List of 10 Mostly Used Excel VBA Objects (Attributes & Examples)

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What Are VBA Objects?

The VBA (Visual Basic Application) is an object-oriented programming language. The object is one of the elements of VBA.

An object has its property and method. The method is the operation performed by that object and the property explains the characteristics of that object.

Attributes of VBA Objects

To apply a VBA object, there must be a method or property in the Object. We will discuss those attributes here.


Excel has many objects. Most of the objects in Excel VBA we work with have properties.


  • Range object has properties. Some of them are Column, Formula, Row, Width, and Value.
  • A Chart object has properties, such as Legend, ChartArea, ChartStyle, and so on.
  • ChartTitle is also an object, with properties such as Font, Format, and Border.

Use of VBA Object Properties:

We can write VBA code to do the following:

  • You can examine an object’s current property settings and do something based on these settings.
  • You can change the object’s property settings by setting new values.

Look at this VBA statement:


In this statement, Range is an object, Value is one of the properties. In the VBA statement, objects and properties are placed side by side separating them by a period (.). Objects are placed first, then their properties.

For example, the following VBA statement sets the Value property of Range E10:100.

Range("E10").Value = 100 

That statement will cause the number 100 to display in Cell E10.


A method is an action implemented on an object.

Objects also have methods. For example, Range objects have a Clear method. The following VBA statement clears a Range. This statement is equivalent to selecting the Range and then choosing Home ➪ Editing ➪ Clear ➪ Clear All:


In VBA code, methods look like properties. Methods are connected to the objects with a separating operator (.). However, methods and properties are different concepts in VBA.

10 Mostly Used VBA Objects in Excel

There is a hierarchy followed by Excel in the case of objects which is:

Application → Workbook → Worksheet → Range

We will discuss a list of the most commonly used objects of Excel VBA in detail.

Object 1 – Application Object

The Application object is used to represent the total Excel application.

Methods Properties
Calculate ActiveCell
CalculateFull ActiveSheet
InputBox ActiveWindow
Quit ActiveWorkbook
Run DisplayScrollBars
Undo DisplayFormulaBar
Wait Path

We need to add the required property or method while applying this object in Excel.

Example 1:

The Calculate method is used for the calculation of all open workbooks.

Sub Calculate_All_Opened_Workbooks()
End Sub

Example 2:

The DisplayScrollBars property with the Application object is used to hide the scroll bar.

Sub Hide_Status_Bar()
Application.DisplayScrollBars = False
End Sub

Excel Application objects

The status is set to False, which means it will not display the scroll bars of the Excel sheet.

Read More: How to Open Workbook from Path Using Excel VBA (4 Examples)

Object 2 – Workbooks Object

Workbooks object denotes the list of presently opened workbooks on an Excel application.

Methods Properties
Add Application
CheckOut Count
Close Creator
Open Item

Example 1:

This VBA code is based on the Workbooks object that will close the Excel workbook.

Sub Close_All_Opened_Workbooks()
End Sub

Excel Workbooks Objects

Example 2:

This code will add a new variable page_1 on the Disney.xlsx workbook.

Sub Add_Variable_to_Specific_Workbook()
Set page_1 = Workbooks.Item("Disney.xlsx")
End Sub

Object 3 – Workbook Object

The Workbook object represents a single workbook. It is a member of Workbooks that are currently active or open. A workbook is a collection of worksheets.

Methods Properties
Active ActiveChart
AddToFavourite ActiveSheet
Close AutoSaveOn
DeleteNumberFormat FullName
Save UserStatus

Example 1:

Close the current workbook.

Sub Close_Single_Workbook()
End Sub

We applied a similar code to the close workbook. The Workbooks object is applied to all the opened workbooks. But the Workbook object is applicable only to the active workbook.

Example 2:

Name a cell using the Workbook object.

Sub Name_A_Cell()
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="myName", RefersToR1C1:="=Sheet1!R5C5"
End Sub

Object 4 – Sheets Object

The Sheets object is related to all kinds of sheets of the specified or active Excel workbook. Sheets may be worksheets, chart sheets micro sheets.

Methods Properties
Add Application
Add2 Count
Copy Item
Delete Parent
Move Visible

Example 1:

This VBA code will activate the 2nd sheet of the workbook.

Sub Activate_Workbook()
End Sub

Excel Sheets Objects

Example 2:

This will add a new sheet after the 1st sheet.

Sub Add_New_Sheet()
Sheets.Add after:=Sheets(1)
End Sub

Object 5 – Worksheets Object

This Worksheets object is a part of the Sheets object. It is the collection of only the worksheets. But the Sheets object also includes chart sheets and micro sheets.

Methods Properties
Copy Application
Delete Count
Move Creator
PrintOut Item
PrintPreview Parent
Select Visible

Example 1:

Activate the 2nd worksheet of the following workbook.

Sub Activate_Worksheet()
End Sub

We may also use the Sheets object. But if we use the Sheets object, that may activate a chart or micro sheet also depends on the location of the specified workbook.

Example 2:

Copy a sheet on our desired location on the workbook.

Sub Copy_A_Worksheet()
Worksheets("Disney").Copy Before:=Worksheets("Sheet1")
End Sub

Excel Worksheets Objects

Similar Readings

Object 6 – Worksheet Object

The Worksheet object is a part of the Worksheets. It represents a single worksheet. This section will show a sample VBA code based on the Worksheet object that renames a worksheet.

Methods Properties
Activate Application
Calculate Cells
CheckSpelling Columns
Copy Comments
Delete Name
Evaluate Next
Move Outline
Paste PageSetup
PasteSpecial Parent
PrintOut Range
PrintPreview Rows
SaveAs Shapes
Select Sort

Example 1:

Change the name of the active worksheet.

Sub Rename_A_Worksheet()
ActiveSheet.Name = "Data Set -2"
End Sub

Excel Worksheet Objects

Example 2:

Show the name of the current worksheet.

Sub Show_Worksheet_Name()
MsgBox ActiveSheet.Name
End Sub

Object 7 – Range Object

The Range object is related to cells of the Excel file. It is used to select a single cell, row, column, or a certain number of cells, rows, or columns from an Excel Worksheet. We have to put the cell reference in the argument.

Methods Properties
Activate Address
AutoFill Application
Calculate Areas
Clear Cells
Copy Column
Delete Count
Find End
Insert Font
PasteSpecial Height
Replace Item
Run Left
Select ListObject
Show Name
Sort Next
Table Parent

Example 1:

Select cell range B5:D5.

Sub Select_A_Range()
End Sub

Example 2:

Copy a certain range from the active sheet.

Sub Copy_A_Range1()
End Sub

Excel Range Objects

Object 8 – Shapes Object

The Shapes object is related to all shapes that exist in a worksheet. We can select and delete or perform other tasks using this object.

Methods Properties
AddCallout Application
AddConnector Count
AddLine Creator
AddPicture Parent
AddShape Range

Example 1:

Select all kinds of shapes from a worksheet.

Sub All_Shapes_of_A_Worksheet()
End Sub

Example 2:

Apply the desired action to the existing shapes of the active worksheet.

Sub Apply_A_Procedure_on_Shapes()
ActiveSheet.Shapes(1).OnAction = "ShapeClick"
End Sub

Excel VBA Shapes Objects

Object 9 – Shape Object

The Shape object is a part of the Shapes. It indicates a single shape in an active worksheet. It is used with the Shapes object.

Methods Properties
Apply Application
Copy AutoShapeType
Cut BackgroundStyle
Delete Chart
Duplicate Connector
Select Fill


Create a star with 5 edges.

Sub Create_A_Shape()
ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape msoShape5pointStar, 300, 100, 60, 60
End Sub

We can draw any kind of shape by changing the msoShape5pointStar command.

Object 10 – ListObject Object

ListObject is a part of ListObjects Object. A ListObject indicates a single table of the worksheet.

Methods Properties
Delete Active
Publish Application
Refresh AutoFilter
Resize Comment


Extract data from a table and store it in the array.

Sub Store_Data_From_Table_To_Array()
Dim D_Table As ListObject
Dim D_Array As Variant
Dim N As Long
  Set D_Table = ActiveSheet.ListObjects("My_Data")
  D_Array = D_Table.DataBodyRange
  For N = LBound(D_Array) To UBound(D_Array)
    Debug.Print D_Array(N, 2)
  Next N
End Sub

Excel VBA ListObject

Read More: Excel VBA to Populate Array with Cell Values (4 Suitable Examples)

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Kawser Ahmed
Kawser Ahmed

Kawser Ahmed is a Microsoft Excel Expert, Udemy Course Instructor, Data Analyst, Finance professional, and Chief Editor of ExcelDemy. He is the founder and CEO of SOFTEKO (a software and content marketing company). He has a B.Sc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. As a Udemy instructor, he offers 8 acclaimed Excel courses, one selected for Udemy Business. A devoted MS Excel enthusiast, Kawser has contributed over 200 articles and reviewed thousands more. His expertise extends to Data Analysis,... Read Full Bio

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