How to Apply the Formulas for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division in Excel

Overview of Excel Operators

There are some differences between the mathematical operator and the operators used in Excel. The operators of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in Excel is shown in the table below.

Operation Mathematical Operator Excel Operator Example  Result
Sum + +   
(Plus Key)
= 10 + 5 15
Subtraction – 
(Minus Key)
= 15-10 5
Multiplication x *
(Asterisk or Star Key)
= 5 * 3  15
Division ÷  / 
(Forward Dash)
= 15 / 5 5


1. Addition

1.1 Using Basic Addition Formula

  • To add the values of cells C5 and D5, you can use either of the following methods:
    • Directly enter the formula with values:


Formulas for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division in Excel

    • Use cell references:


Formulas for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division in Excel

Using cell references allows you to copy (CTRL + C) the formula and paste (CTRL + V) it to other cells.

Formulas for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division in Excel

1.2 Using the SUM Function

Another way to perform addition in Excel is by using the SUM function. Follow these steps:

Formulas for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division in Excel

  • Enter =SUM in a cell.
  • Select the cells you want to add (e.g., C5:D5 for horizontal addition or E5:E9 for vertical addition).
  • Press Enter.
=SUM(C5:D5) or =SUM(E5:E9)

Formulas for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division in Excel

Formulas for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division in Excel

  • You can also access the SUM function from the ribbon menu by clicking on the cell, going to the Formulas option, and selecting AutoSum > SUM.

Formulas for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division in Excel

  • After pressing on the SUM option, you will see auto-suggestion selecting the cells. If the suggestion is correct, then press Enter.  If not, then correct the cell references and press Enter.

Formulas for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division in Excel

Read More: How to Add and Then Divide in Excel

2. Subtraction

  • To subtract values, use the following formula:

Formulas for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division in Excel

  • You can also use cell references:

Formulas for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division in Excel

Using cell references allows for efficient copying and pasting.

3. Multiplication

3.1 Using Basic Multiplication Formula

  • To multiply in Excel, use the asterisk (*) sign:

How to Multiply in Excel

  • You can also use cell references:

How to Multiply in Excel

Using cell reference will allow you to copy and paste the formula to other cells.

3.2 Using the PRODUCT Function

  • Alternatively, you can use the PRODUCT function:
    • How to Multiply in ExcelEnter =PRODUCT in a cell.
    • Select the cells you want to multiply.
    • Press Enter.

How to Multiply in Excel

Copy the formula to other cells as needed.

4. Division

  • To divide values, use the ‘ / ’ (forward slash sign).

Excel Division Formula

  • You can also use cell references:

Excel Division Formula

Then you can copy and paste the formula to the other cells to do a similar division.

Excel Division Formula

Read More: How to Create a Division Formula in Excel

Additional Division Features in Excel

Using QUOTIENT Function

In cases where division results are in fractional format, you might prefer the nearest integer value. The QUOTIENT function helps achieve this.

Follow these steps:

  • Enter =QUOTIENT in a cell.

Using QUOTIENT Function

  • Suggestions will appear; select the QUOTIENT option.
  • In the QUOTIENT function, choose the cell with the dividend value, followed by the cell with the divisor value.
  • Press Enter.

Using QUOTIENT Function

You can copy and paste this formula to other cells to find quotient values similarly.

Using QUOTIENT Function

Read More: Division Formula with Absolute Reference in Excel

Use the MOD Function to Find Remainders

Sometimes, you need to determine the remainder after division. The MOD function can help with this:

  • Enter =MOD in a cell.
  • Suggestions will appear; select the MOD function.

Formulas for Addition Subtraction Multiplication and Division in Excel

  • In the MOD function, select the cell with the dividend value, add a comma, and then select the cell with the divisor value.
  • Press Enter.

Formulas for Addition Subtraction Multiplication and Division in Excel

Copy and paste this formula to other cells to find remainder values as needed.

Formulas for Addition Subtraction Multiplication and Division in Excel

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Osman Goni Ridwan
Osman Goni Ridwan

OSMAN GONI RIDWAN is a marine engineer who loves exploring Excel and VBA programming. Programming, to him, is a time-saving tool for efficiently managing data, files, and internet tasks. He is proficient in Rhino3D, Maxsurf, C++, MS Office, AutoCAD, Excel, and VBA and goes beyond the basics. Armed with a B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET, OSMAN has transitioned into the role of a content developer. Specializing in creating technical content exclusively centered around Excel... Read Full Bio

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