Conditional Drop Down List in Excel (Create, Sort and Use)

Method 1 – Create a Conditional Drop-Down List with a Classified Data Table

In Cell C13, we’ll create an independent drop-down list for the brand types. After that, we’ll make a dependent drop-down list in Cell C14 where smartphone models will be shown in a list based on the selected brand from the previous drop-down list.

Create a Conditional Drop Down List with Classified Data Table


  • Select cell C13.
  • Under the Data tab, choose the Data Validation command from the Data Tools drop-down.

Create a Conditional Drop Down List with Classified Data Table

  • In the Allow box, select List from the options.
  • Click in the Source box and select the range of cells (B4:C4) containing the brand names of the smartphones.
  • Press OK.

Create a Conditional Drop Down List with Classified Data Table

  • This creates an independent drop-down list for the smartphone brands in cell C13.

Create a Conditional Drop Down List with Classified Data Table

  • Select the entire table or the range of cells B4:C11.
  • Under the Formulas ribbon, choose the Custom from Selection command from the Defined Names drop-down.
  • A dialogue box will appear.

Create a Conditional Drop Down List with Classified Data Table

  • Check Top row only and leave other options unmarked.
  • Press OK.
  • This creates two named ranges for two different smartphone brands with their corresponding models.

Create a Conditional Drop Down List with Classified Data Table

  • Since we have to create a dependent drop-down list in Cell C14, select it.
  • Go to Data Validation again.
  • Choose List in the Allow box.
  • In the Source box, copy the following formula:
  • Press OK.

By using the INDIRECT function here, we’ve mentioned the cell reference of C13. The function will store the smartphone models in arrays for two different brands.

Create a Conditional Drop Down List with Classified Data Table

  • Select a smartphone brand from the independent drop-down in cell C13 and then click on the dependent drop-down button in cell C14. You’ll find all the smartphone models of the selected brand.

Create a Conditional Drop Down List with Classified Data Table

  • Alter the smartphone brand and you’ll find the corresponding smartphone models only, as shown in the screenshot below.

Create a Conditional Drop Down List with Classified Data Table

 Read More: How to Use IF Statement to Create Drop-Down List in Excel

Method 2 – Make a Conditional Drop-Down List with an Unorganized Data Table

In this data table, we’ll make a dependent drop-down list in cell C17. We’ll use a helper table where we’ll store the filtered smartphone models based on the selection from the independent drop-down.

Make a Conditional Drop Down List with Unorganized Data Table


  • Select Cell C16 to make an independent drop-down list first for the brand names.
  • Under the Data tab, choose the Data Validation option from the Data Tools drop-down.
  • A dialogue box will open up.

Make a Conditional Drop Down List with Unorganized Data Table

  • In the Allow box, select List from the options.
  • In the Source box, put the range of cells (E7:E8) containing the brand names.
  • Press OK.

Make a Conditional Drop Down List with Unorganized Data Table

  • Select an option in the new drop-down. We put Samsung.

Make a Conditional Drop Down List with Unorganized Data Table

  • Select Cell F7 and copy the following formula into it:
  • Press Enter.

Make a Conditional Drop Down List with Unorganized Data Table

  • You’ll find all models of the Samsung brand here in a vertical array under the Model header in the Helper Table.

Make a Conditional Drop Down List with Unorganized Data Table

  • Select cell C17.
  • Go to the Data Validation option again.
  • Select List in the Allow box.
  • In the Source box, input:

With the use of Hash (#) here, we’re defining the spill range starting from Cell C17.

  • Press OK.

Make a Conditional Drop Down List with Unorganized Data Table

  • The dependent drop-down list shows the assigned items.

Make a Conditional Drop Down List with Unorganized Data Table

  • Alter the brand name from the Brand drop-down and you’ll find the corresponding smartphone models in the Model drop-down list.

Make a Conditional Drop Down List with Unorganized Data Table

Read More: Excel Formula Based on Drop-Down List

Method 3 – Construct Multiple Conditional Drop-Down Lists in Excel

In our data table, we’ve added a new column with the RAM header. We’ll create two conditional drop-down lists here in Cells D17 and D18, one is for RAM and another one is for the smartphone model. Once we select the available RAM first from the drop-down list based on the selected smartphone brand, the corresponding smartphone models will show up in the second dependent drop-down.

Construct Multiple Conditional Drop Down Lists in Excel


  • Select Cell C16 and open Data Validation.
  • Choose the option List in the Allow box.
  • Select the range of cells (F7:F8) containing the brand names for the Source box.
  • Press OK.

Construct Multiple Conditional Drop Down Lists in Excel

  • This creates an independent drop-down in Cell C16 for brand names.

Construct Multiple Conditional Drop Down Lists in Excel

  • Select Cell G7 and copy the following formula consisting of UNIQUE and FILTER functions:
  • Press Enter.

We’re using the UNIQUE function here to show each different RAM only once in the spill range.

Construct Multiple Conditional Drop Down Lists in Excel

  • You’ll get a vertical array in Cell G7 with the available RAMs from the data table for the devices chosen in the drop-down.

Construct Multiple Conditional Drop Down Lists in Excel

  • Select Cell C17.
  • Open Data Validation.
  • Select List from the options in the Allow box.
  • In the Source box, put:
  • Press OK.

Construct Multiple Conditional Drop Down Lists in Excel

  • The first dependent drop-down list is now complete. Once you click on the drop-down from Cell C17, you’ll find the available RAMs for the selected smartphone brand.

Construct Multiple Conditional Drop Down Lists in Excel

  • Select Cell H7 and insert the following:
  • Press Enter.

In this cell, we’re now assigning the model names for the selected brand and RAM with the FILTER function.

Construct Multiple Conditional Drop Down Lists in Excel

  • The smartphone model names that follow the selected criteria are visible with a spilled range from Cell H7.

Construct Multiple Conditional Drop Down Lists in Excel

  • Select Cell C18 to create the second drop-down list.
  • Open Data Validation.
  • Choose List in the Allow box from the options.
  • In the Source box, copy the following:
  • Press OK.

Construct Multiple Conditional Drop Down Lists in Excel

  • You’ll see the filtered smartphone model names in the drop-down list in Cell C18.

Construct Multiple Conditional Drop Down Lists in Excel

  • Alter the brand name and RAM from the first two dropdowns, and you’ll be displayed the corresponding device models in the drop-down list in Cell C18

Construct Multiple Conditional Drop Down Lists in Excel

Read More: How to Create Dependent Drop Down List with Multiple Words in Excel

Method 4 – Prepare an Expandable Drop-Down List in Excel

Let’s add five more rows to the dataset from Method 2 and move the dropdowns out of the way. The new rows aren’t included in the original formulas, so the filters and dropdowns can’t fetch data from it. Let’s make some modifications to allow the drop-down lists to work with the newly added data in the table.

Prepare an Expandable Drop Down List in Excel


  • Select Cell E7 and copy the following formula into it:
  • Press Enter.

This formula filters the values from the range of cells (B5:B19) in Column B to show each different brand name only once. It will ignore the empty cells.

Prepare an Expandable Drop Down List in Excel

  • Starting with Cell E7, the brand names are now visible in a spill range.

Prepare an Expandable Drop Down List in Excel

  • Select Cell F7 and insert the following:
  • Press Enter.

This formula defines the smartphone models based on the selected brand from the drop-down list in Cell F16.

Prepare an Expandable Drop Down List in Excel

  • The available smartphone models from the brand chosen in cell F16 will be shown in a vertical array from Cell F7.

Prepare an Expandable Drop Down List in Excel

  • Select Cell F16 now and go to Data Validation.
  • Choose List from the options in the Allow box.
  • In the Source box, input:
  • Press Enter.

Prepare an Expandable Drop Down List in Excel

  • The drop-down now uses the spill range of unique values from the E column. If you click on the Brand drop-down, you’ll find the updated brand names in the list.

Prepare an Expandable Drop Down List in Excel

  • Add some smartphone models in the table for the corresponding brand and you’ll find those newly added names of the devices in the Model drop-down list. This is how you can easily create an expandable drop-down list with the referred steps.

Prepare an Expandable Drop Down List in Excel

Sort a Conditional Drop-Down List in a Specified Order

Method 1 – Sort a Dependent Drop-Down List in Alphabetical Order in Excel

Let’s use the dataset from Method 3 in the previous section. The drop-down values are sorted based on the order they appear in the dataset and filtered in column F. Let’s sort them alphabetically (From A to Z) by modifying the formula in Cell H7.

Sort a Dependent Drop Down List with Alphabetical Order in Excel

  • In Cell H7, the modified formula combining the SORT and FILTER functions will be:

In this formula, we’re defining the order with ‘1’ in the third argument (sort_order) of the SORT function. This will sort the data in ascending order (from A to Z for alphabets). If we use ‘-1’ as the sort_order, it’ll denote the descending order for numerical data and Z to A for alphabets.

Sort a Dependent Drop Down List with Alphabetical Order in Excel

  • Press Enter, and the formula will return the sorted data from Cell H7 as shown in the picture below.
  • Click on the Model drop-down icon and you’ll find the items in the specified order. Items starting with numerical characters will always be at the beginning.

Sort a Dependent Drop Down List with Alphabetical Order in Excel

Method 2 – Sort a Conditional Drop-Down List with an Ascending or Descending Order

Let’s sort the memory storage of the RAMs now that are visible from Cell G7 with a spilled range. The RAM drop-down list also stores the order followed by that spilled range.

Sort a Conditional Drop Down List with Ascending or Descending Order

  • Insert the following formula in Cell G7 and press Enter.

Sort a Conditional Drop Down List with Ascending or Descending Order

  • The spilled range from Cell G7 will show the numerical values in ascending order. Now click on the RAM drop-down and you’ll find the items too in the specified order.

Sort a Conditional Drop Down List with Ascending or Descending Order

How to Use a Conditional Drop-Down List in Excel: A Practical Example

In the following dataset, the Price column has been added to the primary table containing two smartphone brands and corresponding model names only. We’ll select a brand and the corresponding smartphone model and then display the price of the product with a lookup function.

For example, we want to display the price of the handset ‘Xiaomi 11T’ after two selection processes from the drop-down lists.


  • Select Xiaomi from the Brand drop-down list first.
  • Choose the handset model 11T from the Model drop-down list.

An Example of How to Use Conditional Drop Down List in Excel

  • In the output Cell C18, where the price will be displayed, insert the following formula:
=XLOOKUP(C17, C5:C14, D5:D14)

An Example of How to Use Conditional Drop Down List in Excel

  • Press Enter and you’ll get the result based on the criteria chosen in the drop-down lists.

An Example of How to Use Conditional Drop Down List in Excel

  • Change the smartphone brand and the corresponding model from the drop-down lists.

An Example of How to Use Conditional Drop Down List in Excel

  • The output data in Cell C18 will be updated immediately for the newly selected device.

An Example of How to Use Conditional Drop Down List in Excel

Download Practice Workbook

You can download the Excel workbook that we’ve used to prepare this article.

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Nehad Ulfat
Nehad Ulfat

NEHAD ULFAT is an excellent marine engineer who loves working with Excel and diving into VBA programming. For him, programming is like a tool that saves time when dealing with data, files, and the internet. His skills go beyond the basics, including ABACUS, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros, Maxsurf, and Hydromax. He got his B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET but switched gears, working as a content developer.  In this role, he creates techy content all about Excel... Read Full Bio

  1. This is great and has solved my problems using dependent dropdown lists but can conditional drop down lists work for multiple rows?

    • Hello Kris! I am assuming that you are trying to do something as follows.
      Conditional dropdown lists for multiple rows
      You can apply the following steps to be able to do that.
      First, enter the following formula in cell E6.
      Then, apply the following formula in cell E7.
      Next, drag the fill handle icon to the right.
      After that, enter =$E$6# as the source for data validation in cell E14.
      Then, drag the fill handle icon below.
      Next, enter the following formula as the source for data validation in cell F14.
      =INDIRECT(ADDRESS(7, COLUMN(D1) + MATCH(E14, $E$6#, 0), 4) & "#")
      Now copy the cell. Then select multiple cells below it. Next, paste it there as validation using paste special.

  2. Thanks, that was very useful. However I need to create a conditional drop down from a classified data list but where the list is on another Excel worksheet (in the same workbook). Is that possible? I can’t get it to work following the method above.

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