How to Calculate the Percentage of Time in Excel – 4 Examples


Basic Formula for Percentage Calculation


Excel automatically multiplies the result of the ‘=Part/Total’ portion with 100 when you apply the percent (%) Number format.

The dataset below  showcases a percentage of working hours.


Basic Formula for Percentage Calculation

Example 1 – Calculating the Percentage of Time Using a Simple Formula

This a sample dataset.

Calculate Percentage of Time Using Simple Formula


  • Enter the following formula in C8 and press Enter.

Calculate Percentage of Time Using Simple Formula

  •  25% of your vacation is spent at home.

Calculate Percentage of Time Using Simple Formula

  • Use the below formula to get the percentage of vacation days spent in New York.

Read More: How to Calculate Total Hours in Excel

Example 2 –  Using the Excel DATEDIF Function to Calculate the Percentage of Time in a given period

Use the DATEDIF function and the TODAY function to calculate how much time has elapsed between a date range and the current date. Use the IFERROR function to avoid errors.


  • Enter the formula in F5.

Excel DATEDIF Function to Calculate Percentage of Time Completed

  • Press Enter to see the result.
  • Use the Fill Handle (+) to copy the formula to the rest of the cells.

Excel DATEDIF Function to Calculate Percentage of Time Completed

  • The percentages of time completed will be displayed. In Task 3, the formula returns blank, as the task has not started.

 Formula Breakdown


returns the current date {44623}.

➤ DATEDIF(C5,TODAY(),”d”))

returns {92}.

➤ IFERROR((DATEDIF(C5,TODAY(),”d”))/E5,””)

returns {.239583333333333}; which is multiplied by 100 due to Number formatting and converted to 24%.

Read More: How to Calculate Lag Time in Excel

Example 3 – Applying the YEARFRAC Function to Find the Percentage of a date range in a Year in Excel

Use the YEARFRAC function.


  • Enter the formula in D5 and press Enter.

Apply YEARFRAC Function to Find Percentage of Year in Excel

  • This is the output.
  • Copy the formula to the rest of the cells using the Fill Handle.

Read More: How to Calculate Lead Time in Excel

Example 4 –  Combining the  YEARFRAC, DATE, and YEAR Functions to Get the Percentage of  time in a Year 

Use a combination of the YEARFRAC, DATE, and YEAR functions.


  • Enter the formula in C5. Press Enter.

Combine YEARFRAC, DATE, YEAR Functions to Get Percentage of Year Complete

  • This is the output.
  • Use the Fill Handle to copy the formula to the rest of the cells.

Combine YEARFRAC, DATE, YEAR Functions to Get Percentage of Year Complete

  • To see the percentage of remaining time, subtract the above formula from 1.

Combine YEARFRAC, DATE, YEAR Functions to Get Percentage of Year Complete

  • Press Enter and use the Fill Handle to see the percentage of days in a year.

 Formula Breakdown

➤ YEAR(B5)

converts the date in B5 to 44576 and returns the year {2022}.

➤ DATE(YEAR(B5),1,1)

returns {44562}.


returns {4%}.

Read More: How to Calculate Median Follow-up Time in Excel

Things to Remember

To format the output column: Home > Number group. Click ‘%’.

Things to Remember

Use Ctrl + Shift + % to change the number format.

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Hosne Ara
Hosne Ara

Hosne Ara is a materials and metallurgical engineer who loves exploring Excel and VBA programming. To her, programming is like a time-saving superhero for dealing with data, files, and the internet. She's skilled in Rhino3D, Maxsurf C++, MS Office, AutoCAD, and Excel & VBA, going beyond the basics. With a B. Sc. in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, she's shifted gears and now works as a content developer. In this role, she... Read Full Bio

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