Excel Functions

SUMIF with INDEX and MATCH Functions in Excel

In Microsoft Excel, the SUMIF with INDEX-MATCH functions is widely used to extract the sum based on multiple criteria from different columns & ...

How to Find Lowest Value with Criteria in Excel (7 Effective Ways)

Finding the lowest value may be an essential task in some cases. We can easily do those tasks with the help of Microsoft Excel. Have you tried this ...

How to Compare Rows for Duplicates in Excel (3 Easy Methods)

Sometimes, while working in Excel, users need to find or highlight duplicates along the rows or columns in a data set based on duplicate values. ...

How to Find Maximum Value in Excel with Condition (8 Examples)

In various calculations, we may need to calculate maximum values from any given dataset. Excel provides its built-in function which is the MAX ...

Find Duplicates in Two Columns in Excel (6 Suitable Approaches)

Microsoft Excel has provided numerous methods to find duplicates in two or more columns. In this article, you'll learn all simple & useful tricks ...

How to Find Second Largest Value with Criteria In Excel

In this tutorial, I am going to show you 4 quick tricks to find the second largest value with criteria in Excel. You can use these methods even in ...

How to Increment Month by 1 in Excel (8 Handy Ways)

In some cases, we have to find the date after incrementing 1 month. Do you know the easiest ways and functions to do that? In this article, I’ll ...

Find Max Value and Corresponding Cell in Excel (5 Quick Methods)

Finding the maximum value and its corresponding cell involves identifying the highest value(s) within a dataset and determining the location of that ...

How to Compare Text Between Two Cells in Excel (10 Methods)

When we compare just two cells manually, it is not difficult. But it's never easy to compare hundreds and thousands of text strings. Fortunately, MS ...

INDEX, MATCH and MAX with Multiple Criteria in Excel

Combining INDEX, MATCH, and MAX functions is one of the most comprehensive formulas which will let you extract maximum or largest values under ...

How to Find Minimum Value in Excel (6 Easy Ways)

For different circumstances, you may need to find the minimum value in Excel, you can do that easily. Today we are going to show you how to find the ...

INDEX-MATCH Formula to Find Minimum Value in Excel (4 Ways)

INDEX and MATCH functions are two of the most common functions in Excel chores to search for as well as store different data from a large array. In ...

How to use SUMPRODUCT Function with Multiple Columns in Excel (4 Suitable Approaches)

SUMPRODUCT is one of the most powerful array functions in Microsoft Excel that can pull out data from an array based on the criteria along multiple ...

How to Calculate YTD (Year to Date) in Excel [9 Simple Ways]

The sample workbook will provide a few different scenarios for when you need to calculate YTD in Excel, such as YTD price, profit, or growth rate. ...

How to Apply SUMIF with Multiple Ranges in Excel

The SUMIF function is widely used in Excel for calculating the sum value of a single range based on a given criterion. But it is also possible to ...

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