How to Create GST Interest Calculator in Excel: 3 with Useful Methods

Method 1 – Creating Variable for GST Calculator

You need to assign variable names for calculating GST interest and put them in the column headings. We assigned the following variable names for our calculator.

  • Month
  • Due Date
  • Date of Feeling
  • Status
  • Days of Delay
  • Net Tax Liability
  • Interest GST

Assign the Month and Due Date to file GST. We have created our calculator for the whole year( from January to December) and taken the Due Date 15th for every month. The variables added are like the picture below.

gst interest calculator in excel

Method 2 – Adding GST Filing Status

You need to add GST Filing Status.

  • Put the Date of Filing in D5:D16 range.

Adding GST Filing Status

  • We need to calculate whether the Date of Filing has passed the due date. Write the formula in the E5 cell like this.

=IF(D5<=C5,"On Time","Delayed")

D5 and C5 refer to the first Date of Filing and the first Due Date.

gst interest calculator in excel

  • Press ENTER to get the output as Delayed.
  • Use the Fill Handle by dragging down the cursor while holding the right-bottom corner of the E5 cell like this.

  • Get the output like this.

  • Find the Days of Delay in Column F. Write the formula in the F5 cell like this.


gst interest calculator in excel

  • Press ENTER and use the Fill Handle to get all the outputs like this.

gst interest calculator in excel

Method 3 – Calculating Interest on GST

To calculate interest on GST, we have to find out the Net Tax Liability first. Assign Net Tax Liability for the concerned months. In our dataset, we have Net Tax Liability 8 times. For your case, find it from your notice and assign them as per the direction.

Calculating Interest on GST

Interest will be counted for the months we haven’t paid the GST on time. We have considered the Interest Rate as 16%. You can proceed on your own.

  • In the H5 cell, write the formula to calculate Interest on GST.

G5 and F5 refer to the first value of Net Tax Liability and Days of Delay.

  • Press ENTER and use the Fill Handle to get all the Interest GST as outputs.

Calculating Interest on GST

How to Calculate GST Late Fees and Total Payable Amount

Also calculate GST Late Fees from the GST Interest Calculator. Calculate the GST Late Fees for the number of Delayed Days. Consider Late Fees Per Day as 35.
Get the total late fees, multiply the number of Delayed Days by Late Fees Per Day.
Get the total late fees, write the following formula in the I5 cell like this.


How to Calculate GST Late Fees and Total Payable Amount

  • Press ENTER and use the Fill Handle.The outputs will be like this.

  • If you want to calculate the Total Payable Amount per month in Column J, write the formula in the J5 cell like this.

H5 and I5 refer to the Interest GST and GST Late Fees in January.

gst interest calculator in excel

  • Press ENTER and use the Fill Handle.
  • Get the Total Payable Amount for each month like this.

gst interest calculator in excel

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Shajratul Alam Towhid
Shajratul Alam Towhid

Md Shajratul Alam Towhid, a BSc graduate in Naval Architecture & Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, holds a pivotal role as an Excel & VBA Content Developer at ExcelDemy. Fueled by a deep passion for research and innovation, he actively engages with Excel. In his capacity, Towhid not only adeptly tackles complex challenges but also exhibits enthusiasm and expertise in gracefully navigating tough situations, emphasizing his unwavering commitment to consistently delivering exceptional, high-quality content that... Read Full Bio

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