates to find the earliest and latest dates in a range?

  • To find the earliest date in any range (e.g., B1:B10), use the MIN function:

    For the latest date, use the MAX function:


3. Can I compare dates as text?

  • While you can compare dates as text using string functions (like TEXT), it’s recommended to work with actual date values. This ensures accurate comparisons and calculations.

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Mehedi Hasan Shimul
Mehedi Hasan Shimul

Md. Mehedi Hasan, with a BSc in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, holds a crucial position as an Excel & VBA Content Developer at ExcelDemy. Driven by a deep passion for research and innovation, he actively immerses himself in Excel. In his role, Mehedi not only skillfully addresses complex challenges but also exhibits enthusiasm and expertise in gracefully navigating tough situations, emphasizing his steadfast commitment to consistently deliver exceptional and quality content.... Read Full Bio

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