How to Make Excel Graphs Look Professional (15 Useful Tips)

1. Descriptive Title

Ensure your chart titles provide insight into the data and include relevant context (such as location or source). Avoid leaving users guessing.

How to Make Excel Graphs Look Professional

2. Remove Clutter

  • Eliminate unnecessary gridlines.

Unchecking Gridline option to make Excel graph professional

  • Simplify the vertical axis by adjusting major and minor units.

Launch Format Axis window to make Excel graph professional

    • Expand the Axis Options section and change the Major unit to 100, for the example below, and the Minor unit to 20.

Changing Major and Minor Value

    • Expand the Tick Marks section and make sure that for Major Type, Inside is selected.

    • Sometimes Excel sets the vertical axis maximum, way beyond the actual data points. To fix this follow these steps:
      • Simply select the vertical axis then right-click and choose the Format Axis option.

Launch Format Axis window to make Excel graph professional

      • In the Format Axis panel, under Axis Options, Bounds, set the maximum to a lower value.
  • Clear unnecessary zeros from the axis labels.
    • The chart at the bottom also contains an unnecessary zero.
    • To remove the zero right-click on the vertical axis and selecting Format Axis.

Removing Minor Value

    • In the Axis Options section, go to Number >> Category >> Custom, and insert the Format Code as #” “, to clear the zero.
    • Click Add to add the custom format.

Adding new number format to make Excel graph professional

Your graph will be decluttered.

Final professional Excel graph ready to present

Read More: How to Rotate Text in an Excel Chart

3. Choose Suitable Chart Types

  • For more than 4 categories, consider using a Pie of Pie chart or a Bar chart instead of a crowded Pie chart.
  • Match your data to the appropriate graph type.

Make, Cool Charts, Professional Graphs

4. Keeping Consistency While Dealing with Multiple Charts on Same Sheet

  • Use Chart Templates to maintain a consistent look and feel across charts on the same worksheet.
  • Save your preferred formatting as a template and apply it to other charts as needed.

Changing graph format to ensure the graphs professional and good looking

5. Avoiding Unnecessary 3D Graphs

  • 3D charts can distort data perception. Compare the two Pie charts below:
    • The first chart shows slices in their relative proportions.
    • The 3D Pie chart introduces ambiguity regarding proportions.

Avoiding 3D graph to make Excel graph professional look

Read More: How to Change Text Direction in Excel Chart 

6. Leverage Built-in Themes:

  • Excel’s built-in themes allow quick chart customization.
  • To change the theme:
    • Go to the Page Layout tab.
    • In the Themes group, click the drop-down arrow and select a theme.
    • Watch your chart update colors and fonts.

  • Example: Default Office theme vs. Quotable theme vs. Dividend theme.

Using multiple different theme to make the graph professional and good looking

Read More: How to Add Subscript in Excel Graph

7. Customizing Your Own Theme

Create a unique theme for branding:

  • Go to Page Layout.
  • Click the drop-down arrow under Colors > Customize Colors.

Launch customize color option to create new theme

  • Create a new theme by selecting colors, fonts, and effects.
  • Save it.

  • Use Save Current Theme to apply your custom theme.

Saving new custom theme to ensure the graph look more professional

In the example below the same source data is used to create both charts. The chart above has the standard Office theme applied, whereas the chart below has a custom-made theme applied.

Using custom theme to make the graphs more professional

8. Distinguish Line and Scatter Charts

  • Line chart:
    • Vertical axis: Value axis.
    • Horizontal axis: Category axis (equidistant points).
    • Example: Puzzles sold per year.

Demonstration of Line Graph

  • Scatter chart:
    • Vertical and horizontal axes display values.
    • Illustrates patterns and relationships between variables.
    • Example: Hours spent exercising vs. annual weight loss.

Read More: How to Show Coordinates in Excel Graph 

9. Space Out Chart Titles

Avoid cramped titles:

  • Select the chart title.
  • On the Home tab, in Fonts, adjust Character Spacing to Expanded (2 points).

  • Now, change the Character Spacing from Normal to Expanded, and change the points to 2.
  • Click OK.

Choosing suitable options to expand title

  • This eliminates the “squashed” chart title look as shown in the top chart. The bottom chart has expanded character spacing.
  • Enjoy a cleaner, more readable title.

Expanding graph title to give a professional look

10. Replacing Legends with Direct Labels

  • Legends can distract users. Instead, use data labels as legends directly on the graph.
  • Modify text color to match line color for better readability.


  • Select Data Labels > More Options from the Chart Element menu.

Opening Format Data Labels window to modify the data labels to make the graph professional

  • In the Format Data Labels window, change the option from Value to Series Name.

  • Keep only necessary data labels and delete others.

Final modified professional graph

11.  Remove Unnecessary Legends

  • Legends clutter graphs. If category names are already on the horizontal axis, skip legends.
  • Deleting legends creates more space for columns and improves readability.

Removing unnecessary legends to make the graph professional

12. Sort Dataset for Clarity

  • Proper data sorting enhances graph clarity.
  • If possible, sort data in ascending or descending order for a better view.

13. Clean up Unnecessary Axes

  • Remove unnecessary elements from your chart, including axes.
  • Example: If the data table heading serves as the horizontal axis, remove the redundant axis.

Removing axes to keep the graphs simple and professional

14. Use Separate Data Tables

  • Data points as labels can be hard to read.
  • Instead, add a data table below the chart using the Chart Elements icon.
  • The data table provides clarity without duplicating the dataset.

Insert a Data Table in the Excel graphs to provide them professional look

15. Animating Individual Chart When Making a Copy

  • Choose the chart you want to copy and animate.
  • Go to the Format tab in the Chart Tools context-sensitive options.
  • In the Shape Styles group, click the drop-down arrow for Shape Effects.
  • Choose Shadow, then select Perspective Diagonal Upper Right.

Selecting Shape Effect to give the Excel graphs a good look

  • Open PowerPoint and paste your chart onto a slide.
  • Go to the Animations tab.
  • Click the drop-down arrow for Add Animation.
  • Choose Entrance Effect and select Fly-in.

Choosing Fly-in effect

  • In the Animation pane, click the drop-down arrow by “ffect Options.
  • Under Sequence, choose By Series.

Modifying amination option to make Excel graph professional

  • Set this animation to start After Previous with a duration of 1.00s.

Modification in the Timing group for the professional look in animation

  • In the Animation tab, click on the drop-down arrow of the Add Animation.
  • Under Emphasis Effect, choose Teeter.

Choosing Teeter effect for amination

  • Click on the down arrow on the second animation in the panel and choose the Start option as After Previous.
  • With that animation still selected in the Animation Pane, in the Timing group change the Duration to 1.25s.

  • At last, in the Animation tab, click on the drop-down arrow of the Add Animation.
  • Under Exit, choose More Exit Effects.

Selecting Exiting Effect

  • In the Subtle section, choose Zoom.

Choosing the Zoom effect on animation of Excel graphs

  • Click the animation in the Animation Pane and set it to the Start option After Previous.
  • In the Timing group, set the duration to 1.00s.

Now you have an animation sequence that highlights individual chart elements!

How to Make Excel Line Graphs Look Professional

  1. Proper Title:
    • Give your chart a meaningful title so viewers understand the data being visualized.
  2. Axes & Axes Titles:
    • Clearly label both the vertical and horizontal axes.
    • Help users understand the relationship between data points.
  3. Legends:
    • Position legends appropriately.
    • Ensure viewers can identify which line corresponds to which category.
  4. Eliminate Extra Elements:
    • Remove unnecessary clutter (gridlines, extra labels) to enhance clarity.
  5. Data Labels/Data Table:
    • Use data labels or a data table sparingly based on the dataset size.

Remember, a well-designed line graph enhances professionalism.

Insert a Data Table in the Excel graphs to provide them professional look

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Taryn Nefdt
Taryn Nefdt

Taryn is a Microsoft Certified Professional, who has used Office Applications such as Excel and Access extensively, in her interdisciplinary academic career and work experience. She has a background in biochemistry, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), and biofuels. She enjoys showcasing the functionality of Excel in various disciplines. She has over ten years of experience using Excel and Access to create advanced integrated solutions.

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