How to Compare Dates to Today with Excel VBA – 3 Methods

The following sales dataset contains the amounts of sales and the date. To compare the dates to the current date:

Excel VBA Compare Dates to Today-Dataset


  • Press ALT+F11 to open the Microsoft Visual Basic window.
  • Go to Insert > Module. Excel opens a VBA Module.

Inserting Module


Method 1 – Highlighting Cells to Compare Dates to Today Using Excel VBA

Step 1:

Enter the following macro in the inserted Module.

Sub Hightlight_Dates_Compare_Today()
Dim m As Integer
For m = 4 To 15
If Cells(m, 2).Value = Date Then Cells(m, 2).Font.Color = vbRed
Next m
End Sub

Highlighting Cells to Compare Dates to Today Using Excel VBA

Macro Breakdown

  • calls the Sub using Sub Highlight_Dates_Compare_Today.
Sub Hightlight_Dates_Compare_Today()
  • defines the variable types as Integer.
Dim m As Integer
  • executes a VBA FOR
  • the VBA IF function iterates the cells to check the condition using the VBA Date. The VBA DATE function returns the current date.
  • .Font.Color command colors the cells that match the current date.

The macro can be modified to highlight the days before or after the current date.

Days Before 

If Cells(m, 2).Value < Date Then Cells(m, 2).Font.Color = vbRed

 Days After

If Cells(m, 2).Value > Date Then Cells(m, 2).Font.Color = vbRed

Step 2:

  • Press F5 click Run.
  • Go back to the worksheet and see the result.

Method 2 – Coloring Rows to Compare Dates with Excel VBA

Step 1:

  • Enter the following macro in the inserted Module.
Sub Coloring_Dates_Against_Today()
Dim mLastRow As Long, mRow As Long
Dim mColumn As String
mColumn = "B"
 With ActiveSheet
 mLastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, mColumn).End(xlUp).Row
  For mRow = 4 To mLastRow
    If IsDate(.Cells(mRow, mColumn).Value) And .Cells(mRow, mColumn).Value = Date Then
     .Rows(mRow).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
    End If
  Next mRow
 End With
End Sub

Coloring Rows to Compare Dates with Excel VBA

Macro Breakdown

  • calls the Sub using Sub Coloring_Dates_Against_Today.   
Sub Coloring_Dates_Against_Today()
  • declares the variables as Long and String.
Dim mLastRow As Long, mRow As Long
Dim mColumn As String
  • sets the mColumn variable to Column B.
mColumn = "B"
  • VBA WITH statement performs VBA FOR and VBA IF functions on a single object.
  • VBA FOR assigns the row numbers and VBA IF executes the conditions.
  • .Rows.Interior.ColoeIndex colors the matched rows with the assigned color index ( 6 (Yellow)).

The macro can be modified to highlight the days before or after the current date.

 Days Before

If IsDate(.Cells(mRow, mColumn).Value) And .Cells(mRow, mColumn).Value < Date

 Days After

If IsDate(.Cells(mRow, mColumn).Value) And .Cells(mRow, mColumn).Value > Date

Step 2:

  • Press F5 click Run.
  • Go back to the worksheet and see the result.


Method 3 – Using a VBA Custom Function to Compare Dates to Today

A custom function can display TRUE or FALSE to indicate if dates match the current month and year in the adjacent cells.

The TODAY() function returns today’s date in C3.

the TODAY Function

Step 1:

Enter the following macro in the inserted Module.

Function MnthYr(mDate As Date) As Boolean
MnthYr = False
If Not IsDate(Cells(3, 3)) Then Exit Function
If Month(mDate) = Month(Cells(3, 3)) And Year(mDate) = Year(Cells(3, 3)) Then
MnthYr = True
End If
End Function

Using VBA Custom Function

Macro Breakdown

  •  the function is named as MnthYr and cell references are assigned to Date.      
Function MnthYr(mDate As Date) As Boolean
  • the function is assigned to False.
MnthYr = False
  • The VBA IF function sets C3 cell as the current date and extracts the month and year using the VBA Month and Year functions.
  • The VBA AND function combines both conditions into one.
If Month(mDate) = Month(Cells(3, 3)) And Year(mDate) = Year(Cells(3, 3))
  • The macro returns True upon matching the month and year with the current date.

The macro can be modified to highlight the previous or following month and year.

Previous Months and Years

If Month(mDate) < Month(Cells(3, 3)) And Year(mDate) < Year(Cells(3, 3))

Following Months and Years

If Month(mDate) > Month(Cells(3, 3)) And Year(mDate) > Year(Cells(3, 3))

Step 2:

  • Press F5 click Run.
  • Go back to the worksheet.
  • Enter the following formula in D6.

Inserting Formula

Step 3:

  • Drag the Fill Handle to display True or False in the adjacent cells.

  • Use Conditional Formatting (Home > Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cells Rules > Equal To) to format the function outcomes as shown below.

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Maruf Islam
Maruf Islam

MARUF ISLAM is an excellent marine engineer who loves working with Excel and diving into VBA programming. For him, programming is like a superhero tool that saves time when dealing with data, files, and the internet. His skills go beyond the basics, including ABACUS, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros, Maxsurf, and Hydromax. He got his B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET, and now he's switched gears, working as a content developer. In this role, he creates techy content... Read Full Bio

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